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ambient last won the day on January 4

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About ambient

  • Birthday 21/06/1979

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  1. I won an NI Komplete Kontrol S49 keyboard on eBay at 11am. Then 20 minutes later I get an email telling me that the seller has cancelled the transaction because the item is either out of stock or damaged. In other words it went for far less than he wanted. So my search continues.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bigwan


      Negative feedback doesn't seem to count for much when they can complain to ebay and have it removed...

    3. Sharkfinger


      Problem is, you can't prove it either way.  I've been on the other side of that (as a seller) and had frustrated buyers concocting all kind of conspiracy theories about why they can't have their item.

    4. kevvo66


      If it's genuine that fare enough  it happened to me the other week as a seller , mine tried to shaft me on the postage , he never got the bass and left me negative feedback , eBay a strange place even more so these days to buy and sell now don't get me wrong there's some lovely genuine people on there then there's the ones who'd have the eyes out of your head and come back for the sockets

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