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Everything posted by ambient

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  2. ambient


    [center] [/center] [center]Trades for MarkBass 1x12 combos, plus cash to me. [/center]
  3. ambient


    [center] [/center] [center]Trades for MarkBass 1x12 combos plus cash to me.[/center] [center] [/center]
  4. Amazing basses, my Q6 is the best bass that I've ever played.
  5. My Quantum is amazing, easily the best bass that I've ever played.
  6. Nice, but the text in your ad gives me a headache 😊
  7. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1398752736' post='2437141'] Hey Ambient..... Not sure you know this site, but there are tons of trio backing tracks (all real book standards - mp3). They are all free no charge to download. There is Bass on the tracks, but they are great for playing/practising the heads and soloing. http://www.ralphpatt.com/Backing.html How are you getting on with Spitfire ? [/quote] Thanks for that. The spitfire sounds are amazing I'm using them on my college stuff at the moment. The string sounds are incredible and vastly superior to logics. I'll put some on my soundcloud page in a day or 2 😊
  8. ambient


    Last chance to buy this, I'm going to withdraw it from sale if it doesn't sell by Sunday. I have exams coming up and won't have spare time until the end of May.
  9. ambient


    Last chance for a few weeks, if no one's interested then I'm going to remove it from sale until my exams are over.
  10. If its not too big then postage should be pretty cheap. I posted a MB head recently for about £5, use MyHermes and drop it off.
  11. ambient


  12. Before my dad retired from his business, he had a system he called his P.N.S. system for late payers. P = Polite letter. N = Nasty letter. S = Solicitors letter. The N letter threatened the use of the S letter and usually had the desired effect. I'd skip the P and go straight to the N threatening the S.
  13. I just tend to use Logic. There are some ok drum loops in there, and I just play in II/V/I's or whatever and practice over them. There's iReal for iPhones and iPads, that's supposed to be very good.
  14. Mine's in baritone melody at the moment, I'm probably going to switch to standard. I've only played it for about 10 minutes so far, it's actually easier than I expected. The bass strings, although they go from high to low, are tuned the same as my basses top 5 strings E-C, so that's not really a problem knowing what the notes are. The melody side is C#, F#, B, E, A. Again, in the very short time I've had to play with it, the top 3 strings are easy to remember, and find my way around. I have to keep reminding myself about the C# and F#, which way around they are .
  15. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1398629167' post='2436026'] He did, but he lost me a bit as he was talking in terms of individual strings & not "Matched Reciprocal", "Baritone Melody" or whatever. (To be honest I was so awestruck at being in a little club in Cardiff talking to Tony Levin I couldn't really get my head around it). I've just sold my 12 string Grand that I bought last October - really couldn't get on with the extra neck width & narrower string spacing compared with my old 10 string. [/quote] This suggests that he might use different tunings on different songs ? [url="http://www.elephant-talk.com/wiki/Interview_with_Tony_Levin_on_America_Online_chat"]http://www.elephant-talk.com/wiki/Interview_with_Tony_Levin_on_America_Online_chat[/url]
  16. Off topic a bit, but 'Sound on Sound' is still a really good magazine, so why can't BGM be as good ? I know a couple of people who write for BGM, there are a couple of good interviews coming up, but again probably nothing that you can't discover in a few minutes of googling .
  17. What I would say is if it's your dream then do it, try it. If it doesn't work out then you've at least tried, better to try than to spend the rest of your life wondering [i]what if, or if onl[/i]y. Like people have pointed out, there're a load of things to do as well as the singer/songwriter, all of which keep you employed within the music business. There's a songwriter course where I study, I know some of them organise a songwriting circle once a fortnight. That's maybe something else to add to the portfolio. Charge people a small amount for coming in etc. Kind of like an open mic, but for original material only.
  18. ambient


    [center][attachment=161458:images.jpeg][/center] [center]Exams are starting soon, so expect withdrawal, get in quick.[/center] [center] [/center]
  19. ambient


    [center][attachment=161457:images.jpeg][/center] [center]Exams starting, so expect withdrawal soon.[/center] [center] [/center]
  20. It's not a Tom Clement. The giveaway is the fact it's a thru neck, he only makes bolt-ons.
  21. Well as if yesterday, this amazing instrument is now mine 😊
  22. There was a postal address on his website at Christmas, he built a ramp for one of my basses. The website shows the number as 01163 486954 and the address as 30, Steyning crescent, Glenfield, Leicester. LE3 8PJ
  23. Just bought my new Chapman Stick from Pete. A really great instrument, and a great guy to deal with. Recommended.
  24. ambient

    MB1 Feedback

    Just sold my Markbass cab to Martin. A really great and easy transaction. Hope you enjoy it !
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