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Everything posted by ZenBasses

  1. Although I have little expertise in this area It is interesting and fun to read the replies and research the links provided
  2. Doh Quoted myself instead of edit I think I might cocked up this Dropbox link
  3. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1373753390' post='2141372'] [media]http://db.tt/IUpVwVRK[/media] Recorded this tonight. Off the new Daft Punk album Pretty sloppy with only a couple of rehearsals.. Improvisation is what I enjoy All be it not the world's best phrasing..Nor the best playing Stupid that I still feel embarrassed of sharing random things Great playing culture here on BC [/quote]
  4. [media]http://db.tt/IUpVwVRK[/media] Recorded this tonight. Off the new Daft Punk album Pretty sloppy with only a couple of rehearsals.. Improvisation is what I enjoy All be it not the world's best phrasing..Nor the best playiny Stupid that I still feel embarrassed of sharing random things Great playing culture here on BC
  5. Could the nut have some bearing on this also? I know when Jon Shuker set up my bass he had to 'adjust' the nut to get an even tone... Though I have no idea what these 'adjustments' were.
  6. Could be the pickup height isn't set correctly. Or it could just be characteristic of the pickups or eq.. I take it.. This is a passive bass?
  7. If it sells will it be a phone call to Jon again..? I know when I sold mine (trying to hunt it down) I got that awful sinking feel of... What Have I Done
  8. Or a custom pickguard or go without?
  9. It would seem my preferences are out of tune ...
  10. Agreed somewhat.. Mines been heavily used so luckily the blue has faded But the minor flaws are easily forgivable..
  11. Just think this is cool as Gas again Would go nice with my other GB
  12. My first custom bass from Jon was an Elite 5 string series II.. It was one of the first basses to uses the new shape Very comfortable and very well balanced. This one is of a similar spec So it should be awesome... Wish I had deep pockets
  13. I know this is a dead thread but I've purchased and been sent single strings from string busters Worth an email if this issue ever arises again
  14. It's always nice when an old thread is made new again Custom made brown leather one sounds a good option All the best
  15. [url]http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html[/url] I am not too tall and I like to wear my bass a little higher than some Just bought a short version of their strap.. Start at 31" Very good strap extremely well made with quality leather I would recommend one of these And a 2 days delivery time was also welcomed
  16. I recently purchased a status graphite bass strap It's superb.. Comfy, well made and looks like it'll outlast me A superb value for money and arrived in 2 days
  17. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1373272627' post='2135406'] Got a soft spot for elites though,the stainless ones [/quote] So do I... As if the above post didn't confirm that
  18. Have always used and loved elites. Bright Punchy Consistent quality Good value And British 45-105 medium gauge is what I use lighter gauges are available
  19. I shall look into the obbm cables again.. I've known about them for ages... But forgot about them. I am now enlightened again Roughly how much is p+p? Only need a 2m or 3m cable seems v good value Thank you
  20. Spotted these on ebay.. Local to me as well [url]http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=190866667830&kw=190866667830[/url] Any clues to the makes? Cheap project comes to mind... Sorry I didn't know if this should of gone in the eBay forum.. :/
  21. [url] http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0002CZV46/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?qid=1372865444&sr=8-4&pi=SL75[/url] In need of some new cables How are these compared to other pw products? Always liked the idea for silencing on stage and the like Seem a good price atm Any views are greatly welcomed
  22. On a personal note. My GB IV was one of the first basses I bought.. Still have 12years later.. Nothing else can touch it.. Why? I learnt to properly (in the looses of forms heheh) play.. I honed my skills to fit that bass and develop my own sound and style. Is this why people say.. Fenders are the best?..how many of these people learnt on a Fender.. Have fond memories on a Fender and developed their sound on a Fender?. I reckon quite a lot. Especially in the 70s..there wasn't the variety there is now. But can one have too many choices? Comes back to my original statement.. If you have an attachment to a certain brand... Not much will alter their view. Like me.. I won't be swayed.... GB IV hands down the bass that defines me.... In my own little way
  23. Some very informative replies and I've taken them on board. I wasn't suggesting I was going to do it just pondering on the idea and, since the wealth of knowledge around these ere parts is vast I thought I'd offer up the idea as a muse... Maybe saving a deposit which I guess will be 30-40% then offering my bass up for sale + build time = probably not much saving to be done. If I had 2.5k in my pocket (not that I'd probably spend that much) I'd be torn between a Shuker custom (I have a Shuker horn bass atm.. This is one I'd be offering up) or a GB Spitfire. (I have a GB IV circa 1998 and it still beats anything I play) There are pros and cons to most decisions in life.... Better buy a bigger piggy bank...
  24. Glad I am on the right wave length. In terms off cutting the card up.. I am pretty self disciplined but just to ensure payments can't be made. Even though the card will be kept in bits at home whilst it's active. I get the point of saving.. However in this current economic climate I'm saving for things such as a deposit on a house and the like. Just recently got promoted and now on a 12 month intensive management training. Things beforehand hand were as many people can appreciated.. Tough.. It's not a massive increase in wage but it's allowed me to start saving for mine and my partners future. However I wish to reward myself with something tangible and which gives me contemptment and 60-70 quid a month is easily doable on top of what I am already saving for. I've saved and have 3-4k of bass gear. However that money is technically 10years old as I've never lost any money from selling (you win on some and loose on others) nor have I put a single extra penny in. Added to this I'll be shifting one my basses probably along the line once the selling market picks up. This will then go straight into the repayments. Plus having a credit card would be good for my credit rating ... Obviously if I'm a good customer.. Hehe
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