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Posts posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. [quote name='Jigster' post='938920' date='Aug 28 2010, 06:00 PM']been using tru oil myself this week on an ash body - has got a lovely sheen to it. Am 9 coats down the line. How many did you do?[/quote]
    Err, I did about 3 as it was a law of diminishing returns. It was a bit scrappy under the finish, so the objective was to seal it rather than make it look great, I'm not into turd-polishing. However I did do lots of layers on the fingerboard (defretted) and that did sand down to a really nice smooth finish that felt great.

  2. Alternatively, you could fill the slots with woodfiller and sand flat - works a treat.
    My U.S. Masters fretless neck apparently has the slots done (at the factory) in black epoxy. Looks lush!
    On my last 2 home defret jobs I used woodfiller (dark) for the slots and finished the board in Tru-Oil.
    That sands down to a really smooth finish, really easy to do too.

  3. Think about why noone makes wooden tennis racquets anymore - stiffness and light weight.
    You design the resonances out.
    There would be a lot more material in a cab though, so that would be the killer, unless you can "acquire" it for less than you'd normally pay for it....

  4. I ended up using Tru Oil and it pretty much got the finish I was after. I've since used it on 2 defretted fingerboards and it can come up really nice looking. It didn't fill in the gaps on the more damaged fingerboard very well though - wish I'd used filler first. Very similar to the finish on the U.S Masters fretless neck I ordered. I wonder if that's what they use.

  5. If the rod is adjusted with a standard type truss rod adjusted taking a 4mm allen key, what is the tread of the truss rod likely to be?
    I'm guessing M5 but can anyone give me a definitive answer. I think it's an aluminium channel truss rod affair.
    Need an answer asap as I need to borrow some washers/nuts from work this lunchtime!

  6. [quote name='molan' post='918877' date='Aug 8 2010, 05:25 PM']Not sure if anyone else has been up to Phil's BassGear HQ in Harrogate recently?

    I was there two weeks ago & he's got a couple of new AC basses in :)

    This baby really caught my eye - amazing metallic flip-flop kinda finish. I've never seen anything like it on a bass before. Picture doesn't really do it justice but you'll get the idea hopefully:

    That's all well and good, but they haven't made a lot of effort with the head design, have they? looks like a cheap'70s Woolies copy.

  7. My guitarist also plays bass. In fact he has a rather nice one - a Patrick Eggle New York 4.
    Anyhow, he's lost one of the string locking thumbwheel things, and hadn't noticed until I pointed it out (well he IS mainly a guitarist!)
    Does anyone know if you can source these bits? did a quick search and didn't find anything.

  8. This is a great thread, it has made me think about one of the bands I'm currently playing with quite hard.
    I'm certainly no pro, but have played in bands, always originals, for years and know my place and function pretty well.
    The guitarist/Singer's voice is too quiet for live, the guitaring tends to the pentatonic, the songs have no noticable arrangements, and the drummer, while technically good, doesn't listen that well and plays too loudly. I'm not mad about half the material either!
    It sounds like a bit of a nightmare, but I'm doing it to keep my hand in, as my other band does almost nothing at the moment.
    I can totally get the "feeling a bit sh*t by association" thing Bilbo.

    Thoughts, anyone?

    By the way, I was once in a jazz band (our set list was almost everything on Bilbo's "pet hates" list in another thread). I can't play jazz, I found it just too hard technically, and we were mostly terrible in jazz terms.
    The disappointing thing is, we played at Brent town hall providing background music for a large dinner, and of about 600 people there, not one came up to us and said how sh*t we were!

  9. I agree with an earlier comment about the l.e.d.s - they are much brighter than you need, and in an ill-lit environment can close your pupils down enough to not actually be able to see the control settings properly.
    Bright blue leds are actually not very good for your eyes too.
    I do like the solid machined knobs and the feel of them with indented operation, it all adds to the feel of quality.
    At a pub gig last night with a three piece band, I found that my 3.0 was being driven pretty hard to produce good volume. The upside of this is that the carefully designed protection circuit does clip in quite a musical way in much the same way as a valve amp warms the sound up as it starts to clip.
    You may miss out on this if you go for the 6.0, but then you will have the valve pre to warm it up.

  10. Kim Clark's solo on Defunkt's "Avoid the Funk" is one of my fave's. (the album is "Thermonuclear Sweat")
    Concise and funky as hell - gotta love that envelope filter! The phrasing is great too.

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