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  1. Convince me TO or TO NOT grab a 5 string kit bass to help me while away the lock down hours and my reduced working week to end up with a pointless bass with no resale value. Go on, convince me!

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    2. prowla


      You definitely need to get that 5-string kit.

      You can then chuck more money at it by buying up-market hardware to fit to it: Babicz bridge, Aguilar pickups, John East preamp, Schaller machines.

      And a custom paint job, maybe from a local car spray shop.

      Plus you'll need a decent set of strings, maybe Neons or something.

    3. Rich


      I definitely think you should** get one.


      ** or should not

    4. Ashweb


      If you want to be the best player you can be, then just keep practising on commercially available hardware for the requisite 10,000 hours; if however you want a better understanding of how these things work, then what better way of doing this than by building one?  As mentioned above, you could upgrade the hardware before or even after and personalise it - could be the start of a whole new career as a Luthier...  😎

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