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Posts posted by synthaside

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1440672612' post='2852820']
    Well either that or I had visions of you partying the night away with all the wives and girlfirends whilst your mates all stayed at home nursing half a pint...

    sounds like a plan ... want an invite ?

  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1440670452' post='2852798']
    I didn't see the [b]inc [/b]on the first read through... :blink:

    Ha ha .... i did rephrase that a few times when I was writing it ... maybe i wanted some peace and quiet ;-) or to play full volume in the house for a change.

  3. You take the rough with the smooth , sometimes the plumber has to work on leaky soil pipes sometimes the bass player has to play Sweet Home Alabama .. AGAIN ;-) There are bad bits to all jobs sometimes i get a phone call at 4 am because a client is screaming at service desk and I need to fix somthing they cant.

    I hate to say this ....both as an IT professional and a bass player but you get what you pay for .... If the dog and duck are happy to get ... Melville and his IT crowd mates on keys and glockenspiel to play new years or otherwise "for a bit of a laugh". Then they are more than entitled to get them in to do it , but they are also entitled to expect that they don't quite sell as much beer / punters wanting to come back next year as they would have if they had gotten a more professional band and paid them to play a better quality set.

    Its down to how much the pub thinks they are going to benefit in sales from the upfront cost of entertainment , in my area its definitely a publicans market especially on nights like new years , EVERYONE wants to go somewhere and a simple pub can get away with charging for entry or at the very least booking a space. They whack up a bit of bunting , pop on Music television and then change it to the chimes at midnight its a licence to print money .

    As such I've found that relying on pubs / bars to deal with new years has been a let down for the last few years . So I've been organizing a big group of my mates inc wives and girlfriends to occupy a table at a out of town gastro-pub get a meal in then get very drunk and play cards against humanity .

    I must be getting old ;-)

  4. I've seen quite a few Harley Benton necks complete with tuners etc pop up on the bay or in bass trading selling groups they almost never get past 40 quid .

    Does make me worry whats happening to the HB Bodies which tend to be of reasonable quality ?
    :-S not saying that this is anyone here but we have seen a lot of unscrupulous folk going at them with bit of sandpaper .

  5. There's no reason why this couldn't be done easily enough with a couple of MYSQL tables and a tiny bit of PHP or python to do the lifting into your webpage , sounds like a nice little project for you to get learning in , M/y advice to you is to get the database populated as some tables first.

    I would start planning out the database , Its been long old time since I've done this and this can be tricky for someone who isn't used to dealing with normal form , which the database will need to be in to deal with your search's to work properly .

    Here's a quick starting point for your data design * lunch break* i'm sure someone far better with UML than I will come around to say that's utter bollocks but that should allow you to search for matches between bodies and necks .


  6. As someone born and bred in west London , It used to have a reasonable scene when i nas growing up ( 90's through to about 01)
    the area has taken a bit of a downturn since then , places like Ealing , Hounslow and Isleworth used to have some decent ( I use the term loosely ) music pubs such as the Rifleman , there was even a decent enough metal club . Many of these have now closed and two I mention are now a Lebanese restaurant and a polish expat pub .

    I'd say that the more more south you go basically anywhere at an below Twickenham / Richmond the music scene gets better .
    Not sure why there is such a decide but I have a crackpot theory.

  7. Just as you could play to a drum machine in time and doing no fills , you can play to bass player who's just sticking to the roots , playing on beat and doing not passing notes whatsoever .... That's the value you are bringing to the songs filling out the sound tying the beat of of the drums to the tune of the song .. you are the glue ... hand a pure guitar player a bass to find they have no understanding of note length and how you play that note to meet the feel .

    I'm being forced to sing more in my outfit after i made the mistake of getting drunk and holdiung a tune at karaoke .
    I maintain that i cant play the bass and sing a lead part at the same time ... so the keys player strapped on my tbird and tried to play all been done before ..... CUE some truly awful on time but boring and soulless following of the guitar .... the song felt stodgey and had no jump .

    As as for move's like jagger we play that and i pushed myself from the original to this version , ( it starts out as is should then the guy goes for it) whip that out instead of them roots and there's a big difference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqyXMXRyD5g

    Sounds like next gig you should not drive to ... just arrive with your bass and a DI , play half the set then get drunk ... so they truely see what they sound like without " bass"

  8. Dunno , they are "rare ish " and there arent really a lot of pedals that do what they do but i dont think there worth 200 quid Saying that if some kind of speculator wants to buy my Akai Unibass or part ex it for a nice P bass and some cash they are very welcome, its pretty mint but absolutely no use for the sound i've developed :-D Im more " motown and blues than distorted power band .... My 15 year old self would be so disappointed.

  9. I've got these they are cheap , easy to fit and work a charm .... plus they dont put any stress on the necks as they are held via the strap buttons .. http://www.woodieshanger.com/


  10. While i don't understand "laptop operatives" i think there is possibly a parallel bar to the dad rock crap covers band or even the monkeys. The fact is that there are good and bad covers bands, there is skill in mixing stuff and doing it live but the same way you or I would never pre-record a set and press play then jump around with our bass not plugged in miming , a real DJ or real artist's performing crossover music is always worth seeing .

    It may be not your taste, but for me some pendulum is the best way to illustrate .... these are people who do DJ sets and the the rare occurrence they will play it live after all they wrote it / put it together ;-).


  11. I've been doing this on the cheap our drummer has a vert fancy electric kit and is able to trigger samples by hitting the rims of his drum's ones currently a cowbell but im assured he can loud whatever sound we need.

    One of our cheesy wedding onboards is teenage dirtbag by wheatus, So i cut out the strange scratching sample from the front of the song Mp3 , in the long term I will be giving it to him to load onto his electric kit but at rehearsals's he is using a studio kit.

    So in the meantime our vocalist is triggering it from this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.soundtrigger&hl=en_GB on his phone which is connected via 1.5 jack to our mixer :-) .... the freeware is limited to 4 triggers in a list but if your getting on with it then the limit is removable for a small fee .

  12. Discreet is sounds like you need a Bright red or green T-bird mines the best thing for hiding behind in the world ;)

    For me its small "modern" shaped bodies .. ala Ibanez or Warwick and I
    fully expect to be stoned for this comment the post 51 P bass shape Love the sound HATE the look give me a slab any day.

    My perfect bass looks like this but sounds nothing like it after trying one in wunjo's it was like a Musicman on helium

  13. White no-name Ebay china special ( 60 quid delivered )


    Jazz pickups , pots and loom from a Squire Vintage modified Jazz , acquired from a bass gear trading
    Facebook group , for 25 quid posted

    Black Jazz bass knobs off amazon which sadly weren't fitted when i took the picture ,

    it plays really nicely way out of its price league for a sub 100 quid bass , I think the set of flats on it must be half the value of the thing oddly its one of the few jazz necks i really really love. its fast and glossy without being sticky.

  14. I found the best way to really understand the MS60B was to think of the 4 outer buttons as a joystick for moving around .... left and right for the different effects in the chain and up and down to cycle your sound .... Try to stick amp sims on the far right so you set up a " Sound" then move on to embellishing / shaping it yourself , stomp once to turn it on stomp once to turn it off then click left or right to queue a different one , then save it as a name.

    For me in live use i think of the device as a way of setting up your sounds before playing, With the manual in hand for stuff like saving ;-) and then having the unit in Chain mode for using when i'm playing , which i can stomps to move on to the next in the chain.

    my setups are
    > A > B > C clean tone > Dirty drive tone > clean tone

  15. You don't really need a business account for this , any old joint account is fine the mrs and I when we first moved in wanted to keep our finances separate yet open a totally different account at a new bank to handle "expenses" .
    we both pay a standing order in once a month which covers everything we need the bank clerk is just trying to do his best to up sell you.

    My suggestion would be one of these , in a joint flavor.


  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1438163151' post='2832124']
    Won't they get dusty? :huh:

    They all get treated fairly ... I have to pick one from the wall when i practice ... usually on a day rotation .... not to sure about my latest 5 string i think i'm a 4 kinda guy.

    The only exception you count the B*s*ard stepchild Aria CAT which lives in a case under the sofa :-P and while not being a bad player is of greater sentimental value than financial worth selling but i've outgrown.

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