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Posts posted by Samashton12

  1. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1375362723' post='2160281']
    Horses for courses, which is no bad thing. I really like my EB 2013. It's not an EB, but it's Gibson having a go at a new bass - lightweight; slim neck; good bridge for a change; and coil-tapping humbuckers, I really enjoyed it :)

    The finish could probably be wiped off with a cloth, so it's probably also one for the relic'ing fans :lol:

    It looks a cross between a Mosrite Ventures and Epiphone Wilshire :D

  2. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1375363286' post='2160298']
    Kind of neck-heavy though, but I'm sure you've been warned about that before.

    Yeah, my Thunderbird neck dives, not a but as other 'birds ive played so i live with it, although its a relief when i play something nicely balanced for a change!

    Wish i could colour over the inlays in brown pen and replace them with dots! then the current EB3 would definitely be an option :)

  3. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1375359528' post='2160213']
    As per the above, the current Epiphone EB3 is long-scale. It seemed a nice enough bass for the price, making me wish there was a Gibson option... but, then again, they've now done the long-scale EB 2013, so may Gibson think they're off the hook.

    There is the Epiphone EB3, but it has trapezoid inlays and not dots :(

    Other wise it would be an option

    Edit: Those EB 2013's aren't very nice! :ph34r:

  4. Hey Guys

    I'm 6ft 4", I love the 70s Gibson EB3 but I'm rather poor and I look silly playing a short scale (finally realized this last year after looking at pictures of me playing my old EB0 :( )

    All i ask for is a long scale EB3 (Possibly 70s styled with the Chicken Head selector and middle route pickup) with dot inlays. :gas:

    Would anybody else actually buy one?


  5. Not really a last night one but we played The Picket in Liverpool on Saturday.

    Guitarist brought his new amp. a Fender Studio 85, a played one of his other guitars, an Epiphone 335.

    I played into a Trace Elliot full stack with my Thunderbird. it sounded brilliant :gas:

    Sound was spot on and apart from me going to B instead of E in our last song and our drummer snapping and dropping a stick in Molly's Chambers it was a good gig.

    2 week break now until we're back at the O2 Academy

    Cant wait :lol:

  6. Played my first 2 gigs ever on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.

    Friday at the O2 Academy was fantastic, atmosphere was unbelievable, mix was top notch and we nailed our set
    Saturday at the Astral Coast Festival was OK, we played the best we have to date but the sound and lighting guys weren't the best, neither was the atmosphere

    Roll on next weekend! :)

  7. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1374159572' post='2145951']
    Are you gassing for a Jaco fretless jazz yet? :-)


    Oh i am.. so much so.. Swapping the neck out for a Maple P neck just like in his Modern Electric Bass video! GimmeGimmeGimmeGimme :gas:

  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374056615' post='2144688']
    But which Gibson Thunderbird? As I said in an earlier post the current Gibson version has little in common with the ones originally produced in the 60s. That doesn't mean that the 60s one are better (for you), but you need to recognise that the Thunderbird has changed a lot over the 50 years it has been in existence, and that the modern ones are very different to the instruments they take their name from.

    Apologies for not reading your post correctly :(

    I've also played a Tokai Thunderbird, Fantastic Basses, I think the bridge looks weird though and i prefer the look of the 3 point bridge.

  9. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1374019405' post='2144408']
    Quite a nice bass, I do like the 70's styled Tbirds :) however, yes, the price is a tad too much. At most £250 in GC.

    The USA pickups in the Epi? Well yes, epiphone did with your classic :P personally I wouldn't waste my time or money doing it myself.


    I think the routes on my classic are a tad bigger. TAPE MEASURE TIME :) the classic is a brilliant bass though, £350 and pure quality.

  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374054719' post='2144653']
    Not at all.

    Different woods, different construction, different pickups (some Epiphones have the same pickups as the current Gibson models but none are the same as the original Thunderbirds). TBH you're better off looking for a Japanese copy by Greco.

    My Epi' Thunderbird is pretty damn close to a Gibson, neck thru, same woods (i think :/), Gibson PU's, The only giveaway is the made in Indonesia sticker on the back of the Headstock :)

  11. [quote name='canarybass' timestamp='1373895214' post='2142758']
    I had one of the Italia Z basses for a while. It looked fantastic, but was horrble to play. Uneven string volume, and the neck felt plain nasty.

    That's a disappointment :(

  12. Hi Guys,

    Kinda Decided my next bass was gonna be a P or an EB3.. Then i found this:


    Horrendously overpriced, but its beautiful.

    Also anyone fitted Gibson USA Tbird Pickups into an Epiphone Thunderbird IV?

    My white one has them as standard but i think the routes are bigger..


  13. I play in a newly formed Alternative Rock band called "Resolutes"

    We've had around 5 practices since meeting each other on facebook and we've landed a gig for the Floral Pavilion in New Brighton already


    (Excuse the URL. Unable to change from a previous name)

    Extremely Excited,


  14. [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1373608890' post='2139522']

    Is this available in 4 string version? :o

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