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Posts posted by The59Sound

  1. 4 hours ago, Paul S said:

    I don't know why you have latched on to the chart thing - no-one mentioned charts other than you.  I haven't listened to the top 40 for decades - you make some appalling assumptions. Just accept we all like different things and leave it there.

    Again - why are you taking offence to my comments that are not even directed at you? At lot of people on here judge success by album sales. Sure, that's one way of looking at it but to assume rock is dead because no one sells albums anymore well... that's just dead wrong. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Paul S said:

    The bottom line here is that this is music and, like any art form, it is entirely subjective.  OP and some folks like them, that is great.  Myself and other 'muppets' don't - that's also great.  There is room for everything, folks!

    The muppet thing wasn't directed at people who don't like GVF - as my post states, it is directed at the crowd who say 'rock is dead'. It really isn't - you just aren't looking hard enough to find it, i.e. stop listening to the top 40, expecting to hear great new bands!

  3. I feel that is rock is truly alive and well. Times have changed - rock isn't a mainstream thing that gets top 40 hits. That hasn't happened for a long time now. Plenty of original rock bands still out there, just don't expect to see them in the charts... it's why all these muppets keep mouthing off that rock is dead. It was dead in the 80s, 90s and 00s as well according to them.

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  4. Billy's mistake was he tried to make an electronic album after Melancholy, arguably their heaviest album - d'oh!

    Alex's mistake is that he's gone so far up his bottom, he now thinks he's in the 50s... Crying Lightning seems a long time ago. 

  5. 13 hours ago, Hellzero said:

    Yes, and I do prefer the standard one without the coaxial speaker as it suits more my taste. They can handle a lot of power and respond fast with a very good low end (don't expect them to go as low as an 18" 😉 ). The weight is what is announced. Some prefer front ported bass reflex, but with a rear ported one, it's easier to place.

    I prefer non tweeter cabinets... no idea what front ported and rear ported means! 

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