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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1501706283' post='3346835'] Something similar. Been getting fed up with the band Im in, so speaking to a drummer mate and suggest we get something together with a singer from his old band. Great idea says he, we can start up the old band. That was 9 weeks ago and after meeting up, phone calls and texts, what has happened? Nowt. These are experienced players who I have know for years not some bedroom players. No wonder people give up on the playing live thing. [/quote] If my band folds, I'll probably never find another band with good paying consistent bookings. Bands that are established ( been together with the same personal line up for at least 2 years with paying gigs ) are basically impossible to find. Unlike most I ask crucial questions to bands looking for a bass player and claim to be established with gigs. More times than not they're not established and have no gigs. Blue
  2. [quote name='musicbassman' timestamp='1501657157' post='3346195'] Ah - bassists - in my experience:- Turn up on time Play in time Find the time to mend broken leads, stands etc.for everyone else in the band. Find the time to counsel the guitarist whose girlfriend has just left him. Somehow manage to find the time to get the girl singer pregnant (happened to two other bassists I knew) And finally...........find the time to help audition a replacement bassist when he's had enough....................... [/quote] The only time I get involved with the band members is when we're on stage. Blue
  3. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1501707930' post='3346852'] Why? All is well and good if you're posting clips you like, but ones you deem 'poor' is a bit crass. Imagine if that guy you rated as a 2 was a poster here. [/quote] I'm sure some of my playing is poor, not a big deal and if it was me I wouldn't consider it crass. It's just an opinion. BTW, when you post a video to the public, you probably know some folks are going to like your performance and some will take issue with it. And not all his fault,the band wasn't doing the bass player any favors. You opinion or rating might balance mine out. How would you rate his cover? Blue
  4. I Want You Back Jackson 5 4.5 https://youtu.be/5t2IUvAX7Fo Pretty good, enounciation is a little off. 4.5 https://youtu.be/X2wnmzKJ2T0 Great sound and tone. 4.5 https://youtu.be/5VRu-cIoq2o I like his use of closed strings. Blue
  5. Go ahead and pick your own and rate them Blue
  6. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1501656536' post='3346190'] Only the last one is available In the last one I wish the bass was louder [/quote] I thought he seemed lost and the band didn't seem to have much of a grip on the song. Blue
  7. Rate your clips on a 1-5 scale. 1 being poor and 5 being very good. LTD, Back In Love Again 4 https://youtu.be/vlbJuUId8ek 2.5 https://youtu.be/JNVVO0lDwBk 2 https://youtu.be/Zwo12ztnHPY Blue
  8. IMO, no it's not just you. However I think we should make a distinction here. Musicians and then Musicians in bands. I know at least 2 outstanding guitarist who are also great musicians. Neither are in bands and have never had any success in bands. My point, some excellent musicians are not band material. They can play but don't know how to be in bands. They don't understand the responsibility of gigging or understand they have a specific role in a band. And in some cases you have to take orders from a band leader just like a boss in a regular job. Knowing or having the instinct to know when their opinion is not required would be tough for them. You would think when you've been told "no" a few times you'd catch on. Not these guys. I would never bring either into my band or give them a good reference to any working band. Blue
  9. No rechargables for me, just seems like a pain in the butt. The other thing, I'm not good with the terminal connections on 9 volts. Everytime I go to switch out the 9 volt in my G&L ASAT bass, I risk damaging the female connectors. Maybe it's just the nature of this older bass (1991). It's so tight trying to separate the connecting terminals I usually pull the small male connector out of the battery. If that battery goes dead the bass is useless. BTW,the active pre-amp is really quiet. Blue
  10. I agree, I'd stay away from those with full time jobs and young families. Also if the band is established with a busy gigging schedule I wouldn't bring anyone in with no current relevant gigging experience. Blue
  11. At this point in my life, I can't think of a reason I'd committ to a "start up" band. Blue
  12. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1501543128' post='3345471'] My daughter just sent me a great pic she took of two of the band during our Friday night gig at Faringdon Follyfest. I think it captures a lot of the fun of playing these places. [attachment=250325:DSC_0763.jpg] [/quote] That's an awesome pic Dave. Definitely worth blowing up and framing. Blue
  13. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1501401005' post='3344396'] We play a few country type songs at some gigs, I use my Thunderbird, round wounds and a pick. [/quote] I like that. Blue
  14. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1501522298' post='3345262'] Also Music Vault YT channel for dinosaurs living in the past . [/quote] So if you like live music your living in the past? If yes, I'll gladly and proudly stay in the past. Blue
  15. I think we still have Austin City Limits on PBS. Blue
  16. Washington County Fair 4-7. Great sound we used some new highly powered subs and JBL mains. All druns miced with over-heads. It was a tent show, 80°, no clouds with a breeze. We were allowed to bring our vehicles onto the grounds and park right behind the tent. So great load in and out. Great engaged crowd, mostly over 60 folks that truely get what we do. Stage volume under control, really nice. Great band vibe from the moment we arrived. Huge bar with 8 servers a few feet away from the stage. The bands performance met my expectations. For those that read my posts know that does not always happen. Stand Outs; "Too Rolling Stoned" Robin Trower "Gators" Original Blue
  17. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1501358363' post='3344277'] Check out the posts above, it happens to even the best of us and the most experienced and well rehearsed bands. No one is saying it happens on a regular basis. The point being it is not always a indication of sloppy or ill prepared musicians if the audience walks. [/quote] Agreed, We occasionally end up booked somewhere we shouldn't. Again there are crowds that are not into bands. Blue
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1501359888' post='3344286'] There are at least three examples where the band has done the gig against their better judgement and the result has been as expected. I know at least three band leaders who ask some very detailed questions before agreeing to do weddings. Where is the bar? If there is a large room with a bar adjoing the dance room, then it's a no no. What age group are they playing to? If it's a summer wedding at a hotel with a large seating area outside, can the band set up in a marquee? I've played at a couple of weddings where the band have been playing to a hot sweaty empty room with the doors closed due to noise limitations, while everyone else is outside. These are all things that can be avoided and are part of the musicians armoury and control. [/quote] All good points. The real killer is putting the band in a room with no bar. Blue
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1501357344' post='3344270'] That's beside the point. I agree it happens once in a while but there are things you can do to avoid it happening. If it's happening regularly then it's not the audience. [/quote] There's a lot of miss match gig stuff that can happen. You can go into a packed bar and say it's a new venue for the band and turns out it's just not a music crowd. Blue
  20. I've never been to the UK. As a kid I always heard the phrase "Foggy London Town". I thought it was just a joke thing. My point, is it ever nice outside? Blue
  21. The most appropriate bass for Country/Country Rock/ Folk is the style of playing, your understanding of the genre and the tone from your fingers. Blue
  22. A few years ago we played a big county fair and our stage was only a few feet away from a hip hop stage. Loud and they attracted thousands of kids. We didn't have a chance. Blue
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1501276791' post='3343839'] Function gigs don't really give you much opportunity to vet the gigs, if the person booking decides they like you and want to book you then that's it, you can't know what the demographic will be can you? Of course if your playing stuff you know will not go down well at weddings don't put yourself out there. [/quote] Very true Blue
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1501276942' post='3343840'] Yes, the gig was near where he worked, it went better than it could have but I think he realised that we are not a party band after, he's no longer our drummer either Annoyingly I'm in another band that would have been perfect! [/quote] Same sort of thing has happened with us with weddings. They'll be a couple getting married who are fans of the band and they want us to play. We're always like, "are you sure, we're not a wedding band", " no don't worry it'll be fine" It never is. Blue
  25. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1501272666' post='3343804'] Another not great band I'm in did a party, we're not a party band but the drummer organised it so his work mates could see us, that was a tough gig![/quote] Did he want to impress his work mates with the fact he was in a band? Blue
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