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  1. Is there a way to scale the GUI of the new site? I'm using a 32" TV as my monitor and I'd like to make things a little less enormous, if possible. Also, is there a way to increase the number of threads shown per page? 

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    2. SpondonBassed


      "a little less enormous", "overwhelmed by the immensity"

      Does the new site make you feel a bit like a pea on a drum too?  It's got me munching aspirin first thing in the morning!  I haven't needed to do that since I was a full-time live-in carer.

      But seriously though.  It's great.

    3. ped


      There's a 'condensed' view at the top right when viewing a page of search results/activity etc.

    4. ZilchWoolham


      To be fair, the immensity is probably more to do with my makeshift monitor. I've a feeling the new site looks great on mobile. 


      ped: I hadn't noticed that, that's very nice! 

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