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Posts posted by Alien

  1. [quote name='gilmour' post='902509' date='Jul 22 2010, 11:08 PM']When dried I picked up the arrays and they felt very weak and liable to snap in the middle. I'd kept aside all my off cuts thinkg they'd be seful for model making, but decided to put them to another use:

    Essentially I used the off cuts to strengthen the array form the rear. I was sure to stagger each side to try and reduce weak points.[/quote]

    Now that's a bloody good idea. I reckon you should post this pic on Bills forum - I've never seen that done before over there.


  2. I've got a couple of [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/58-bespeco_guitar_wall_hanger"]these[/url], and they're OK. The screws that came with them were fine, my only criticism is the quality of the rubber sleeving that covers the arms, but it's pretty easy to swap out. They're wide enough for my 6-string bass too, which is more than I can say for the Hercules!


  3. [quote name='mart' post='903233' date='Jul 23 2010, 02:29 PM']It goes down to an Eb if I recall. I down-tune one step on a 4-string and can play it okay. It's probably easier on a 5 though.[/quote]

    The whole song (as recorded) is in Eb, with a single drop down to C#. Most bands I've heard play it in E, and I've always played that drop note at the octave.

    Anyway, about the real/synth debate:

    The song was co-written by David Tyson, who also produced and played bass on the album (along with Steve Webster). I wouldn't mind betting it's a real bass just based on that.


  4. Looking at your pics, it could be the mains power switch. There looks to be a lot of scorching around where it plugs into the circuit board.

    The thermal trip is the obvious first step though - it's on the back panel, marked 'reset'.


  5. [quote name='Merton' post='896902' date='Jul 16 2010, 09:38 PM']Can't you build another Alien special?[/quote]

    It might come to that if I can't find anything I like. Trouble is, a lot of the power modules I like the look of won't fit in a 1u enclosure.


  6. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='896990' date='Jul 16 2010, 11:40 PM']Really stupid question but i just thought of it. How do you ground pedals?[/quote]

    They are grounded to your amp via the output jack.


  7. I'm looking for a 1u amp to go along with my Peavey Max pre.
    It needs to be capable of 600W+ into 4 Ohms, so that pretty much rules out anything that needs to be bridged for high power.
    It also can't be any deeper than about 11", or it won't fit in the rack case I've procured, which rules out any of the Peaveys.
    Light weight wouldn't hurt either, seeing as I'm not getting any younger.

    What I'd really like is an 800W amp and a 200W amp in the same chassis, but I'm not holding my breath.

    So what can you tell me?


  8. [quote name='Kongo' post='885199' date='Jul 4 2010, 01:56 AM']I've got one of these in Silver and I tell ya, be glad yours is black!
    It picks up fingerprints like no bodies business? Indeed...and the rest with it.
    The area around the strings you rub against when slapping on mine needs a good clean every play. Dirt vacuum!

    I have to say tho, these basses give an ultra meaty mid range punch with clarity to go. I've had much fun with mine until the day I stopped using it.
    And the pickups make resting your thumb sooo comfortable you question why noone else does this.
    The String spacing is nice also, people used to 4-string spacing will find this easy to play.

    Come on people, It may not be a BB or a TRB but the RBX series is a LOT of bang for you money.[/quote]

    Thanks for the props! Come on people, somebody's gotta want this surely?


  9. [quote name='gilmour' post='886727' date='Jul 5 2010, 10:00 PM']The way I see it I now have a few choices:
    [b]1 [/b]- Forget it, just make 2
    [b]2 [/b]- make three, but what am I gonna do with three 2x10's? you can't have two on one side and one on the other
    [b]3 [/b]- split the spare and make two 110 then I can have three aside, leave the 110's tweeterless and have them on the bottom of the stack for a little more bottom end.
    [b]4 [/b]- make the third box and leave it empty until such a time as I might need it.[/quote]

    You missed out
    [b]5[/b] - make three, put the 3rd one on your guitard's side of the stage, so he'll have no f**cking excuse for missing the changes :)


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