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Everything posted by Netballman

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  2. FWIW I have a hitachi stereo unit (can't remember the model no, but can check it tonight if anyone's interested) which has a cassette and a USB port, and you can copy direct in MP3 format from one to the other (and likewise from other inputs). Did my old band tapes (from the 70s!) and some vinyls on it! Only cost about £70, and it's not a bad general music system either. I'm sure they do similar models now (bought this about 5 years ago). Thought it was a very handy feature!
  3. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='719920' date='Jan 21 2010, 11:04 AM']This is what i do.[/quote] Thinking along the right lines there - but a HARLEY? Mind you the're great if you want to spend 95% of your time cleaning or sitting by the road waiting for the breakdown truck after the latest bit's shaken loose and fallen off
  4. I'm in (unless the eventual date clashes with anything unmoveable)! To drift back to earlier discussions about venue... The SE bash (which was excellent btw, well done all!) was at a school, which in many ways was an ideal location - they had parking, were suitably isolated from anyone who might complain, and had a proper hall and stage for the main area plus plenty of adjacent rooms and space for other things. And for any newbies out there who might feel a bit nervous or intimidated - I understand just how you feel (the SE bash was my first) but just come and enjoy! Everyone is really friendly and helpful, you get to try loads of stuff (don't be embarrassed about your skill levels, everyone will be very supportive and it's great to have a go with new things - I even got to play a double bass for the very first time!) Also, since I saw a call for a lift, I can fit one more person (possibly two if you put gear on your lap ) in my car - I'll be going from Northolt in W London and am happy to pick up anyone vaguely en route (wherever that turns out to eventually be!) I can bring a Markbass Jeff Berlin combo and an Ibanez GWB35.
  5. Hi and welcome Maza! For all the joys of self-teaching I would definitely suggest getting some lessons (even if jjust occasional ones) if you can. I dabbled with bass for many many years (I was originally a drummer) but it was only when I got a bit more serious about bass and started taking some lessons that I realised what a huge difference it makes when you can be guided and encouraged by a good teacher. I've not been at it that long myself and I'm astonished by how I've progressed - far beyond what I would originally have imagined (or perhaps I just had very low expectations! ). I was also very lucky to have one of the best - Phill Mann (he's on here) - but I would definitely recommend that getting some lessons will direct your learning and speed your progression (and enjoyment). The main thing, though, is to play and have fun! Mmm all these London bass players... we should have a bass party...
  6. How about a GWB35? Phil Mann had one going a little while ago, not sure if it's still available... ....(edit) ah no, gone! But they're damn nice basses (I have one) and in the right price bracket...
  7. Welcome, and Shaun just beat me to it in recommending Phil! He's an excellent and inspirational teacher, you'd be very hard pressed to find anyone better! As for bass choice, I'd definitely concur about a trip to the Gallery (though you might find it a bit intimidating as a newbie!) and one (or more) of the bass bashes. Think about sounds you like and proceed that way. Another important thing would be whether you want to go 4 or 5 string. Also remember that just because it costs more doesn't necessarily mean it sounds or plays better, or will make you happier. Most of all trust your instincts! Enjoy mate ;-)
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  12. Anyone had any experience with these? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRACE-DWG-1000-DIGITAL-WIRELESS-GUITAR-BASS-SYSTEM_W0QQitemZ320452900535QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item4a9c7b36b7"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRACE-DWG-1000-DIGIT...=item4a9c7b36b7[/url]
  13. My longest lasting cable has been a Venom Mamba - 3 years and still going strong...
  14. Well, I've been agonising over my decision to splurge on the above... but OMG it arrived this morning and I just cannot believe how good it sounds! It's exactly what I was looking for, and I am soooo happy I did it! Er... that's it, just sharing the enthusiasm ;-) Oh, but let me just add: big thanks to Phil Mann for encouraging me to go for it, to dear Aunty Joan for leaving me the small bequest that funded it, and to my wife for not griping (much) about it! I think she saw the smile on my face So for the rest of you out there - if you're feeling impulsive, GO FOR IT!!! Merry Christmas mates! [attachment=38513:xmasgandc.jpg]
  15. I've just acquired an old PA but try as I might I cannot find anything about it online! It's a Dynamix Stage 300, 8:2 mixer amp, which the seller told me was originally 2x150w but has been modified to deliver 2x300w. Made in England by Dynamix Pro Audio Ltd, I'd guess possibly 1980-ish? It's come with a pair of Fender cabs but that's probably irrelevant. A source for a manual or spec sheet would be bril, but any information would be helpful (and interesting)!
  16. [quote name='arsenic' post='682230' date='Dec 12 2009, 03:20 PM']I actuall find this part of your post insulting. not everyone who doesn't play in [u]any[/u] band at all is a sad case. I don't for a very specific reason, I have lost some of the use of my left hand/arm, and will probobly never get it back - I know that I will unlikely be good enough to play in a band again - so I play for my own pleasure while I try to come to terms with this disability, and essentially learn to play all over again, working out a technique that will be suitable for my situation. I do talk about what I have done in the past, and I do try to guide my son who plays bass, and his band, to avoid them making the same mistakes I made in the past.....and based on your comment this makes me a sad case does it.....well thank you very much.[/quote] Terry, I know it's not quite the same thing, but a couple of years ago I had a major back op which went wrong and left me with severe (and permanent) numbness in my left foot and leg, and slightly less severe numbness in my right foot. I used to play netball at a high level (hence my monicker!) and as I could no longer run or jump off my left leg, or indeed move fast without risk of falling over, I thought I'd never play again. However after a year of feeling sorry for myself I decided that if people with prosthetic limbs could do sport, then so could I, even if not at the level I used to. Over the last year I've been "retraining" myself and I'm now playing again as a shooter (the least mobile position!) in a social team, where I am making a valid contribution and enjoying myself hugely with a lovely bunch of people who are playing for the enjoyment of it, not to win prizes. You'd only be a sad case if you didn't make an effort to come through your problems - as I was one for a year until I decided to do something about it. Congratulations to you on keeping your love for playing going, and rest assured you WILL find a way which gives you enjoyment. Keep at it mate and never give up!
  17. Love that sound, even on a crappy youtube vid! Oooo if only I had a few grand lying around... ... and no wife and kids
  18. I think flippyfloop is looking for one of these...
  19. Oooo i really shouldn't be doing this... but PM'd :brow:
  20. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='589856' date='Sep 4 2009, 03:51 PM']Price: not sure, open to offers, but please be reasonable . They are £900-ish new me thinks. Read more here: [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Mark_Bass_F1.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...rk_Bass_F1.html[/url][/quote] Actually this very link you quote is offering a brand new one for ... er... £599 ! :blush: Perhaps this would explain the relative lack of interest if you thought it was £900 new?
  21. [quote name='Phil Mann' post='668607' date='Nov 28 2009, 06:55 PM']Thanks for the endorsement Andy![/quote] You;re welcome mate! Fully deserved!
  22. [quote name='JD1' post='667408' date='Nov 27 2009, 02:28 PM']Unfortunately not. Yorkshire sometimes, Shropshire sometimes and Hampshire once in a while but not London very often - and if I do its usually on the train.[/quote] Ah but surely you can take a suitcase on the train!
  23. [quote name='Champion Badger' post='664767' date='Nov 25 2009, 09:43 AM']Been after these for ages. Lovely bass. www.gak.co.uk are doing them also by the way.[/quote] Much better getting this one from Phil than buying new - not only cheaper, but it'll be properly set up and have that nice strap as well!
  24. [quote name='TenLetters' post='666850' date='Nov 26 2009, 10:47 PM']No love for this one?[/quote] Perhaps because of fears that it might NOT be a "quick and easy fix"? (assumption being that if it really IS quick and easy, why haven't you sorted it already?) Please note I'm not casting any aspersions here, simply trying to answer your question, from the perspective of someone who has an interest!
  25. Wrong end of the country for me :-( but if you're coming down to London at any time...?
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