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  1. I've decided to get myself a good high-end microphone to suit a number of different applications (various acoustic instruments, guitar and bass cabinets, vocals), since one (1) is all I can justify at the moment. I'm torn between a KM84 and a U87 (clone). The KM84 sounds incredibly sweet and natural on acoustic instruments, but I haven't heard it being used for vocals or cab miking. The U87 sounds great for everything and more versatile thanks to the pattern switch, but perhaps not QUITE as sweet as the KM84 in certain applications. Does anyone here have any experiences with the KM84 as a vocal or cab mic? Then there's also the KMS84, which might just be the better option, IF it does indeed sound just like the KM when the windscreen is removed.

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    2. TJ Spicer

      TJ Spicer

      I would go with the U87, no question. It’s an industry standard, and in most situations a great vocal is going to be more important than and great acoustic sound, particularly bearing in mind where those are going to sit relative to each other in the mix. Whilst it may not be the right mic for every vocal, of course, it’s going to work for a lot of them. The U87 sounds great to good on most sources and a LDC is going it give you far more options for use than the KM. Head straight for that clone, Sir!

    3. charic


      The U87 is an amazing mic. But beware of clones

    4. TJ Spicer

      TJ Spicer

      @ZilchWoolham, I’m assuming/hoping you mean a clone in the nature of the Warm Audio stuff, or Peluso? Otherwise, maybe you are better off with the KM84 etc.

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