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Everything posted by ubassman

  1. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1387470139' post='2312375'] I've learnt so much great stuff and met fantastic people through the DB lounge. Great big hugs to all you cool dudes out there xxxxxxxxxxxxx [/quote] Thanks to Sarah T. for reminding me to always 'dance' with my bass!
  2. Chris - any chance you could post some photos in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209121-string-identifier/page__p__2222257__hl__string%20identifier__fromsearch__1#entry2222257"]here[/url] ? Theres a BC String Identifier thread Set 1 - mostly likely Spiro Mittels Set 2 - ? Set 3 - Evah Pirazzis Set 4 - Pirastro Obligatos Set 5 - could be Stagg EUB strings Set 6 - Inovation Honeys?
  3. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1387458569' post='2312167'] Handover between a couple of handsome young fellas Cameronj279 and Donnyboy last night in Glasgow. [/quote] IMPORTANT NOTICE ...the "two handsome young fellows" in the photo and the order of the names is not necessarily in the correct order Great job guys!
  4. I imagine that it would be a real buzz to play this there being no truss rod !
  5. Without naming any names , a BIG SHOUT all the movers and shakers who have contributed massively to the coolness , vibe and knowledge sharing of the DB and EUB "lounge' ! Special recognition to GeoffBassist for his fantastic videos, ...StingrayPete for encouraging us to wear hats and take photos ...darn I said I wouldnt name names - this thread could get messy! Happy Christmas everyone!
  6. Jeff Bradetich goes into some excellent detail here on hand shapes.Enjoy ! http://music.unt.edu/strings/mp3/Left_hand_technique.html
  7. You could get Yoko to record different takes with different mixes and ask her what sounds the clearest from au audience point of view ....she could be your biggest ally
  8. Dial cranked to 11 is pretty one dimensional to any listener - and nothing like the sophistication you would get on an album if the band where to go into a studio and work with a producer and a sound engineer, trimming gain to avoid clipping, using low and high pass filters, ADT, etc . Ironically if each musician's track were all recorded separately for a recording contract demo and property mixed together they would love the fact that everything is clear and that the bass sounds amazing complimenting the guitars, the vocals sound great, and that the band never played so well etc etc. But then back to gigging and live performance, and that sound would fall apart . What I dont get is why with some musicians there isnt a curiosity to experiment more with making the best live mix sound that the band can make? So, another thing you could try is to deliberately suggest whilst playing live to record a 'live demo' that captures the essence of the band's sound . At the end of the day the trick is for any live performance to be as good as an album and it would result in hopefully a good discussion between everyone as to how they could best go about that. Its very difficult to ask other people to change their habits and perceptions but I guess thats where you are at if the band is to ever property showcase its talents.
  9. Hasten to add that the title is :- [b] An Alexander Technique Approach to Double Bass Technique[/b]
  10. Timbo, if you are interested , this is quite a good kindle edition resource for AT specific for Double Bass http://www.amazon.co.uk/Alexander-Technique-Approach-Double-Bass-ebook/dp/B004JKMSSE Alternatively you can buy it as a PDF here http://www.ethankind.com/ebooks.html ( when you pay via PayPal you need to state what book you are after - as Ethan Kind has written on many subjects!). Well worth the read.
  11. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1387301270' post='2310479'] ......and the bass tone is amazing. [/quote] +1 are you playing on Spiros Mark?
  12. The bass line harmonies for PFH are actually 'PFH' !! Thanks for posting Mark
  13. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1387286133' post='2310208'] yes indeed he is,his wife comes to most gigs & seems to have appointed herself as musical director. Naturally all she wants to hear is hubby. [/quote] Bingo - maybe thats the real issue here ! Increasing volume can be down to a singer not really being that confident in their abilities. Its much more comfortable playing louder and distorted in a wall of sound than playing quiet where everyone is more critical because they can hear every note. Are rehearsals equally loud? Could you and your brother join forces and suggest that "to make sure that the set is really polished" , that you do an acoustic unamplified rehearsal? If the singer hears the songs and they sound great unplugged he may well go that way live or at least turn down. If the singing is shockingly bad ...well theres your reason why the volume gets cranked up!
  14. Is the other guitarist also the singer in the band by any chance?
  15. +1 on the Alexander Technique Bilbo. The idea of 'gorilla grip' strength isnt something that I feel is part of my playing either - quite the opposite really. My touch feels always nimble and light using my whole arm and shoulder. At the same time stamina in the fingers is important and thats where building up exercises really are very valuable as well. I seem to have a lot of runs in low positions in my orchestral work where the fingers are wide apart and my hands are good and strong to deal with having to play the dots on the paper. Hector, not come across Dr Mortons book - I do have a lot of time and respect for his work at the U.S. School of Double bass and interestingly enough have been working through his triangulation fingering method along with Tom Gale's etudes. At only $7.00 I think this may well slip onto the Christmas List !
  16. When i have been in this situation before I turned my bass way way way down and left the band stranded having no option but to also turn down to hear the bass. Lower volumes in small venue always works so much better anyway ...you never know they might learn something here!
  17. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1387263178' post='2309915'] This looks like its been fished out of the canal - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400625123744&ssPageName=ADME:B:FSEL:GB:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.co.u...:B:FSEL:GB:1123[/url] [/quote]
  18. Try looking up Max Dimoffs warm ups, or Duncan McTiers daily exercises. The key with all of these is to improve technique whilst developing strength. It means that the muscles are being trained to perform and fire in a very specific way rather than to just be strong. To illustrate heres a simple receptive 8 note pattern ( dubbed "Rings Way") by Ring Warner that I find physically is a real workout for the left hand, when played at speed :- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[list] [*]Start with the 1st finger on the F of the low E string. [*]Play the following 8 note finger pattern getting good definition with intonation 1242 1424 ( i.e. F, F#,G,F#, F, G, F#, G ) [*]Remember the pattern and then slide up a half step to F# and repeat the 8 note pattern with accuracy. [*]Carry on chromatically next starting the pattern on the G note , then G# and finally the last pattern starting on the note A . [/list] Now, heres the test of your skill - continue the pattern on the A string with the first finger starting on the Bb. If you have climbed successfully with accurate intonation on the E string and have hit the A perfectly then when you move to the Bb on the next string , it will sound spot on. If you havent climbed the E string successfully and your A is actually a bit sharp or flat (compared to the open A string as a reference ) then start again until your intonation and finger positioning is spot on. You can keep on going sliding up the A string then onto the Eb on the D string etc up to Ab on the G string etc. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The exercise needs to be played slow at first but then working to a fast tempo its a real workout for the fingers. The idea in the low positions is that you train your muscles to gain strength by elongating and contracting specifically to hit the right notes. There are plenty of other drills that strengthen and condition the specific muscles that you use when playing the double bass. Look up Clarks Thumb position drills, Gary Karrs "Vomits" etc A gyroscope has its place but develops muscles to withstand the forces generated by a gyroscope. Granted, may be of value to some players but wont make you a better player in the process!
  19. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1387239486' post='2309872'] You'd understand if you used one, really. A gyroscope will give you forearm, wrist, and grip strength that playing bass simply wont. [/quote] I have used them before. They have a strong pulling motion as you try to stabilise the spinning motion of the ball. Gyroscopes definitely challenge the muscles in the hand and the forearm (in particular) and will develop strength no shadow of a doubt. Although been there, done it, seen it , I dont use one. For me good though they are, they are not bass specific and dont challenge the exact muscles needed for playing. There are plenty of exercises that do target the specific muscles and give refinement to ones playing, and develop fine muscle memory at the same time. Building up strength whilst making controlled movements on the fingerboard is important and very rewarding.
  20. ....getting his groove on ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8H-67ILaqc
  21. [b] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]This looks like a cool place to make music ![/font][/size][/b] [b] Kontrabass-Kaleidoskop Michaelstein [/b] [color=#333333]"Every year in spring double bassists from all over the world meet in the Michaelstein monastery to learn, exchange ideas and have a good time... "[/color] https://www.facebook.com/kontrabass.kaleidoskop
  22. Loving this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgMKftB_aOM
  23. Probably a bit harsh comparison but theres a lot of work needed to be done to get this bass up to scratch and you might as well add another few hundred quid to the pot and buy a brand new Gedo.
  24. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1385421269' post='2288194'] I'd love a real double bass, it's kinda sad looking at that bass. [/quote] +1 ....if it were a car it would look something like this prior to the repainting by hand with Dulux Brilliant White Gloss paint !
  25. Bridge looks pretty knackered too. Not so easy to see but it looks like the top has deformed and sunk between the f holes which suggests that the sound post has dropped whilst the bridge left in place loading the top. Most likely cause for that long crack in the top under the tail piece. Top needs to come off Im afraid = expensive repair. Is it a hybrid I am wondering with ply back and sides and a wooden top - hard to tell with that aweful B+Q varnishing ? The finish puts me off for two reasons:- 1/. it looks bloody awful 2/. why would anyone do that to a double bass? Buyer beware!
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