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Everything posted by Killed_by_Death

  1. I had a chat with an owner & they are in fact Big Singles, so NOT humbuckers, although they will buck the hum when the two are at equal output levels.
  2. At the end of the day, I can't force any of you to do my bidding, I'm just informing you of the truth. Some will choose to learn, others will choose to be willfully ignorant. All I can do is hope that this had gotten through to some & if it has then I didn't waste all my time. To the others, all I can do is mock you with haughty derision: It's not a conspiracy theory, it's Marketing snake-oil. The same applies to those gigantic Capacitors rated for hundreds of Volts. They're unnecessary, as our instrument have less than ONE Volt. It seems clear to me that now you're just being contradictory for the sake of it, because you've chosen to ignore all the facts I've presented from pros who work on wooden instruments for a living, & they know the truth. Don't accredit your oiling to that, as mentioned, read the links & quotes I provided & you might get it. It happens EVERY year in Spring & Summer, Winter climate is what causes the fret-sprout. add: I'm just imagining you doing this after your political comment
  3. That's from an increase in Humidity, not because of the oil. As the weather gets warmer the humidity also rises.
  4. I've come & now I'm about to leave. Sold most of my gear last week, just bits & bobs left now. Selling a Hercules stand, a capo, & a BigShot AB-Y in 22 minutes. Selling stuff, even dirt cheap, in my area is murder. I had more luck posting on my own FB profile to let friends have at it. Maybe I'll be back for a u-bass question, because this is my rig now: The amp is more for kara-okay night, but this is ALL my gear at-the-moment, & should stay this way.
  5. I got trolled quite well yesterday, marinade for 'fretboard conditioner', a reach so far for 'contradiction'. I can laugh about it now, LOL! 1 more for the archives: How oiling your fretboard can adversely affect the instrument "I just re glued the inlays on a Les Paul Standard that had an owner who oiled the fretboard often. The oil had soaked into the inlay routs and loosened the adhesive." There are probably more in that thread, a vain user wants to buff the fretboard to make it pretty.
  6. Taylor is one Hell of a tailor of great bass-arrangements. Try "Come Undone", I love that one! They still have 'it', they were just on the Billboard Music awards here & did a long medley of their hits, JT was rocking a black version of this DingWall:
  7. I reviewed the entire thread to see if I was 'putting people down'. TBH I don't see it, except in the case of Maude for needling me on purpose, HellZero (payback) & whoever is using vinegar & citrus juice & thinks it's wise. Not sure how I missed your post the first time, but I should have focused on this instead of all the contrarians. Yes, the industry (the sellers) have convinced everyone they NEED lemon oil. Thank You, but 'literally' is the new one that replaced it, LOL! in a figurative sense Maybe it's not a thing in the U.K, but here in North America people are peppering their conversations with literally, even when it's clearly figurative.
  8. I think you have the incorrect thread, this one is about not using oil, not asking which you use. This is how it went every time elsewhere, LOL! and as for posting videos of people oiling & promoting it, how many times must I write on here that the industry is promoting this to sell product? Everyone? HellZero & I have a history where they've chosen to claim I have a reading comprehension problem. I can provide direct links. One person posts a crazy concoction that NO one should be using & it gets liked. It makes me lose faith in my fellow humans.
  9. I apologize in advance, but I can't stop picking apart this vinegar & lemon juice thing. You're marinating your fretboard. I made a lot of jerky over the Winter & what helps tenderize the meat is soaking it overnight in a marinade that is 1/3 apple cider vinegar, & 1/3 lemon juice. The acidic nature of those two breaks down the meat & makes a big difference in the tenderness. If I want it more tangy I'll use lime juice & balsamic vinegar.
  10. for anyone still following along, just look at those frets in the OP image, that's what's happened to every fretboard out there that's being oiled, it's seeping in around the frets
  11. It's facts, water & oil don't mix, so oiling a fretboard doesn't moisturize it. Vehement comes from being contradicted by all & sundry while they're at the same time proposing a concoction no one should be using, LMAO! On talkbASS it would turn into the 'this is what I use' threads.
  12. inhibits, means it just slows it a little IF you leave the instrument in a dry environment i will lose moisture, regardless if it's oiled or not. I don't care if it's pretty, so I don't oil. I wipe it down with a clean, damp cloth when changing strings & I'll never have to worry about the issues Terry brings up in his thread that I linked to on the previous page. Well, in that case I did call 'bull' right out of the gate, but did apologize later-on. I respond accordingly sometimes, like today. Calling me out for contradicting myself in a very trivial sense did not spark a good kind of enthusiasm.
  13. Another "if you don't believe ME" example oiling fretboards, good and BAD " When a fretboard is oiled, it is not possible to prevent that oil from seeping-under the fret. Especially when using a non-drying oil, this can result in an accumulation of oil under the fret which causes true harm to the guitar. Here's how: - Can soften the wood in the vital fret slot region (non-microbial "rot") - Can provide a microbial environment (oil/substance-dependent), encouraging microbial activity that will actually digest the wood under the fret (microbial "rot") - Can lessen the fret's "grip" on the wood....frets can pop-up causing buzzing/dead spots - Can complicate refretting; the wood is infiltrated with oil and fret replacement is compromised/more difficult " There are many examples on that forum from pros & their complains about clients over-oiling. Just don't do it, and there won't be issues.
  14. IF they come out easily, they don't want to stay in, so refretting is not fun. I've read enough complaints from pros about overly-oiled boards & that is the issue. Let's not ignore the most relevant part, which is the crux of the biscuit: "does not prevent moisture migration" You conveniently ignore the most important part, like all the other blinded oilers. Weren't you on about how important Density is to timbre? 😀
  15. I did not contradict myself! Would you enjoy refretting an overly oily board? More excerpt from the above link: "It may look pretty, but won't do much else except wick into the fret slots and risk causing the frets to lift."
  16. If you won't take my words for it, here's the words of a person who works on stringed-instruments for a living. <>---it's a hyperlink "Oil inhibits, but does not prevent moisture migration. Oil does not feed the wood, nor does it do much good in replacing lost natural oils in the wood. And oil does nothing to help wood that has shrunken/warped because of moisture loss. These are not just my opinions - I have studied wood for more than 50 years and that is the collected wisdom of world experts over the last 200 or more years, experts whose works I have studied in depth"
  17. You've written twice that I can't read, but in this thread you seem to be the one who can't comprehend. Take the advice, don't take it, but stop arguing when the facts are apparent.
  18. Soaking for 24 hours is extra hilarious, let it get down into the glue so your fretboard will come off.
  19. Why are you adding two acids to the mix? The 'lemon' in lemon oil is just a scent, it's not real citrus juice. Why olive oil?, it would go rancid, while mineral oil would not.
  20. I'm accustomed to folks caring too much about how it looks. The important part is how it sounds & plays & if you didn't care so much about looks you could forego lubricating the fretboard. I'm also accustomed to people being very very stubborn about this, because the industry has drilled it into everyone that fretboards require oil. That person in the OP ruined his, thanks to all that bull.
  21. I can't take anyone seriously who adds two ACIDs to their 'fretboard conditioner', & it boggles my mind that it gets likes. 😲
  22. All it does it make it pretty. What you're doing will have the luthier hurling expletives when they're putting in new frets. It your instrument, but using vinegar & citrus juice is damaging. Letting it soak, even worse. However, it's yours to destroy as you see fit. Have a nice weekend, what's left of it.



    1. DiMarco


      People miss you over at TB it seems KbD. Just noticed a thread there.
      What happened, Did the mighty banhammer smite thine head?

    2. Killed_by_Death



      I covered it a few times here in the Woke thread, I mocked someone who used 'aks' in a professional telephone conversation & the mod who just responded on that thread banned me, citing me as insensitive & obnoxious.

      I only respond accordingly & the virtue-signaling do-gooders had triggered me!


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