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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1413986104' post='2584426'] I've recently started using a G30 and so far so good, the battery door on the transmitter does feel a bit flimsy but I put mine in a Levys holder which is pretty snug so it can't open anyway. To be honest though,if I was buying right now i'd be all over the Sony unit that Russ posted the link to, especially at that price! [/quote] I wrap a few small rubber bands around the transmitter over the battery door, works like a charm. I keep the transmitter in my front pocket at gigs. Blue
  2. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1414059402' post='2585237'] Drummer has been in charge of booking gigs, he's contacted 40+ pubs looking for gigs for next year, and has got us gigs in 4 or 5. Total of about 12 gigs in total next year booked so far.[/quote] For not having an agency relationship that's really not that bad. Sounds like your drummer already knows a few tricks. I don't do much booking for out band. However I have always wondered why bands don't strike the iron when it's hot. Meaning for those in the cover business you should always have your eye on the crowd, the bar and the till. If someone is going to back and say [i]" I only want to concentrate on my playing"[/i]. That's fine, but don't ask, [i]"How come we don't get more bookings here."[/i] If your having a great night, good crowd and you can tell there is an above average amount of exchange for premium alcohol drinks that seems like the time to talk to the owner or manager and get him to commit to at least 3 future dates. Blue
  3. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1414089268' post='2585780'] It really fascinates. How people vary in what they go for. An extreme would be James Jamersons high action and clean tone and say flea's very low action fret buzz style. Both work very well. I seem to be on the clean tone, higher action side. But i really admire low action players who can really make it work and get the fret buzz to really work for them. Or even low action players who can play clean. [/quote] Very true, I am going through a sustain/overdrive/chorus stage. I only execute it in specific songs and in most cases specific movements in songs. Blue
  4. I guess because rock & roll and band culture has been a huge part of my life for over 45 years I have a short fuse for engaging those who are pretty distant from music at any level. Back to my initial rant/complaint. If you haven't seen a a live rock band in over 10 years, don't ask me where my band is playing for the last 3 years with no intention, ability or interest to show up. Blue
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1414102220' post='2586017'] I've never played in a rock band so I've never had this problem. I've never seen what draws bass players to do rock bands tbh. [/quote] It's a lot of fun. Been at it for 45 years. Blue
  6. I have always though orange amps were one of the coolest looking bass amps on the market. Even know they are probably not the same bass amp I fell in love with back in the early 70s, I will eventually put together a second rig. I plan on running 2 Orange amps together, one guitar amp and one bass amp.I plan on using the AD-200 Bass MK-3 run through their 8ohm 4 x12 cab on the left and probably a Rockerverb 50 for high end and an AD-50 for the 2nd 4x12 on the right. Blue
  7. If your stuck looking for a "look" The Adidas sweat shirt or track jacket works wonders and fit's most genres. It certainly looks cool on my good friend Al Anderson ( The Wailers ) Blue
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1413875042' post='2582899'] Typically at the moment I'm playing along with drum beats at first, and other layers as I build them up. Would a metronome be better because it doesn't indicate the divisions of beats so that I would have to learn to hit those on my own? [/quote] I'm not sure, however I can say that playing with a metronome all around is a good idea. Blue
  9. I rotate several basses I gig with, so ,I really don't know as long as the action and intonation is good I'm good. I used the Jameson P Bass clean sound for about 35 plus years. Now I play with a pick and use more processing then ever. I decided it was time to have some fun. Blue
  10. All my basses are already smart. Sorry, but I can't join the list of investors. Blue
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1414014968' post='2584966'] When I got to 30 I decided I'd better stay in shape if I was going to continue to go on stages, so I don't eat like a builder and I do some weights a few times a week so although I'm 40 I don't look like I've contentedly eased into middle age. I think Iggy Pop has hit on a neat look for the older rocker. He looks a quite compelling mix of wise old head and scrawny youth. Not saying that we can all flail around half naked but clearly it's possibly to look wild and vital despite age. [/quote] What about Mick? Blue
  12. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1413992063' post='2584538'] We have to look smart each night, and our singer has to look 'glam' whatever that means... I think i have posted about them before, but we always based our look on Vintage Trouble. Looking sexy but with class lol [/quote] I fall victim to judging a book by it's cover. I went to a club with my GF a few weekends ago and the band was getting ready to play. I said, these guys don't put much into their appearance. They're sound and gig prep was as bad as they looked. Have I been blown away by guys when their appearance was questionable, yes a lot. Blue
  13. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1413901823' post='2583345'] I've got an Ashdown wireless system its not great but I never use it because I dont play many if any venues where I can move around anyway!! I'm usually stood on top of the drummer and whacking the guitarists with my headstock! [/quote] I play some of the smallest clubs in Milwaukee and I find not having a cord in small spaces is just as much a relief as playing on the large festival stages. Blue
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1413931061' post='2583871'] Now don't get too cocky Rik, but that does look like a picture of an average band with a rock star Photoshopped into it. [/quote] Your right, he looks comfortable, looks like an entertainer and all his gear makes sense. This pic is an excellent example of the focus of my thread. The rest of the band looks like they just don't get it.And I bet they don't know that he's the only one that looks the part. Blue
  15. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1413929088' post='2583846'] None taken...and I agree with you! Looks even better with the T'bird [/quote] So do I.
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1413930450' post='2583862'] Can't be bothered with all this bollocks & is reason # 342 why I can't be bothered gigging anymore. [/quote] That's not a problem. I know many fine musicians that never had interest or had a connection with live performance. It's a lot of work and I say if it's not fun,don't do it. Hey you have no idea, I mean even last Friday & Saturday night with my arthritic frame at 61 and in pain lugging my cabs into the club and reflecting back on being in the same spot 40 years ago, I ask myself what am I doing this for? The answer; "[i]I love it now more than ever and still can't think of a better way for me to spend a Friday or Saturday night."[/i] [i]Blue[/i]
  17. We have brushed the topic of the over 60 guys in gigging rock bands trying to maintain some sort of appropriate stage presence. It's always going to be a struggle. These guys seem to have a good handle on it. When I see these pics I see rock stars, when my kids see it they see old men. What gives?
  18. [quote name='HengistPod' timestamp='1413892661' post='2583169'] Well, I've only got a year and a half to go till I'm 50 (aargh!), and I still wear Motorhead T shirts from 1983. However, I'm not overweight and I have more than my fair share of my own hair which possibly helps. In fact, my gig clothes are generally a pair of black jeans (somewhat tighter than everyday ones) and an old cut-off tour T shirt of some description. Cut off to ventilate the old armpits a bit, y'unnerstand. And white baseball boots (that were white when they were new). I'd much rather be comfortable when playing, whilst going some way towards the appearance of what a rock musician's supposed to look like! [/quote] I don't think there is a pre-conceived notion of what a rock musician is suppose to look like anymore. I hang on to my interpretation of the 70s rock musician look. For a fact, people don't get it. Blue
  19. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1413884206' post='2583022'] We're a bit of a mixed bunch - the female vocalist and myself tend to make the effort whilst the two guitarists roll up in jeans/shorts and t-shirts. I almost without fail wear a pair of ripped jeans (bought as such), t-shirt, with an open shirt over the top and cowboy boots. I have been known to rock the sunnies once in a while too! For the record the band is a rock covers band playing material from the 70's onwards and are aged between 20 something (everyone else!) and a late 40 something (me!) [/quote] No offense to the other band members , but for me, your the only one on stage that looks the part and is in the game. Blue
  20. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1413880970' post='2582966'] There are a few brands doing them, Jawbreaker, Banned, Criminal Damage and they all look pretty much the same. They are 40 to 50 quid on ebay new, but we bought ours second hand in a "worn once for fancy dress" kind of thing for about £20. If you can hang on till the weekends gig I'll find out what brand ours are and pm you some links. Both the singers and my jacket are the same jacket with different coloured braiding. Les [/quote] I will hang on. Thanks Les. Blue
  21. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1413865048' post='2582870'] I have heard the line 6 is a great piece of kit but was wondering, is it worth going for the G 50 or is the G30 good enough? [/quote] I have been gigging with the G-30 since 2009. Not one problem ever. Blue
  22. [list] [*]MXR Phase 90 ( Phase Shifter, new, ill try it out this weekend ) [*]TC Electronics HOF Reverb [*]TC Electronics Mini Flash Back, dedicated delay ( new, I try it out this weekend ) [/list] Well, I tried all my new pedals out over the weekend gigs. All good decisions. I found a nice reverb and kept it on all night very subtle as well as a tiny trace of delay (hardly audible). I uses the MXR Phase 90 on my solo and it kicked a$$. blue
  23. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1413842142' post='2582763'] This. So good I bought 2. [/quote] Nice! And a very good idea. I actually have one receiver, however I did buy 2 transmitters. Blue
  24. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1413849551' post='2582840'] Judging by the pics, I'm sure you cut quite a dash. [/quote] Funny, all I can say is " I wish ". Recently even the little bit of attention I get from women at gigs has digressed. Blue
  25. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1413848561' post='2582833'] Being in a 60s band our choice of wardrobe spans an entire decade, plenty of choice there and I can still wear the same things as when I was a teen. No fashion for me thanks. [/quote] I'm afraid what you just described is fashion. Blue
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