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  1. You have a good budget there. You seem to have a fairly good idea already.
    Things to think about: Scale length...shorter scale may be better if you play guitar already.
    4or 5 string.....you did play guitar so you may miss a string or two.

    You'll get lots of advice here,and you may even purchase a good'un from someone on this forum.

  2. Awesome bass! I detest garlic tho'. I think cats piss smells better! (Yes really)
    If it came with a case,get rid of the case.
    I could imagine you'll have to get high quality cleaner for the bass tho'.
    Let me know what polish(not poleish :) ) you go for if you do

  3. I bought a hohner professional off a good friend of mine back around '89-90.
    Anyway that was passive,felt great. The only problem I had was that altho'
    the pickups were EMG SELECT they sounded a bit wooly and not as bright as I'd like.

    I've seen someone use the one with the active/passive switch and that sounds better. With the
    active setting,its LOUD!!

    I sold mine about 3 years ago as I got a full body Steiney which is the real mccoy.

    One other thing to mention...when I was going to band rehesrsal in some house in Fulham
    I was told tobe careful as the area 's a bit rough and that could easily be mistaken for a gun. :)

  4. [quote name='MB1' post='465060' date='Apr 17 2009, 02:35 PM']MB1. :)
    British and Earlier the better!.... Pre Gibson!....and Yes they are all quite heavy!...built to last! :rolleyes:[/quote]

    I had a GP 350 WATT COMBO. Unfortunately for me ,it was too awkward for my flat.
    It didn't seem to like my Telecaster much either.And it was heavier than my sister in law.

    I love the look tho' especially with LEDS .
    Horses for courses ,I suppose. I thought that my Eden Nemesis,and Aguilar sounded much more clear and defined.

  5. Welcome 12 string. Must mess around with my 8 string now after seeing you.
    It sounds a cross between Greek wedding music and Lemmy. :)
    Will look at your website later. Do you play whole gig with the 12?

  6. [quote name='marley' post='466257' date='Apr 18 2009, 05:23 PM']Well this is going to be the bass that im going to use forever(I hope!) so £2500, maybe a wee bit more if my parents love me enough! lol[/quote]

    If that's the case and you're never gonna sell it, get one custom made

  7. Haven't read all posts (yet!). Me? In my 40's,was there for NWOBHM from the start.
    Skipped last 2 years of school listening 2 my older bros collection of Sabbath,Hawkwind ,Budgie,Zep etc.
    Been to 100's of gigs,and adored the thrash phase. Going to gigs was free and easy.

    Now, haven't seen anything steamroller along like Metallica(who basically did it on their own terms).
    Too many bands seem inconsistent now,and rarely do I buy albums consistently by the same artists like I used to.

    Everything seems more manufactured than ever before,with shows such as Pop Idol,Britain's got no talent etc.

    I seem to be going to less and less gigs these days. Ater seeing Metallica for the upteemth times at the 2 x02 gigs lateley
    my next gigs should be jean michel jarre , Chickenfoot and then Rammstein.

    Getting TKTS for anything these days pisses me off!! How a working man( who 's company won't
    give internet access to certain sites) is supposed to get tkts is a mystery.

    I have to give my friends(graphic designers/art directors) my credit card details/passwords etc.
    Or I don't go.
    I listen to planet rock,and LBC (can't stand self centered a**holes on mainstrem stations)
    I get majority ofstuff from friends who download it etc. I paid a premium years ago
    and have no regrds for record companies anymore.

    Other than that,the music scene is great today :)

  8. I used to be a finger man all of the time.I wasn't in bands for long periods really
    altho' I've been in quite a few.
    When this present band materialised,I was albeit a little rusty and casual.
    However,despite being a bit of a knob the original guitarist made me raise my game
    and now I use a pick MOST of the time !
    I now believe that people should learn both,so that whatever style of music you play
    you'll be able to do the job .

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