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Posts posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. [quote name='Dr.Dave' date='Apr 20 2009, 02:03 PM' post='467462']
    I think this is very generalised bias but for what it's worth.

    ". By the time anything came in a furry cabinet it was utter rubbish that WILL fall to pieces in a gigging environment. "

    I don't agree with this at all.

    I've gigged with a furry 1x15 combo that had lived in a cold damp garage all its life and was totally sound throughout.
    The 300w 1x15 is all you need for pub gigs.

    The furry finish shouldn't put a prospective buyer off. IMO

  2. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='915365' date='Aug 4 2010, 09:03 PM']Thanks Doc, was wondering if it would give me any tonal problems, but hadn't thought of buzz.[/quote]
    Defret it yourself and see how it goes. There's nothing to lose!
    It might be ok forever, if it eventually starts to buzz sand it down again!
    That's what I would do, but then I am a tight git.

  3. [quote name='mashup' post='915453' date='Aug 4 2010, 10:39 PM']That is some great advice that i will definately be taking. Thanks once again friend.

    By the way. I forgot to tell you what the fix was in the end - A set of new strings and a set up! As suggested by a few members previously, the strings had a few kinks in them, and the pressure of the car had forced the intonation out. £44 & Happy days, well, apart from the thumb!

    My bass is now officially rockn' roll now that it's been run over!


    Good news about the bass, and good luck with the gig. Let us know how it goes.
    I bet your bruv is relieved too, I think he owes you a beer or two! (I'd wait until after you've played though, you'll need your wits about you...)

  4. [quote name='Bassassin' post='912190' date='Aug 1 2010, 07:56 PM']Just as a post-script; all's well that ends well.

    Check this out, suckaz!!! :)


    With massive thanks to Paul S & apologies to Andy Travis. :rolleyes:

    That's really cool - I'd forgotten these , a friend's band (I think it was L'age D'or) bassist had a white fretless one which sounded great.
    Never seen one before or since! That is such a bargain for a nice piece of kit. Good score!

  5. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='909686' date='Jul 29 2010, 09:49 PM']The problem is that when you drop the frets, you end up with a fretless with a really high action (for some!).

    If you've bothered to make the frets go up and down, it's not a stretch of the imagination that the nut may do too, is it?

  6. You've GOT to check out Chicago's version of I'm a Man, from the days when they were a proper rock band, it's got lary feedback guitars, a drum solo and a big smash-up ending, all in a 3 minute single! It totally smokes, hope you enjoy it!
    Couldn't find the single version on Youtube, but it is just the album version edited down, I think.

  7. Just out of interest, what was the electric sound like? Almost everytime I've seen him on telly it has sounded terrible, nothing like as nice as on record. Could that be just bad tv mix?
    I expect that close-up at Ronnies you hear exactly what's coming out of the amp.

  8. [quote name='gilmour' post='896762' date='Jul 16 2010, 06:40 PM']Looks good, and I guess you like maple! lol

    It's gonna be one bright bass with all that maple, and the neck looks lovely with those black pinstripes.[/quote]
    I know what you're saying, but it's not necessarily so. I have a US Masters bass which is all maple with a soft maple body, and that is fairly bright, but not overly so, and have had several Hohner Jack basses, also soft maple bodies, and they're actually fairly mellow and organic and woody sounding.

  9. [quote name='Clarky' post='883010' date='Jul 1 2010, 02:29 PM']Thx. Would this cope with being put through a Barefaced 2x15 Vintage cab? Or is it too lacking in power? I need something thats loud enough to deal with a club/pub/small hall sized gig (for which the AD200B is obviously overkill!)[/quote]
    I can't speak from experience but would think 300W through an efficient 2x15 would be loud enough for most gigs (the Vintage is 4ohms, right?)

  10. I've raised this issue before re. the shuttle 3.0, but I'll happily restate it :
    when you push the power stage quite hard, it distorts in quite a nice valvey stylee, and it's not at ear bleeding volumes either.
    This is worth considering, as not all desirable distortion comes from an overdriven front end. It's just that the Genz's transition in to distortion is a lot more musical than traditional s-s amps. I'm sure the 6.0 does it too, but you'd end up playing very loud to get the same effect.

  11. [quote name='squire5' post='880779' date='Jun 29 2010, 11:16 AM']I hear what you're saying MBA,but it's not just as simple as the surrounds simply coming away from the frame.That would be easy.The cones have actually fractured well away from the area where they attach to the frame.A different kettle of wossname altogether.[/quote]
    I can see that from the photos.
    The point is that you stick something on that bridges the break, in my case it was foam surround, but you could try several layers of tissue built up using latex with each layer, front and back. If the glue is really thick you can water it down a tad, just make sure you overlap the cone and the outer with something, as just butting the 2 edges together and gluing is unlikely to last long.
    You WILL succeed!
    (good luck :) )

  12. I have replaced the foam surrounds on a couple of pairs of hifi speakers (AR18s) and it's not that hard, just a bit time consuming.
    These were 8" cones, and you buy the foams and stick it with something supplied that looked very much like Copydex, a latex based adhesive of some sort anyhow.
    I'd say the chances of a result are good, and found centring the cones fine, the cloth support behind the cone pretty much did it for you, you just have to make sure the coil doesn't rub in the magnet as you gently push it in and out.

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