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  1. This is a bit of a nuisance:


    A couple of gigs are lined up for December as well. I could play BG, but have been asked specifically because I can play DB and I'd guess it's that which has caused the problem.

    1. lowregisterhead


      I had it a while ago, which was both painful and incapacitating. It did ease off substantially with regular exercise prescribed by a physio. My shoulder now clunks when I move it around, but at least it doesn't hurt! See your GP, get some physio, do the daily exercises, and you should be fine. Perhaps not in time for your December gigs though, unfortunately...

    2. knirirr


      Thanks. I am doing some exercises from the physiotherapist. So far no improvement, but I’ll keep going. 

    3. borntohang


      I had longstanding issues with it that turned out to be due to my sleep posture - holding my arm under the pillow with my head on it was putting pressure on the nerves. I got physio exercises from a local sports therapist and made a habit of sleeping on two pillows with one behind my back so I was leaning backwards. Might seem an oddly specific cause, but you're asleep for 6-8 hours a day so it's worth checking!

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