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Everything posted by Osiris

  1. Down in a tube station at midnight - also by The Jam!
  2. Thanks for the detailed response but I suspect from what you're saying that the pickups are still bass heavy, especially in the undesirable sub bass region, as it's more prevalent below a low E. That's something that will need to be kept under control and you've built the your Zoom patch to do it, but on a bass like that I wouldn't have expected something like that to be an issue. Having said that, the white 5 string Yam of yours I heard (I don't remember the exact model) was also quite bass heavy, IMO. You described it as 'kick a55 punchy' but to my ear it sounded bloated and somewhat uncontrolled. But I guess we all hear things differently. To me, punchy means the fat low mids filling out the low end of a mix, something that the humble Precision excels at. But punch is a nebulous term that means different things to different people.
  3. The fact that you're also getting window rattling sub bass in passive mode suggests, to me at least, that the pickups are the problem here. I'm not up on Yamaha models but is this the same model, or at least the same pickups as in the white Yam 5 sting of yours that I heard in action a couple of years ago? That bass had a lot going on it the lows, too much for my liking, and it sounds like it could be the same thing going on here. If that's the case I'd be inclined to lower the pickups into the body away from the strings to let the bass breathe more, or if that doesn't cure it, look to replace them with something less subby. You can, of course, use a patch on the Zoom to compensate but that's more a case of putting a plaster over it rather than addressing the actual cause of the problem in the first place.
  4. Are you actually speaking out in favour of compression? This really is heralding in the end of days.
  5. Not quite. A different sound, sometimes darker, sometimes not, just different. No better or worse than a bigger bass, just different. I haven't measured the harmonic content but I wouldn't describe it as lacking anything, if anything the sound is, generally speaking, richer in the lows and low mids, so a different harmonic profile but not one that is lacking any harmonic content.
  6. The devil put dinosaurs here - Alice in chains
  7. Rhyme of the ancient mariner - Iron Maiden
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