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Posts posted by deej

  1. They finally arrived then? You'll have to let us know how that Phat Phuk is. Im on the lookout for a new 'always on' overdrive, and thats on my list. Ironically, im also looking at the BB Preamp too. Are you using it more as a mild distortion then with the Phat Phuk on the board too?

  2. I havnt listened to MCM for ages! I saw them live on my birthday a good few years back, only cost me a couple of quid. Result.

    Anyway, if the bddi sucks too much mids then try the MXR M80. The distortion on it is clanky which will help with the sound you're after when you dial a little bit in. The colour button is always on with the distortion channel, and although it drops the mids a bit too, it also ups the bass and treble. Just roll off the bass a bit and up the mids to compensate the loss. Gives a good present, slightly gritty tone.

  3. Basically all delays will work for bass just fine. The main thing I look for is whether the delays are dark or bright sounding to suit my taste. Theres lots of features they can have like tap tempo, modulation, certain time lengths for the delays etc, so I guess just try and find one with the features you need.

  4. [quote name='shantijoe' post='1092860' date='Jan 17 2011, 06:08 PM']Hiya
    this is a really good offer - why isn't it flying off the virtual shelf?!
    best of luck, joe[/quote]

    Cheers mate.

    Its a lot of money in the real world. Ive had a few offers during this time but theyve broken down over other deals not going through. Wheres all the rich people when you need them?

  5. [quote name='Ruck' post='1085664' date='Jan 11 2011, 04:15 PM']Just got home and had a look at the SFX site. The Mix pedal is almost exactly what im after! just that it has no external volume or foot switch for either input... Getting closer though cheers![/quote]

    Send Max an email there, he's always happy to do custom work for people.

  6. Im not really a fan of tweeters either. Ive got the whole bi-amp thing going on with my GK amp, but I just leave it off because I dont like the sharpness of it. It makes things like modulation cut through better, but I dont like having that harshness with any of my dirt pedals.

  7. [quote name='Christophano' post='1081450' date='Jan 7 2011, 07:37 PM']Listen to the Karnivool album Sound Awake, as Jon Stockman uses an XXL in a fair bit of that I think. The song Simple Boy is a fav of mine.[/quote]

    Love that album!

  8. Nice! Ive had an eye on the Phat Phuk B recently too, you'll have to let us know how it is when it arrives. The soundclips on the website dont do it much justice, but ive heard some good things over on Talkbass.

  9. Personally I like my distortion after my filters, but thats just my preference for the sound it gives. Id put the volume pedal before any dirt too so that you can do some nice swells with them. Other than that, i'd probably keep the rest in the same order.

  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1080048' date='Jan 6 2011, 04:18 PM']If your amp is already delivering a genuine overdriven valve sound, surely the last thing you want to do is plaster it with more overdrive (whether genuine or [i]ersatz[/i])?[/quote]

    Which means I could have extra space on my board for more pedals. Result!

  11. [quote name='ahpook' post='1079203' date='Jan 5 2011, 09:31 PM']"complement"...surely.


    You didnt see nothing...

    [quote name='DanOwens' post='1079265' date='Jan 5 2011, 10:24 PM']Doesn't it come back to your core tone? Whether you want your chorus to sound older or more modern?


    Yeah thats true. Whats going into a pedal definitely affects whats coming out of it too. Some of my pedals sound rubbish with one bass, but nail what im after with another. Do amps really have much of an impact on the sound of the pedals, or is it too subtle to really care in a live situation?

  12. Guitar and bass pedals are usually aimed at different frequencies. Some guitar pedals dont retain the low end of the bass, but some people might like the sound it gives. Any pedal with a blend knob will generally be good for bass because you can bring back the original tone of the bass. Failing that, you can just buy a blend pedal separately and put the pedals through that to mix your bass in.

    For the looper and delay take a look at the EHX Memory Man w/Hazarai, does pretty much everything you're asking. The Akai Headrush is a good shout too. If you wanna go crazy and have the money, check out a Line 6 M9 or M13. Its a multi fx unit and the looper on it is excellent.

  13. Ive been thinking of getting a new rig recently, but im not too sure what im after. Since effects are a big part of what I do, ive been thinking about what type of amp would get the most out of my pedals. I havnt actually played through a tube amp, but im guessing theyre perfect for dirt pedals because of the power and grit they can add. When it comes to things like modulation though, im thinking something with a good high end would be better to give the sound more presence?

    Ive got a love/hate thing going on with my GK gear. I want a thicker, valve like sound for my core tone, but the power and brightness of the 1001RB-II works great for a lot of my pedals, and I dont want them to sound compressed and thuddy.

    What amps do you guys prefer to get the most out of your pedals?

  14. [quote name='gnasher1993' post='1071364' date='Dec 28 2010, 11:01 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLQC8o_zYow"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLQC8o_zYow[/url]


    I love dicking about making cool sounds like that. Got some tasty stuff on that board!

    I really need to get mine wired up properly again but I havnt had any time for it for ages now. Just waiting on one or two pedals I can afford now.

  15. I own an M9 too. Id say its strengths are with the delays and the looper, and the pitch gliding is pretty good too. The modulation and dirt are okay. A fair few of them are definitely usable, but they all seem to lack a little something to me. If you're picky, you might not like the unit. If you're not all that fussed or just want some convenience, you'll find it a great piece of equipment. I dont have mine on my board anymore since i downsized, but im keeping hold of it because it always comes in use.

  16. OC-2 is the best one ive played, and you can get them second hand for around £45.

    From the pedals ive owned im not a big fan of any digital octave pedals, the EBS one tracked well but as mentioned before is quite clean and polite, and the Aguilar Octamizer I have now has really poor tracking. I definitely want my OC-2 back.

  17. [quote name='bartelby' post='1054478' date='Dec 10 2010, 08:38 PM']That's pretty cool!

    I've just purchased one on ebay.
    £29 inc shipping. brand new.[/quote]

    That sounds like a steal! I do miss using the feedback loop on my blender, but I dont have space for it on my board. At that price, this is definitely on my radar.

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