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Posts posted by The59Sound

  1. As the title says really - what are my options? I'm after a small, lightweight combo, preferably a 1x12 or 2x10 for gigs which will most likely have monitors already so the combo would just be used to monitor my on stage sound.

    Mark Bass has plenty of options, GK has 200w combos but not sure if that will be loud enough? Not after a super clean Genz sound! 

  2. 19 hours ago, discreet said:

    It might be pretty good, then. Back in the day when people read reviews in Time Out before going anywhere in London, you could be sure of a good time if you exclusively went to things that the Time Out journos didn't like... but generally if the public like something, then I won't. Viz: Strictly, BGT, EastEnders, any currently-successful pop act, pizza, burgers, painted-on eyebrows, the Ford Mondeo, artificially-enhanced buttocks, and on and on.

    Actually, the Mondeo is a good car. But you get my drift.

    I'm so cool, I don't like anything you like!

  3. 3 hours ago, Jus Lukin said:

    Or just send the parallel out to a DI, and the effected signal to a powered monitor, if you're allowed (which you probably won't be!). There are a million ways to patch things, but the point remains that using just a DI, coloured or otherwise, is different to using an amp in many ways, with different compromises.

    And very well they do it too, might I say! Both uses there make sense, but while I'm sure it works under the right circumstances, there is a notion of 'getting my sound in the front of house' which can go with the use of coloured pres. While it does do that in cooperation with the tech, what one can't do is tweak away to get the sound one wants onstage without altering what happens front of house, the room and the different positions in it being a huge factor in the difference in requirements.

    I know you guys know this, it's just for the benefit of The59Sound, as he's asking in very broad terms!

    @The59Sound, what sort of stages are you playing, as your options will be very different if you're playing the Albert Hall, compared to 4th band of ten at a pub beer festival.

    Ha, most likely the beer festivals. 

  4. Does anyone gig without an amp and use just a DI pedal with house monitors or IEMs?

    I'm considering going this route has a lot of venues I play already have their own PA with monitors on stage. 

    Has anyone encountered any problems going this route? 

  5. What gauge were the Chromes? If they were .105 or above, that's a hell of a tension change from TIs. 

    EDIT: You state in your first post you gave the truss rod more tension? Wouldn't you give more relief since the Chromes are putting more tension on the neck? 

  6. On 27/10/2018 at 15:51, cannongeorge said:

    I used a pitchblack mini for a while for this reason - however, my guitarist friend and I found that they had a high pitched whining sound when turned on, didn't make us popular with sound guys. I ended up biting the bullet and getting a TU-3 after the screen on the pitchblack mini cracked.

    No problems with the normal size Pitchblack I use - bad batch? 

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