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  1. [quote name='xverminate' post='420436' date='Feb 26 2009, 09:46 PM']Hi Lad's / Ladet's

    Many thanks for the number of trade offers that came flooding in, including several cash offers in excess of £350.

    I have decided to hold onto this bass for the time being, Having played a gig last week then hearing a number of comments on how this bass sounded was amazing!

    Everyone has advised me to hold onto it so that is what i will be doing.

    Kind Regards


    Didn't you get this only a few weeks ago? Why are you /were you letting it go? ;)

  2. I used my new setup for my first get together with drummer &new guitarist on tuesday.
    I use Aguilar AG500 plus DB112 (NO TWEETER) The bass I was using was my Steiney xm2 custom version
    with split pick ups(not 2x humbuckers).

    It sounded very growly . No effects or anything. I did't realise it till next day but,
    all knobs were dead centre with gain turned 3 quarters up. Master was only turned up a little bit.

    I played a gig about 2 or 3 years ago in front of a deaf dog,( Fred)and he did growl ....

  3. [quote name='Kev' post='415727' date='Feb 20 2009, 07:51 PM']the whole bass looks cheap, and chances are they are gunna translate to £400 over here, £300 of which your paying for flea's signature. It will sell very well no doubt, but it will not be a £400 bass[/quote]

    Yeah,that sounds about right ;)

  4. Don't mind the green body. I notice that the body isn't made of basswood so should sound pretty decent.
    (I could be wrong about basswoodBTW as this seems to be on cheaper basses-correct me if I'm wrong :P )
    I don't like the look of the neck or hardware tho' which imho does look cheap. ;)

  5. ;) Just saw the yellow cabbie bass 4sale on the bay.
    'BUY IT NOW £250.00' then of course the postage. I bid £175.00
    It has been sold. Oh, well.... :)

    Still, I'm sure another will come along. Trouble is ,I think I've got my priorities right:
    I have enough basses at the moment anyhow. :P
  6. They haven't done anything for 3+ years,altho' they're supposed to be releasing
    a new album in the autumn. They don't get much press coverage over here.
    Saw them at London Brixton Academy last time. The smell of parrafin,and heat were memorable.(I was in the balcony)
    Plus of course......THE FIRE!! :P When they do come here again it will be sold out in minutes. ;)

    Hope the band goes well

  7. [quote name='mrhectic' post='408158' date='Feb 12 2009, 11:56 PM']cool! i bought my db112's from bass merchant too! really really helpful, and nice people!
    what colour did you go for??? :P

    when i bought mine, i considered covers too! in the end, i felt it was quite dear for some covers.

    sorry, no help at all, but just thought i'd comment lol[/quote]

    Oh, you have the same colour as me ;)

  8. [quote name='mrhectic' post='408158' date='Feb 12 2009, 11:56 PM']cool! i bought my db112's from bass merchant too! really really helpful, and nice people!
    what colour did you go for??? ;)

    when i bought mine, i considered covers too! in the end, i felt it was quite dear for some covers.

    sorry, no help at all, but just thought i'd comment lol[/quote]

    Howdy! Mine is 'Boss Tweed' And what colour is yours :P ....

  9. [quote name='WalMan' post='405701' date='Feb 10 2009, 08:00 PM']I have Roqsolid covers for my MB combo & Epifani cab, but not really what you seem to be looking for.

    That said look [url="http://www.roqsolid.co.uk/page.html?id=7&zenid=dp3aptvo8hv3fboi0qf84cpvt3"]HERE[/url] for your Aggi cover, which together with one of [url="http://www.discountdisplays.co.uk/html/folding_trolley.html"]THESE[/url] might sort of match what you are after.[/quote]

    Thanks for that. ;)

  10. A few things I have to mention : There are always songs that you'll like from each form of music.For example
    I hate 90% rap/soul/disco but there are still songs I like from each. Same with country/western.

    I had tkts to see Johnny Cash back in the late '80s.-It was cancelled due to ''ill health''.

    He then recovers and only died a few years ago. In those days I was a typical headbanger :)

    I also remember walking past my usual tkt agency(I used to go to lots of gigs in those days)
    The board said ''Garth Brookes ,only a few remaining etc. Hackney empire''
    I never heard of him and thought that Garth Crooks was doing something about football
    and wondered what all the fuss was about ;)

    I did see a live show on tv of his and it was ok.

    Iused to love the stuff on radio one in the mornings: I minute you've got 'Black night'
    by Deep Purple. The next it's 9 stone cowboy by Glenn Campbell

    I bought 'let your love flow' and thought it was great. Then I went Metal.. :P

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