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Posts posted by deej

  1. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' post='1213530' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:14 AM']How does an active influence the low end loss? Does it drive the pedal harder or something, causing it to clip more quickly? Reason for asking is I play actives and dont understand :)[/quote]

    I dont know the technical stuff so im sure others will help out there, and its not the case with all pedals either. Its just that a lot of pedals seem to work better with passive basses, something to do with the higher impedance and all that malarky. The best example is with a Woolly Mammoth, commonly known to suck with active basses.

  2. [quote name='thodrik' post='1213420' date='Apr 28 2011, 01:34 AM']I understand the 'it loses low end' argument, but I don't think it really does[/quote]

    I use active basses with mine, so maybe that has more of an affect on it? I always feel like my bass is struggling in the lows when the pedal is on, and I really have to attack my bass to be heard. If it had a built in blend then it'd be a great pedal, but for something that costs around £150 new I find it massively overpriced. Really disappointed with all the Aguilar stuff ive tried.

  3. [url="http://www.pedalboardplanner.com/"]www.pedalboardplanner.com[/url]

    I sometimes use this site for a bit of rough planning, particularly for any future purchases I might be looking to buy. I can see whether they're gonna fit with my other pedals or not.

  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1186390' date='Apr 3 2011, 01:12 AM']Have a Xerograph Deluxe incoming also![/quote]

    I'll be ordering one of those bad boys soon, you'll have to let us know how it is. I havnt found a filter ive liked yet, so this is my last attempt at them before I give up completely.

  5. Does it still have the loop function? I love my M9 for giving me options around my core pedals, so i reckon this could be a useful little pedal.

    Whats the general price of it?

  6. I wouldnt have expected one of those to be good for fuzz, but they really are surprisingly good on bass. I like using it for a crunchy, aggressive overdrive/distortion, and the price is a bonus like you say.

  7. Ive done exactly the same thing just last week. Same bass, pretty similar experiences.

    Had a sale agreed early on and was ready to actually travel to London to drop the bass off, but that got cancelled just before I was gonna buy the tickets. Had a few silly offers followed by weeks of nothing, then more offers again with no replies. I withdrew mine last week as I felt it wasnt worth it. Im gonna give it a setup and maybe give it another chance, but the main reason I wanted to sell it was that I wanted the money to sort my rig out.

    If I do decide to sell it again, im probably going straight to ebay with a reserve so I know what i'll get. Hopefully less hassle.

  8. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='1148063' date='Mar 3 2011, 09:46 AM']How long had your previous set of strings been on? It may be that it was the strings, not the setup, that made the majority of the difference.


    Ive tried new strings but it hasnt changed much. Im no expert at setting up my bass as ive hardly ever had to do it, but I cant seem to get this one quite right. Thats why im thinking of getting someone to do it properly for me.

    [quote name='tredders' post='1148067' date='Mar 3 2011, 09:47 AM']I think it depends on what's done. In the bad old days, I've paid for setups where they've basically tweaked the truss rod, and that was about it. However, a pro-setup involves a lot more than that.
    [url="http://www.guitartechnicalservices.co.uk/acatalog/Professional_Set-up.html"]This is what Peter Allen does.[/url]

    He charges £78, but it's worth every penny. I think you can get regular setups for around the £35 mark.[/quote]

    Cheers, I'll have a look into it.

  9. Ive never had a proper setup on any of my basses, but I think its about time I got one sorted. My Warwick feels lifeless and I seem to have lost the growl and power behind it, its just not there no matter what I do.

    How much does a setup normally cost?

  10. I just replied in the PYPB thread from your similar post, didnt check this thread first!

    Basically the Sansamp isnt a fuzz pedal and thats most likely why its not sounding right to you. You should check out the big muffs, particularly the bass version which is a good price new.

  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1147851' date='Mar 2 2011, 11:09 PM']...or if i don't succeed in getting a nice fuzz from the sansamp ill be getting a metal muff.[/quote]

    The Sansamp wont give you fuzz, its really just overdrive/distortion. If you're on a budget then you cant really go wrong with the Bass Big Muff for fuzz.

  12. If you're just starting off with pedals, id definitely start off with a multi. You can have a good play around with lots of different effects and get the general gist of what they are and how you can use them. When you find a few you like, you can start looking around at individual pedals and build up from there.

    Theres a range of multi fx pedals out there. Id probably recommend a Zoom B2 as its a good price and will give you a good starting platform.

  13. Ive got one at the moment. Got to agree with everything said so far. It might lack a little something, but you cant complain for the price. I like a punchy, aggressive tone so this suits me well, and the chunky neck is great for attacking the strings. I actually downgraded from my Warwick Thumb 5 to this because it suits my style better. Id probably only sell it if I had a fair bit of money lying around and wanted to upgrade to something higher end again.

  14. I want one.


    Can get a good idea of the dirt from this pedal in that video. This is exactly what im looking for to replace my M80 as I want 2 channels for 'always on' light grit, and the other for overdrive/distortion. Sounds like it gives a tasty grind which I like.

    Where can I get one of these? Im sure I saw one on Thomann a while back but I cant find it now.

  15. Loving this little surge of boards off everyone again!

    [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='1134363' date='Feb 20 2011, 02:53 PM']today's board - loving the aggy![/quote]

    Hows the low end for you with it? Ive always found it kills mine and takes all the oomph out of my tone. I dont like using it in a blend so im not sure what to do with it.

  16. Ive never gotten on with my GR. I posted a few months back about it too, and ive been on/off deciding whether to sell it. Im not sure if filters just arent for me, but I cant get a sound I like out of it. Its usually too thin and wet sounding which I dont like.

    Cost a lot of money too, I think thats why I want to make it work!

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