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  1. Oh band dramas, the sh!@ has really hit the fan with this one, honestly I sometimes wonder why we put ourselves through this

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    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Oh dear - band "troubles". I'm in several outfits myself. It can take quite a bit of planning ahead, to make sure there are no clashes. But generally, I let everyone know when I'm playing with other bands / duos. Most of them have met each other, and seemed to get on pretty well. But I've had this sort of thing with other bands in the past.
      Hope it gets sorted - but it sounds like guitarist #2 was either not informed, or is unhappy with the 2 of you having another project.

    3. shoulderpet


      @prowla I think part of the issue was that the guitarist who was whizzed about it felt like we had stolen the gig from the rest of the band, also probably doesn't help that he is friendly with the people we did the gig for, I am guessing there is a bit of wounded pride/ego going on there

    4. shoulderpet


      Anyway,  I had a phone call from the drummer yesterday saying that the guitarist had phoned him and was ranting about it, the other guitarist is now saying that he has now admitted he was told about the gig but now claims that this was all part of a plan to steal the gig from him, on Saturday I was like omg this is awful and now I am just sick of hearing about it and am thinking that this situation is just pathetic and sad now

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