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Everything posted by andreapenna

  1. Just my h.o., Why not taking a video instead of just words in the email? There will be no risk of explanation/interpretation of the fault. Andrea
  2. Wow, this is absolutely great - best luck for the gig. But more than the festival itself, I realy wish I coould join a band as great as this - I'm really impressed by their music. And just discovered they are on Spotify as well, added to my "preferred" list.
  3. Hi, I use a Roland Micro Cube Bass RX, I found it great as practice amp and great to be used with the headphones (stereo effects, amp sim, drum, line in, line out) and also it can run on batteries for long hrs. Tx, Andrea
  4. [quote name='OzMike' timestamp='1347800944' post='1805112'] What amp is it, specifically? I did a search and came across this service manual for the Little MkII combo: [url="http://www.eserviceinfo.com/downloadsm/51892/Mark%20Bass_Littel%20Mk2%20combo.html"]http://www.eservicei...k2%20combo.html[/url] It details info on changing jumper positions for different line voltages, and I daresay all other class D amps from Markbass would similarly be able to be configured. [/quote] That PDF is very interesting What is the benefit of using the "serial" vs "parallel" for the effect chain?
  5. Hi, I've started playing again last December (after 15 yrs) and I bought a new Ibanez SRA505 - I think It is out of production - from Thomann.de. It is a 5 strings as my last bass (Warwick thumb, other times...) was a 5 strings. The SR505 was a bit too costly for my budget and I didn't know basschat yet... - I would have probably looked at a second hand SR505 in the market place here... but I'm happy with the choice anyway. The bass was my Christmas present, "my" = I bought it by myself as my wife looked at me as a crazy dog :-) I now play in a band with some colleagues and we are having a lot of fun. I suggest you to look at the SR500 series more than the SR300. You may find a good second hand for the price of a new SR300. Just my 'two cents'.
  6. We played at our Company meeting last Thursday in maidenhead. My first gig after more than 10 years and first gig in UK - I moved here two years ago with my family. A bit of emotion at the begin and some funny troubles finding the frets with the stage lights straight into my eyes Went really well and we enjoyed it a lot. We made a lot of links between the songs and didn't left any dead moment between the songs. Unfortunately I rented the amp (MB CMD103) but I didn't have time to set it properly so not so happy with my sound, too rumbling and dirty and the venue was a huge barn with a lot of reverb... Definitely I'm going to buy an amp to nail my sound as I wish it for next gig
  7. Hi, the two cabs are different right? the one at the top seams bigger that the other one. Can you confirm exact model for each? Thanks, Andrea
  8. Hi, I was thinking about something like this: - internal trim pot moved on the top of the chassis - expression pedal for the stop freq (*) - expression pedal for the trigger (*) (*) with a switch in the plug that allows the slide to work while the pedal is disconnected
  9. Hi, I've recently bought a XO version and I'd like to know if any one here in UK has done any mod. This seems to be the only thread on this topic Thanks, Andrea
  10. Hi, I recently bought the G30 Line6, at a good price from thomann.de; it sounds great but just to be aware: - the audio cable (bass to transmitter) doesn't come with an 90° angled jack - so I bpught another cable - it eats batteries a bit (2 AA, 1.5V), so get ready for a spare set. - the battery cover is a bit weak, so must pay attention when changing them - had to set the right channel not to interfere with my home WiFi connection (changing the home channel as well) - I just realized that since it needs more that 120mA, I can't power it with my T-Rex Junior Cheers, Andrea
  11. Hi Nibody, PM sent for the EHX Neo Clone Nano Chorus.
  12. Hi, first time buying on the forum, is it still available, can you PM the details for the payment?
  13. Hi, is this still "open"? I live in Salisbury and work in Newbury and with my current band we practice in Newbury.
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