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About Sardonicus

  • Birthday 29/08/1968

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    East London

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  1. What would be a good preamp/modeller/driver/DI to go straight into a PA?  Before everyone starts naming bespoke, top of the range items, please bear in mind that the budget is low.  When I say low, I mean that I was looking at a Behringer BDI21, low.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. redbandit599


      Secondhand Hartke VXL Bass Attack mk1 is very decent too - used to be cheap but prices seem to be climbing a bit.


    3. Bassfinger


      I use a Behringer BDI21.  Im not particularly a fan of Behringer, but ceratingly can't fault the way it performs - id have happily paid 3 times as much for the sound, features, and XLR DI output. The case is plastic rather than metal, but its very sturdy so short of deliberate violence it isn't going to break.  There's better stuff out there, but none of it is 3 or 4 times better despite costing 3 or 4 times more. Can't really fault it.

    4. Richard R

      Richard R

      We have a BD121 as the default amp modeller and active DI at church. We had a particular issue  in that our amp with a DI output had become microphonic so that had to go, and putting a passive bass into our on state passive DI boxes was very feeble. The Berry fits the bill, is sturdy (and cheap) enough to live on stage and be used by anyone who rocks up, and the tone variations are genuinely good and sit in a live mix. It sometimes has a slight hiss, so the input on the mixing desk is gated to ignore this, but other than that it just works.

      The only person who doesn't use it, ironically, is the sound engineer who purchased it - me! I have an active bass with a high output, and after some experimentation the sound guys said they preferred the sound of mine without any amp modelling, so I just DI through the EMO passive boxes and trust they aren't simply hitting the mute button.

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