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Happy Jack

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Everything posted by Happy Jack

  1. WTF? 😂😂😂 I never said dem fings ...
  2. It's a stock single-button response. If an item on Gumtree appears on your Facebook page and you click on it because you want to know more, the most common single-button communication that you're offered is: "Hi, is this still available?". It's just a suggested way of starting a conversation/negotiation, nothing sinister.
  3. Have you never done it with a lady, then? Nudge nudge, wink wink.
  4. Yup, in the main they are. Far fewer non-driving males than females, far fewer Dads with childcare issues than Mums.
  5. Bin there. Dun that. Bought the full drag outfit. Unbelievable levels of weaponised bovine faeces enter the equation as soon as you start trying to recruit a female singer, and the younger they are the worse it is. I very nearly started (yet another) thread about this after spending SIX MONTHS trying to find a competent singstress who could read. Turned out that none of them could read an advert (or in one spectacular case, an entire extended WhatsApp discussion by the band of the impending gig, for which she arrived at my studio for "rehearsal" just as the rest of us kicked off in front of a live audience three miles away) but ALL of them are very good at reading the lyrics off a sheet of A4 paper which keeps falling off the music stand. "Yes, I know the advert said that I MUST have a car but I didn't think it mattered. By the way, can someone give me a lift back to Woking after every gig?" "Yes, I know I told you that childcare wasn't an issue because my Mum lives close to me, but actually I can't do any rehearsals at all. Not a problem though, because I'll turn up at the gig note-perfect and fully rehearsed." "Yes, I know we agreed to rehearse every week but I'm really busy. October? Does October work for you?" And all that's way before we get anywhere near the ones who can't sing, or stay in time, or recognise any of the artists. "So that one's by ... I'm sorry ... who? OK, how do you spell Aretha?"
  6. I say Length = 100cm and the courier never even mentions it when he arrives. 😂
  7. DPD, always use DPD. They're the only courier who always turn up on time, and whose tracking always works. Others shipping stuff to me use every courier known to man, with entirely predictable (and usually unhappy) results. I've used only DPD for the last five years when shipping stuff to others, and I have yet to encounter a problem.
  8. Paging @Owen https://the-bace.com/ Just saying ...
  9. Picture the scene. It's August 1979, my mate Will knows a dealer who we've agreed to meet in the public bar at The Nashville. We're at one of the chest-high 'planks' that ran along the North End Road frontage with our beers, waiting for yer man to show, and we realise that the place is filling up with tribes. London was really tribal in those days ... punks, skins, Teds, neo-mods, football hooligans on a Saturday, you name it, and the tribes never, ever mixed. Will had the self-preservation instincts of a lemming so he flagged down a passing skin and asked him how come? "Great new band on tonight, mate, Madness. You gotta see them!" Will and I looked at each other. Madness? Never heard of them. We scored half an ounce of Lebanese and left ...
  10. +1 Absolutely essential piece of kit as far as I'm concerned, I record every single gig for all bands I play in on mine. Almost every performance video I do (follow the links in my sig) has audio supplied by my H4n Pro. Very good price, too. I was tempted to pull the trigger myself, but I already have an H2, an H4n, AND an H6 so I'm pretty Zoomed in ...
  11. And ... back to Page #1. Here's a review from 1977 (not rock'n'roll but deffo retro doowop):
  12. They were given the whole weekend, so clearly they were still a very big draw.
  13. I'm aware. I was there at the time. I'm older than my avatar makes me seem ...
  14. No, I always felt that Horse Lips was an insult ...
  15. I never actually got the chance to see Giggy Pop ...
  16. Ain't no law says you can't be in two bands at the same time. Playing a genre you're not fond of will broaden your horizons much more than doing the same old.
  17. Actually, ALL my basses were originally played by Bill Wyman (except the ones played by Paul McCartney), but I don't like to talk about it. Does anyone really fall for this sort of bovine fertiliser in 2023?
  18. Big place, London. If you're looking for jams for you to go to yourself, best narrow it down to (at least) a point of the compass. 😉 Also, these jams happen on different nights of the week, as you'd expect. Are you a midweek jammer or are you looking for something to do at the weekend?
  19. 500+ gigs at pubs, clubs & festivals, playing with everything from 3-piece to 8-piece bands and we've never yet needed more than a single 13A domestic socket. That's backline, PA and lights. I realise that other, bigger bands may well have greater demands, but at the pub/club level it's very rare to need anything special. IMHO
  20. Had an HBP-1 years ago, lovely thing, never graduated to running it with an integrated power amp (that was the start of my love affair with Powersoft kit). Puzzled by one thing ... there's a Volume control for the preamp (no Gain) but no separate Volume control for the power amp. How do you increase the Gain without increasing the Volume?
  21. Ha! I remember reading that at the time. 11 bloody years ago ... seriously?
  22. Opinion is divided as to whether that space should be there. 😉
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