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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1389523618' post='2334967']
    According to the cover notes Assassin was a year before No Parlez and Pino was on it largely because Numan had had some sort of disagreement with Mick Karn - you can conjecture on whether No Parlez would have happened without.
    Interesting. I've only just recently listened to Assassin and Pino sounds more like Mick Karn than what I consider classic fretless Pino, the above offers an explanation.

  2. I like some and others not so much, but I'm the same with 'standard' double cuts. I really like those Bolins and the LP is always sexy, the G&L ASAT not so much. I've never played a singlecut though and I'd be interested in trying one just to experience it.

  3. [quote name='tobiewharton' timestamp='1389453310' post='2334329']

    They're just so expensive. Do they justify more than three times the price of the Genz Benz?
    [/quote]I haven't tried Genz stuff so I can't comment on the comparison, but I haven't found PJB stuff overly expensive when compared to Mark Bass for instance which I used to use.

  4. I'm currently flying the Phil Jones flag, those 5" drivers are amazing, even low B, and the Super Flightcase would suit your spec nicely, great personal monitoring on this model too. http://www.philjonespuresound.com/products/?id=11

  5. If you want all those bells and whistles then Liam's suggestion of a Pod is good, but if it's a belt and braces for gigs you're after you probably don't need all those bells and whistles. Any really good active DI box worth its salt will probably need to use its own dedicated power supply, although there are plenty that just run off a standard 9v (MXR, Sansamp, Sadowsky).

  6. [quote name='MikanHannille' timestamp='1389282617' post='2332335']

    Pink, anyone? :lol:
    [/quote]WOW! That works for me; looks great contrasted against the Warwick.

  7. I don't mind them if the ageing has been done well and is not over the top. I have a '63 P Bass that has really seen some action during its life and wears its battle scars with aplomb. But I've also owned a Fender Roadworn P which I really liked too despite it being faux. I also like new, shiny basses. There are those who like it and those who don't, the classic Marmite analogy, but ultimately for me if a bass plays well, sounds good and the ageing doesn't look like a dog's dinner, I'm OK with it.

  8. [quote name='Mattanorak' timestamp='1388748964' post='2325487']
    Hi everyone

    I've joined today... Picked up my first bass only 2 years ago at the ripe age of 44 and have been totally bitten by the bug.. Hence a growing collection of basses that are spurring me on to learn to play better!
    [/quote]Welcome on in. There's one thing we all like here on BC and that's pictures, if you have a growing collection let's see 'em :)

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