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Everything posted by edstraker123

  1. Hi Jon welcome, Don't know where you are based but I've got one on Ebay for sale at £100 currently. It's immaculate apart from a tiny scratch on the side of the neck. Cost me £275 in Dawsons. Check it out if you are interested.Got flatwounds on it and it plays really nice.
  2. Hoping so - they are normally pretty good. Just hope they can get me another one.
  3. I'll give it a whirl. As it wasn't up to the job I consigned it to the bedroom and bought a new ampeg B100-R which was excellent but has died after 3 days ! Definitely cursed !
  4. After last weeks nightmare with the Micromark I decided to consign it to the bedroom for practice only and get myself a decent amp for the living room which I can run all my effects through etc. After lots of deliberation I bought an Ampeg B100-R . I bought it in Dolphin's guitar shop in Liverpool -they give me a great deal £429 (cheaper than anywhere I could find on the web), it looks absolutely stunning and having got it home I was well impressed with the sound. After playing it for a couple of hours today it just fizzled out and is now completely dead. I tried different power lead in case it was the fuse but to no avail. Has anyone had any similar experiences with these Ampegs ? I though I'd read something about problems with the B200-R . My Amp curse continues - can anybody recommend a replacement about 100W (£500 to spend) should the worst come to the worst.
  5. Might sell it and cut my losses !]
  6. Kev, your proposed order worked out a treat - sweet !
  7. It is exclusively for bedroom practice. Space is extremely tight and I thought it would be the perfect solution.I hear what you are saying about a 6" speaker but fell for the hype and somehow believed it was endowed with magical powers and would behave like a larger one !
  8. Just bought a Markbass Micromark - just before the price hike (they seem to have gone up about £90 in the last few weeks) and was just wondering what other users experiences were of them. I bought it based on reviews (like a fool !) and for the price was extremely disappointed. I expected to pay a premium for the small size and it sounds ok but you only have to look at it and you overdrive it ! If it cost £150 it would be worth considering, but in some places it's now £390 + £50 for a tweeter box. I'm getting a better sound out of a Samson Resolv 65A active monitor which I got for nothing ! A valuable lesson learned !
  9. Excellent comms and service - trouble free transaction. Would definitely deal with again.
  10. Not heard from you so got myself another one. [quote name='edstraker123' post='204610' date='May 22 2008, 10:06 PM']PM'd[/quote]
  11. Cheers Kev I appreciate the response and point taken on the search function. I think the problem stems from members trying to get advice in relation to their specific collection of pedals (as I was) rather than general principles to apply - symptom of being a newbie I'm afraid. Looking forward to trying out your proposed combination. [quote name='BassManKev' post='204870' date='May 23 2008, 11:36 AM']how many of these threads are there! go for this, but next time please use the search function, as there must be a dozen of these threads by now... EHX octave multiplexer Wah EHX bass micro synth qtron Pickle Pie fuzz EHX black finger compressor Boss Bass chorus EHX stereo electric mistress Line6 DL4 delay modeller Boss Bass EQ but were you put the EQ is totally dependant on what you use it for thats how id have it anyways[/quote]
  12. The pedals I have are : Wah Pickle Pie fuzz Boss Bass EQ Boss Bass chorus EHX black finger compressor EHX octave multiplexer EHX stereo electric mistress Line6 DL4 delay modeller EHX bass micro synth qtron how would users link these in the chain ? I appreciate there will need to be a bit of experimentation to see what sounds best but there must be some general principles which could be applied.
  13. Hi Robert, I'm in exactly the same boat as you, just switched from a pod xt live, have got a set of pedals together and would like to know the basics of the effects chain.Hopefully somebody will point us in the right direction.
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