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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1387724701' post='2314899']
    Well we played last nights gig & boy did i get a supprise :)
    We did a decent sound check for once,the guitars were massively quieter than usual & i was even asked if they were too loud !
    I just ran my rig with gain & master volume at 12 o'clock ,neither guitar got turned up at all,infact i actually asked the rhythm guitar to be turned up a little.
    The gig was awesome,the punters loved us & we sounded great,i couldn't stop grinning all night it was brilliant.
    The guys have promised me this is how it will be from now on - Result.
    [/quote]Now that's extremely good news, both for you and your audience. How did this change come about; did you have a stern word with them or did they perhaps stumble over this thread?

  2. [quote name='action_panzer' timestamp='1387383040' post='2311353']
    the status neck sounds like a really interesting idea, but dont they alter the sound significantly?
    [/quote]Opinions vary on this, some say graphite neck makes a bass sound clinical, others say not. I don't have one so can't say if it changes the tone or not. However, Status make their vintage range and it would seem strange if these were clinical sounding; I have played a Status headless though (S2?) and didn't think it sounded particularly different from a normal, active J type. Of course if the graphite did add any highs you weren't fond of these could be handled with judicious EQ.

    The Sterling is another route and again any apparent aggressive nasties could be dealt with by EQ again, or by changing the electronics. A good friend of mine used a Sterling with a Seymour Duncan in it - sounded great.

  3. First up, congrats on the video, the added split screen visuals were more entertaining than just watching someone play for 10 minutes or so; loving the headphone monkey! The basses I liked the best were, quite possibly, the cheapest - the Jaguar and the Stagg copy, although the Fender P was very nice too.

    For future 'shoot-outs' it'd be interesting, if possible of course, to hear some boutique exotica head to head, with a couple of mainstream basses thrown in for balance; what do you really get, aurally at least, for all that extra money?

    Great work Johan.

  4. Welcome, Grangur has a point there, but to spread the BC community vibe.......the Blazer was a P bass clone if IIRC so you'll probably find that the neck is more chunky in a P bass style. If you like the dimensions of a J bass more then you need to get something with that vibe. There is no laziness about it, a bass feels comfortable to you or it doesn't, you're the one who has to play it after all. This variance in neck widths, and preferences one way of the other, has led to Fender (and others) making many 'mix 'n match' instruments to cover most preferences. Good luck in your hunt for the perfect bass for you.

  5. Wow that's looks like an absolute beast (in a good way BTW) good work. Colours? Well I'm a fan of white and tort, super classic combo, but it already looks pretty tasty in natural to be fair. However, if you stated out wanting a fiesta red one, stick to this because it'll always be in the back of your mind going, "I was meant to be red."

  6. [quote name='BassManGraham' timestamp='1387373357' post='2311193']
    Very Nice Bass Mr Ez. If only I needed another one! Bumpty Bump
    When did need ever come into the equation Graham?

    [quote name='MikanHannille' timestamp='1387374157' post='2311210']
    Not to hack your thread or anything... but that's a rather nice hardcase. What make is it?

    Good bass btw. :lol:
    [/quote]I'm not sure, but it sure is sturdy, with a well finished interior and robust hardware; it's made in Canada.

  7. I'm not adverse to 'club' threads, in fact I joined a few on TB before I discovered BC and even started one! To be fair we already have a club type thing with the various 'show your (insert bass type)' in the gear porn section, it's no different except that there are no membership numbers and, therefore, no admin which must be a bit of pain really. If we have them then I'll no doubt join one or two, but if we don't I won't lose any sleep feeling that BC is lacking in any way.

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