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Posts posted by The59Sound

  1. 1 hour ago, skankdelvar said:

    Anything that drives interest in making music is fine by me. But while I welcome more guitarists per the linked article I'd prefer to see an upsurge in drummers - that's where the real shortage is.

    Funnily enough, one of the best drummers I ever auditioned was a woman. Even had a 'Bonham rune' tattoo on her arm. Absolutely stunning player. After she'd left the room we had a chat about her. I was all for hiring her on the spot but the other two were dead against it, claiming it would 'unbalance' our image. Utterly specious bollocks of course; they were just intimidated by her, which I found a bit odd, them being peppy little twenty-something millennial snowflakes and me being then in my mid-50's.

    Unbalanced image? Two kids playing with their Dad! 😂

  2. 9 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

    Get a gig booked so you have a target. Otherwise it is easy to put off.

    I personally wouldn't be in them any more, as I would have got bored, but if you can't gig after this time you never will be ready, so get it booked.

    That's what I've been trying to do for the last couple months but then both of them turn around and feel pressured into playing a gig to appease me! Not my words!

  3. 2 minutes ago, Stylon Pilson said:

    At the next rehearsal, tell them that you want to start gigging. If your guitarist thinks you're not ready to gig, then ask him what he thinks you need to do to get to that stage. Either his answer will be something solid that you can work on, which is great, or something handwavy, in which case you walk.

    What's the background for the drummer and guitarist? Have they been in gigging bands before? Are you sure that they're actually interested in gigging at all? It may be that really they're happy with things the way they are, but feel that they need to be elusive with you otherwise you'll leave.


    I forgot to mention - we had a venue get in touch with us to play a gig next Friday. That's when drummer said he needs cymbals still (had since June to sort this) and guitarist said he still doesn't know all the lyrics to the songs (lyrics he wrote). 

    Neither of them have gigged before but both have said they want to. That being said, I have had to push them both to get in touch with venues. I feel as if I'm the only one who really wants to gig atm...

  4. What would you do?

    I joined an originals band (power trio) at the start of the year and we started rehearsing the first week of February. We recorded in June and the EP went live start of July. We have also set up various social media and had a photoshoot, all done around the same time. Four months on though and we are still yet to gig. It will be at least another month because the drummer does not own a 'full' kit and needs to rent cymbals every time we rehearse. He has said he will buy cymbals come start of November. We have a nine song set but the guitarist said he still thinks we're not ready to gig. We have been rehearsing the same set once a week for four months.

    I'm at my wits end - I feel we just rehearse for the sake of it now with no end goal. We don't have any gigs lined up and that's the reason we recorded the EP, to get gigs! What should I do? What would you do? 

  5. 3 hours ago, Sparky Mark said:

    The point if it wasn't clear is that I personally don't enjoy getting dings and scratches on a minty new bass having spent several hundred pounds on it. It's a bit like that feeling when returning to your shiny new car that someone has dinged in the car park. Some people don't care, it's just I do. I realise that my view is wrong and yours is correct to you. Peace.

    Not having a go mate, just don't need to spend several hundred pounds more to worry about dings. :)

  6. 10 hours ago, Sparky Mark said:

    I like it because I dont care if it gets dinged and scratched or grazed at gigs.

    I bought my bass brand new in a new condition. I don't care if it gets dinged and scratched or grazed at gigs. What's your point? 

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