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Posts posted by Bolo

  1. Rule of thumb is that the wattage is calculated to the power output before distortion. Valve amps for electric instruments are designed to operate beyond the point where distortion occurs. For bass, 300 watt valve amps are not uncommon because of the vastly increased headroom (how long it sounds clean Vs power output).

    Increasing the amplification beyond the maximum undistorted signal is Overdriving and will alter the nature of the signal. 

    The area where this sounds pleasing in some way gives a lot of extra loudness output so the amplification and power usage if measured at the wall are actually way higher than the rated wattage.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  2. That's some TurboEncabulator text right there 

    1 hour ago, Ed_S said:

    SSL Labs usually gives you a fair idea of what's going on, and their tests won't complete for the BD site due to behaviour which "usually happens when there are multiple TLS servers behind the same IP". Before failing, the tests return the SAN certificate I'd expect, and also a seemingly unrelated wildcard for a shared SSL CA which seems to belong to a hosting provider called Heart Internet. The IP of the site sits under the ASN for Host Europe, but in a block assigned to Heart, so that ties up. I don't get alerts from either my home systems or our secure gateways at work, so I'll continue to look at the pretty pictures on the purely personal assessment that it's more likely a sub-optimal configuration than anything malicious in that one particular instance.



    Yup! And and don't trust my assessment either - you've paid them to keep you safe and they seem to be doing an alright job.


    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, TheLowDown said:

    So if lower pitches are affected then our tinnitus sounds will be of a lower pitch. Same for higher pitches. 

    In practice this happens often but as Beato says it's sometimes transposed to different pitches or sounds. Some people hear drilling, or think it's the neighbour's washing machine, or an airplane spooling before take-off.


    Tinnitus also occurs without hearing damage, often to highly sensitive people or people who have filtering deficiency (possibly somewhere in the ADHD/ADD or autism spectrum, even if very lightly).

  4. Good of him to give attention to his (and many of ours) affliction!


    My tinnitus was the reason I retrained in to the audiology field.


    He mentions how loud it sounds. The experience of sound is created in the hearing center of the brain. The last step sound travels to your consciousness. It's usually only a few dB above your hearing level but as it's added last you'll hear it over loud 'outside' sounds. The loudness required to drown out the tinnitus is not the same as the loudness òf the tinnitus.


    It is a son of a beach to learn to live with.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Misdee said:



    I suppose it's out of necessity though. If festivals were how they used to be all these Instagram kids would be suing the organisers and seeking therapy for the trauma they had experienced. Let's just hope this country doesn't have to go to war again.

    Best call nurse, you've forgotten to take your meds again.

    • Haha 2
  6. On 08/01/2022 at 17:04, BassApprentice said:

    Looking to upgrade the pickup and preamp in my MTD Kingston, but it seems to be an odd size - 50mmx105mm


    Anyone know of any off the shelf pickups that would fit. Would like to pair it with a Spector Tonepump if that helps. 



    The Nordstrand MM 5.2 are a straight drop in I believe.

  7. 2 hours ago, SteveXFR said:

    I've found quite a few and many are to suit the more discerning metal head but there's one with a wider appeal who stand our, Hey Colossus.

    My favourite of their songs  is The Mirror which features vocals by Mark Lanegan on the Dances / Curses album.

    As a discerning metalhead, please list some. Unbelievably Krisiun have been a recent discovery for me.

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