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Posts posted by Si600

  1. I've just found a brand new set of Roto 66's, 40-95 gauge, long scale.

    Brand new and never fitted.  If you want them, shout before sunday evening and they can go in the parcel of christmas cards we're sending to Blighty.

    They *may* get lost in the post, the last parcel of cards we sent are currently AWOL :) 

  2. This is the Christmas present.  Ash, oak and mahogany.

    Better, but still not perfect finishing. Again, the mechanics and the design I like, and if (when) I make another it will be broadly the same but with some detail and process changes.  I thought of better ways to make it as I was going along.




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  3. A tablet stand, or picture stand if they so wish, for my parents.  Softwood, oak and mahogany. We talk to them over Skype every week and for some reason known best to my dad he insists on having his iPad in portrait orientation, so the stand at the back can't be used,  They prop it up on a book. This started out life as the prototype for my sister's Christmas present.  It showed me how not to to do it .

    I couldn't think of anything sensible to make out of two wooden triangles so bashed this together.  The finish isn't great, the chip outs are quite ugly in places, but it works and as a design/functional mechanics I like it.




    • Like 3
  4. On 10/12/2020 at 16:29, PaulThePlug said:

    Will the pickups need to be sunk in to the body lower than the raised center? If so the raised centre would look like a ramp... with a slight radius on each corner... and the mounting screws won't be 'edging'... Nice...

    O lordy, questions!

    No. Well, I don't think so anyway.  It's a Thunderbird body, so the raised lumps is full length, it should behave like a normal flat top body in that respect.

    On 10/12/2020 at 16:29, PaulThePlug said:

    Neck pocket, how much difference? can't a little be taken off each side and the neck pocket made the correct width that way. especially if length needs to be changed for scale length.

    Somewhere between 5 and 10mm from a rough placement.  I will look at whether I can just trim the neck heel, but I suspect that it will end up with it being waisted and look a bit $hit. We shall see, 

    On 10/12/2020 at 16:29, PaulThePlug said:

    Colour or Stain? Standard Style scratch plate, none or something else? Whole length to include the V n T controls?

    Depends, if it ends up with a feature stripe then clear oil, if not, then I may have a crack at a paint finish, but probably oil as I've not had a great experience with rattle cans.

    No scratchplate, the rear control cavity is big enough (he says whilst crossing his fingers).

  5. 9 minutes ago, SpondonBassed said:

    I like that a lot.  There is something satisfying about a good mitre joint.  What angles did you use?

    Fortunately you can't really see the bad mitre joints 🤣

    36° and 54°. The jig wasn't bob on so they aren't quite right, but it went together without too much of a headache.

    • Thanks 1
  6. An advent(?) star sort of commissioned by MDW. She sees things, and then drops hints about how easy it would be to make. In this case, she wasn't wrong.

    It's got process imperfections, but it's all a learning curve.

    It's also the first thing I've put my makers mark on, thanks again @Fishman. The decal paper didn't have enough varnish on so it's a bit fuzzy on one edge.




    • Like 4
  7. I got tickets to see Therapy? in March. Then it was September, then March '21 and now September '21.

    Still, at least there's a date and a venue. Machine Head were pushed back and then cancelled.

    Ozzy I think is now January '22. I suspect l'll ask for a refund on that one, I was only going for Judas Priest really.

  8. Le Grande Reveal.  You can either look to see what's actually happening or go along with the gag that I'm making stinky poo up as I go along.

    To be honest, I have only a vague idea what I'm doing anyway.



    This is what I've bought: It's from Rosser Guitar Bodies on eBay.  He's made a very nice job of it, but unfortunately he doesn't ship internationally.  Fourtunately for me, BC good eggery strikes again and @AngelDeVille agreed to post it.  After what seemed like months checking the USPS website and schlepping over to Kiel yesterday to pay the VAT on it I have a body!

    I've got some thinking to do now. The neck is a fiver, so it's wider than the neck pocket, as expected.  The pickups are Bart quadcoils and are much wider than the raised portion of the body.  As you can see, the 5 string bridge fits the lump nicely, and the pickup hole is wide enough to cover the strings.IMG_20201127_134556.jpg

    I either get some other smaller pickups that fit the holes, Quadcoils again by preference as I got Kigon to make a loom for them. Or... and this is where it enters the realm of madness.

    I cut the body in half along the join and insert a strip (Or three, dark white dark racing stripe) of dark wood, I've got an old mahogany mantleshelf that will do just fine, to make the neck pocket wide enough for the neck and hopefully mean less chopping to make the pickups fit.  They're very long anyway, so the may go back on BC marketplace and I'll get some narrower ones.



    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  9. On 20/11/2020 at 17:54, Alien said:

    That's why it was called the GT40 - it was 40 inches high.  [Caine] Not a lotta people know that [/Caine/]


    One of the things that made me very happy is that Clarkson has always wanted one, but he can't fit in one.  It's Schadenfruede, but he deserves it.

    • Haha 1
  10. 54 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    Mine haven’t arrived yet, I must stop stalking the postman 😄

    If they're anything like my parents Postperson she's worth stalking.

    Once the restraining order expires. Again.

    • Haha 2
  11. 4 hours ago, Monkey Steve said:

    You mean you haven’t kept yours in the original packaging?  You fool!  They’ll be worth nothing now, whereas mine will continue to grow in value

    That's why I bought two sets. One to use and the other to appreciate. This time next year I'll be a millionaire.

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    • Confused 1
  12. Mildly unsatisfactory hour and a bit at the bench. First up I had to trim a block of mahogany lengthwise for the next project. Giving myself plenty of wiggle room I marked it up at 25mm and set to. Of course, I cut it bang on the line and pretty much parallel. I've got a 4mm oversize to deal with now.


    On a related, I've been getting bits of shaving caught between the plane iron and cap iron so I thought I'd adjust the leading edge of the cap iron to close the gap. Of course, I made it worse.

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