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  1. How much gear is too much? 


    Asking for a friend.....

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    2. Lozz196


      I think it`s once you`ve acquired the next bass after your next bass purchase.


    3. Rich


      Well, as we already know, the optimum number of basses to own can be expressed as x=n+1, where x is the optimum and n is the number of basses you already own.

    4. ricksterphil


      Well it's like this.....you buy a few basses but there's always a 'go to' bass. You then look at the others collecting dust and think...I ought to move one or two (or twelve) of them on. Then you think, I'll just give one a tickle up and play it for a bit before selling and then you suddenly find yourself with a different 'go to' bass so you don't sell / trade it. Your previous 'go to' then ends up in the dusty pile and so it continues.


      When the tax man, the partner or the MoT failure hoves into view you sell a bass.....and in a few months/years you buy another similar one


      ......and years later there's the obligatory howling at the moon....'why the fork did I sell that pre-CBS, lawsuit era, Fenderbacker anyway......arghh!!



      We're doomed I tell ye....doomed!

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