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Everything posted by blue

  1. Here is another side topic on the subject of gigging pubs/bars and clubs. I don't drink, however most of the bars/clubs we play comp the drinks for the band. For some reason I'm thinking this is not happening in the UK? Blue
  2. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1415218357' post='2598087'] Indeed.... I don't know any bands that regularly play for nothing that are any good..simply because all the good guys can and do get paid and depending how good they are, can name the price they will work for. You simply will not get these guys out for less. [/quote] Yes, as many of you have mentioned, most working bar bands with sound and lighting are not competing with guys that play for free. Blue
  3. I think you could save yourself a lot of trouble by purchasing a bass with a high gloss burst finish. There are a lot out there. Blue
  4. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1415202253' post='2597836'] I think we're playing the same song here! [/quote] LOL, It's a sensitive topic, however as I said, I don't think those that play for free are talking about providing a band with full production and playing for 4 hours. Blue
  5. On this side topic of playing pub/bar/club gigs for free. I'm sure nobody here is bringing a fully rehearsed band, sound and lighting and a crowd to a 4 hour gig free of charge. Blue
  6. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1415201170' post='2597816'] If people object to having their 'art' compromised by filthy lucre, why not play for money to avoid undermining those bands who actually need the money and then donating the money to the charity of your choice? We used to have a guitarist who like to tell us the money didn't matter because he was rich. He still expected his share, so I threw him out. [/quote] My point exactly. Blue
  7. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1415190738' post='2597602'] Fair enough, but don't be too surprised if the local roofer refuses to drink with you down the local any more, or worse. [/quote] My point exactly. Blue
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1415189439' post='2597583'] That's one perspective, certainly, but there are others. Money isn't everything. If I help out a neighbour by fixing their roof, should I take their money anyway and give it to a local roofer? If I refuse to take their money, should they give it to a local roofer? Music is a hobby for me, and for the others in the two bands I play with, and I don't aim to make money from it. Sure, venues might be making money when we play (though we also play private parties and have done a couple of weddings) but loads of venues make money out of people's hobbies - golf clubs, race tracks, etc - so why should playing music be any different? If you only want to play for money then fine, no problem, but it's not a law is it? [/quote] Not a law, however, what band hauls gear, lighting and sound for free. That's a lot of labor to just give away. As another poster said earlier in this thread;[i] " if you play for nothing you are putting a value on your services ie. nothing! "[/i] Over here we frown on bands that play for free. Example, we had a good County Fair gig that we had played annually. This past year we were not booked. The organizers found a few bands that would play for free and booked them instead. And again, I still take issue with the guy that claims he doesn't need the money or want it. If that's the case when he get's paid, I want to see him give his pay to the guy in the band that does need the money. Blue
  9. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1415186247' post='2597513'] Our pub gig last Sat was cancelled due to landlord doing a runner. The Saturday before we did 32 numbers, including 4 six or seven minute numbers and 4 encores. Fortunately we have about 60 to choose from currently. The first set was 1 hour 10 mins. The second set was 1 hour 35 minutes. Not up to US standards but I left home just after 6pm on the Saturday night and got home just after 2am Sunday morning. That's quite enough for me thank you.[/quote] Yeah, 4 hours is tough. Most of our gigs are 9:00- 1:00am, which means we load in at 7:30 and I don't get home until 3:00am and won't fall asleep until 4:00am. Blue
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1415175831' post='2597382'] Irrespective of the music I`m playing at the time - covers or originals - I just like playing and pretty much say yes to every gig. The others in the band are a bit more rational and choose wisely but I`ll play pretty much anywhere. But then, they`re family guys, whereas I`m not - maybe they`ve actually got things to do outside of the band? [/quote] I'm the only single guy in my band too. I'm not to picky on where we play as long as we get our standard fee.. Blue
  11. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1415170769' post='2597344'] Then they are very different indeed and your bar gigs require a lot more effort in prior song knowledge . Whilst there are some good bands that play pubs here (all be it occasionally) most pub bands would struggle for decent material beyond 2x45 , and many pad out that with poor quality songs or unrehearsed badly played standards. [/quote] Agreed, If your going to do covers at bar/club gigs over here you need a minimum of 40 songs to get through the night. You really should have more material than you need for our 4 hour bar/club gigs. Blue
  12. [quote name='BigBassBob' timestamp='1179828970' post='4247'] Looking good guys ^_^ Waiting for one more overdrive pedal and then I should be sorted [/quote] I use that EBS Multi Comp too, it's the only pedal that stays on all night. Blue
  13. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1415149801' post='2597315'] I play for fun rather than the money. However, I wouldn't dream of playing a normal pub gig without getting the going rate. There are two reasons for that: first I have a skill that can generate revenue for other businesses and I don't see why I shouldn't get a fair share; and secondly if you play for nothing you are putting a value on your services ie. nothing! If a landlord has to invest in paying you a reasonable fee, he will place a higher value on your services and make sure that he promotes the gig, etc and generally treat you well in order to protect his investment! Having said that, I am quite happy not to get any money for a special event if I think that it will be worth it (be it to help a friend or just for the fun of it). I've had some great nights, played with some cool musicians and made some good friends just by helping people out. Not to mention I have got some work out of it and had favours returned. It doesn't always have to be about money, even though in 99% of cases I do expect to be paid... [/quote] Good rational, the venue is generating income because your band is bringing in additional and new business and you/we deserve our piece of the pie. I take issue with the guys that say; [i]"I'm not in it for the money, I don't need the money I have a regular straight job"[/i] I say; [i]Cool, when you play a gig and you receive your cash give it to the guy in the band that needs it, remember you don't.[/i] Blue
  14. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1415137268' post='2597189'] Doesn't sound fun but that's the 'working band' scene in the US I guess? My band's 'just' a hobby band - I refer to it as my mid-life crisis band... [/quote] Hi Time Stamp It's probably only fun by my definition of fun. Definitely not a hobby for me. And while I would be defined as a Weekend Warrior, that will end as soon as the right full time opportunity comes along. I have no interest in income from traditional jobs/careers. I did that for 40 years. Blue
  15. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1415131114' post='2597103'] Perhaps you simply could not understand why he would love such a job? Perhaps he would hate to play the same songs in the same bars for his whole life? Each to their own. [/quote] Hey, I'm from Jersey, what do we know? Blue
  16. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1388062781' post='2318182'] its not an electric bass. its Richard Bull playing the bass line on a keyboard. [/quote] I'm surprised! Blue
  17. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1415098439' post='2596569'] I reckon that's the basic answer to the original question and, of course, different people have different ideas of what's fun. Ask 100 people, get 100 different answers. [/quote] I like the attention, you know even at the bar level, people love approaching musicians for a chat.You have all heard this one; [i]" I use to play in a band"[/i]. You know what I say about fun; [i]I have fun while playing, however I don't play for for fun. I play for money.[/i] You really have to understand that very few people get paid to do something they truly like doing. I remember some guy that worked in a retail store was telling me he loved his job. My response; [i]No You Don't[/i]. Blue .
  18. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1415105319' post='2596675'] It's the meat and potatoes gig. We do it because that's all we can get. Every now and then a bigger, more prestigious gig will come around, but pub gigs are where you hone your skills, because no amount of bedroom practice can make up for playing right in people's faces, getting abuse, drink spilt on your gear etc,[/quote] Yeah, I haven't tried it yet but I should. I see some guys will put some kind of plastic/saran wrap over their pedals to prevent damage from drink spills. Blue
  19. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1415105319' post='2596675'] It's the meat and potatoes gig. We do it because that's all we can get. Every now and then a bigger, more prestigious gig will come around, but pub gigs are where you hone your skills, because no amount of bedroom practice can make up for playing right in people's faces, getting abuse, drink spilt on your gear etc, but the joy of people dancing and enjoying your set makes it all worth while [/quote] Yeah, I feel the same way. During the Summer we get our share of the big stages at festivals and Fairs, however getting the premium time slots is another story. Bar/Club gigs are our meat & potatoes too. Blue
  20. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1415082952' post='2596404'] Yep bar gigs translated = pub gigs[/quote] The thing that gets me is, as I understand it, your pub gigs are not 4 hours with two 15 minute breaks nights like ours. We are doing a Legion Hall thing this weekend, so we get a break. It's a 7-10 deal. Blue
  21. At my age, I no longer arrive at gigs with goals or expectations, That gets too involved. Now it's all about having fun. If it's not fun why do it. Blue
  22. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1415060884' post='2596367'] By bar gigging do you mean a weekend pub covers gig lasting a good few hours? If so then the reason my band do the covers gigs is to make a bit of cash torwards recording costs. Plus it can be good fun and gives me a chance to work on some backing vocals. [/quote] When I say [i]"Bar Gigging"[/i] I mean guys that love playing bar level gigs because that's where [i]"Rock"[/i] ( I know the term is no longer universal and means something different to everyone.) has lead them. Over here were called [i]"Weekend Warriors"[/i]. But yeah guys that are no full time and making a living from gigs. The guys that are out there playing different types of covers. My band plays covers but not in the traditional sense. We play hard rock and blues covers ( Peter Green, Mayall, Cream, Mountain, Buddy Guy, Jeff Beck ect..) Blue
  23. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1415059996' post='2596358'] I'm a musician and I like to play. Obviously we all look forward to the bigger and better gigs (in my case bigger clubs and the occasional motorcycle rally) but the majority of the work is in the pubs (or bars). If I'm playing with a decent band to a decent audience that's fine by me - playing the right pub gigs can be a lot of fun. I rarely play to an unappreciative audience. Both bands that I am in concentrate on playing places where we are likely to get a crowd that will be into the stuff that we do and we do our best to make sure that we deliver a convincing performance. Picking and choosing gigs may mean that we are not out every weekend or have to travel a bit, but we still keep reasonably busy. As far as the money is concerned, I am always aware that times are hard for both punters and pubs alike. I don't make as much as I have done in the past, but we still do ok (ie. It wipes it's own a*se as we say over here). I don't think that anyone can make a reasonable living playing at that sort of level... [/quote] Excellent commentary! I like where your heads at. I wish I could say my band doesn't play to those unappreciative crowds. We still book as much as we can and there's a price to pay for that business model. Blue
  24. [size=4][font=Arial]This has always been an interesting topic and discussion for me. We all love playing bass , but we also are different ages,health and physical ability differences, different tastes in music, different socioeconomics, different musical training, cultural differences, educational difference, came into music in different time periods and some live in regions conducive to gigging opportunities and some not. I think and I might be wrong, these factors have something to do with why some of us love gigging at the bar level and some don't care for gigging at all.[/font] [font=Arial]For me, it's simple, I am a product of the 60s and when I saw your Beatles on American TV in 1964, that was it. I knew I was going to learn to play rock and perform. It really took over my life. Now at 61, I'm still gigging 4 hour shows every weekend and love it just as much as I did as a teen.[/font] [font=Arial]Why do some of us never connect with performance live performance especially at the weekend warrior / bar level? I know some will say you out grew it. Then I will ask why do you think that happens to some of us and not to others. I mean I don't like a lot of things about bar gigs;[/font][/size][list] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Long hours[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Pay is not great[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Unappreciated[/font][/size] [/list] [size=4][font=Arial]None of these factors are big enough issues for me to stop or cut back. So my question, why do some of us have a disconnect with this level and performance environment?[/font] [font=Arial]My second discussion point is why do some of us love it and look for more of it? Some might say because [i]you never grew up[/i], which would be a good point and or argument.[/font] [font=Arial]I am expecting that opinions will be all over the place, which is ok.[/font] [font=Arial]Much Respect[/font] [font=Arial]Blue[/font][/size]
  25. Very interesting bass.I think I read something in Vintage Guitar when they did a 4 page story on Hofner. Blue
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