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Posts posted by deej

  1. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='1273047' date='Jun 17 2011, 06:41 PM']...you can get some good soundscapes going with some +1 oct sweeps and a long delay.[/quote]

    This is exactly what I do. Sometimes i'll just keep it +1 oct and sweep with my volume pedal instead, great for those ambient, whale-like noises for intervals and what not.

  2. [quote name='vegas_hooker' post='1268643' date='Jun 14 2011, 02:05 PM']Anyone going to see Russian Circles in the coming days?[/quote]

    I saw them in Manchester last year. My girlfriend hated it though so I couldnt go this time, haha.

  3. [quote name='topo morto' post='1259744' date='Jun 7 2011, 02:48 PM']Do you know if the 616 is a v1 or v2?[/quote]

    I wasnt actually aware there were different versions to be honest. Theres no serial number to check it online, but I bought this pedal new around the start of the year which I believe makes it the newer version.

  4. [quote name='mcgraham' post='1255337' date='Jun 3 2011, 12:31 PM']To help you acquire a great pedal and help the seller out, I can confirm the answer to both of the questions is 'yes'.

    1) Manual for it shows it works with 9V power or battery ([url="http://www.3leafaudio.com/GRmanual.pdf"]manual here[/url]).
    2) I've played an active bass through this - works absolutely fine.[/quote]

    Cheers mate! If you're expecting commission though, you can sod off :)

    Groove Regulator sold.

  5. Ive been pretty happy with my pedalboard for a while now, so ive convinced myself to sell most of the ones im not using instead of holding onto them "just incase". All prices include first class recorded delivery. I will accept Paypal, but due to the fees and limits, id prefer payment by bank transfer.

    [b]Earthquaker Devices Grand Orbiter[/b] - Nice thick phaser, same sale reasons as above. Slightly faded graphics. [b]WITHDRAWN[/b]
    [b]Malekko 616[/b] - Real nice delay with modulation options. This is also going because of my M9's revival. [b]WITHDRAWN[/b]

    [s][b]Demeter Compulator[/b] - Bought this earlier this year to give it a try, but I prefer my Multicomp. Looking for what I paid. [b]SOLD[/b][/s]
    [s][b]Aguilar Octamizer[/b] - Good range of sounds in this box, but I simply dont have a use for it. [b]SOLD[/b][/s]
    [s][b]Earthquaker Devices Sea Machine[/b] - Plenty of knobs on this chorus to tweak to taste. Im using my M9 again though so this is redundant. [b]SOLD[/b][/s]
    [s][b]3Leaf Groove Regulator[/b] - This is the first version without the blend. I just dont do filters I guess. [b]SOLD[/b][/s]
    [s][b]Tronographic Rusty Box[/b] - Big fuss over these on Talkbass. I like it, but I was after a 2 channel overdrive and have just found the pedal for me. Only had it a couple of weeks, so id like to get most of my money back minus all the charges. Comes with the supplied power adapter. Looking for [b]SOLD[/b][/s]
    [s][b]ZVex Woolly Mammoth[/b] - I think this is the 3rd time ive put this up for sale before changing my mind. Simply put, I only use active basses so this is no good to me. There is a piece of chipped paint on the underside but the rest is as you'd expect in good used condition. [b]SOLD[/b][/s]
    [s][b]Blackout Effectors Musket Fuzz[/b] - Versatile muff type fuzz. I have too many fuzzes so its gotta go. [b]£90[/b][/s]

    All pedals have velcro on the bottom, and they all have boxes except the Compulator and I think the Musket. In terms of trades, theres not really anything I want at the moment. I'd consider some kind of noise maker or something else interesting like that, but im really just looking for the cash so I can sort out my rig. Let me know if you'd like any specific pictures. I dont have a big boy camera though so quality wont be great.

  6. [quote name='burno70' post='1231114' date='May 14 2011, 05:15 PM']Great board Deej!

    Sea Machine Chorus = gas![/quote]

    Thanks. I only got it last week on a bit of a whim on ebay. I thought it looked ace so I bought it to give it a try, hope to give it a proper run soon.

    [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1231179' date='May 14 2011, 06:07 PM']Did you say REPLACE?! Get a bigger board.[/quote]

    Ive just come down from a PT2 :) I like the size of the Jr, but every time I go back to it, theres just one damn pedal that wont fit!

    [quote name='Finbar' post='1231193' date='May 14 2011, 06:16 PM']Awesome looking board :)[/quote]

    Cheers, that Oxide went straight on there!

    I dont like how american this board is getting though, feel like I need some british built pedals on there to balance things out. Might have a look at the SFX Black Dragon and put it up against the Agro.

  7. I think that sums it up nicely.

    The Agro just doesnt seem very well thought out to me. Poor physical design for a pedalboard, and a lack of any real control over the sound. A standard tone control wouldve been much better. The problem with the contour is that you either have low end OR mids, and the middle ground is just the worst of both worlds. Either you get lost in the mix, or you have a thin sound. The simplicity of a blend really works wonders for the pedal, but its extra expense and more space taken on a board.

    Despite slagging this pedal off, I do love its distortion. Just a shame everything else is so wrong.

    Ive wanted to try out an XXL for a while. Im struggling to find an overdrive/distortion that suits me yet so im on a bit of a binge.

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