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Posts posted by knicknack

  1. 'The RevivalDRIVE is designed to recreate a wide range of British and American guitar amp tones. Even though aspects of this pedal will sound great with bass, we also have a bass player voiced design currently in development, with further details being announced later in 2018.'

  2. @Kev Because we're in a world where people buy things 'cause the internet tells them to. A look through their facebook comments suggest at least 200 people who would've ordered this before even knowing what it was! Crazy...

  3. 1 hour ago, roceci said:

    Gold star if you managed to get your drummer to chip in too...

    With ours it's plonk your gear all over the stage > set up kit > play annoyingly & incessantly while everyone else sets everything else up > zoom to the bar immediately after sound check while everyone else clears up cases etc > moan on the rare occasion he's paid to take the PA home & no one seems to want to help strip it down.

    Sounds all too familiar!

  4. We always encourage the clients to allow us at least and hour and a half to get in and set up... most of the time it's needed to allow for people to relax after speeches/meal anyway, and we get music on for atmosphere as soon as the PA is up! Never a problem, 6 piece band and sound engineer and a ton of gear!

  5. OK...so it wasn't  technically today but I wanted to at least get a gig under my belt before shouting about it! Limelight 69 P Bass in aged Charcoal Frost. Plays beautifully and is quite a stunner. Looks like a different colour depending on the light!






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  6. I hear you... I've been having regular Physio for 9 months now at great cost, partly due to an accident but also dealing with a shoulder that doesn't like playing bass or lifting cases anymore... at 29! It's been a particularly bad week...


  7. Eich Bass Board for sale...  this is the small version, 80x55cm. Comes with a slip over cover and a nice long speakon cable. For those who might not know it's a (nearly) silent speaker cab for standing on, especially good in the modern world of In Ear Monitoring. Needs to be powered by an amp, runs at 8ohms so can be paired with another 8ohm cab if you want to spoil yourself! Could potentially ship, I still have the original box. Condition is good, aside from to one of the corners as shown in the photos. Am mostly in Exeter but often Bournemouth too. For reference, an Aguilar tonehammer running at 8ohms (300w) is shaking the hell out of you by 11 o clock on the master... 






  8. @Psharpe89 I played in house ands for two local venues here at about the same time, both had TC RS212 and RS210 cabs, one had the BH550 and one the RH750! Style was much the same, general covers/function stuff. Very similar amps to one another, and the toneprints on the 550 were more useful than I first suspected. The 750 seemed a little more vintage coloured to me, and the presets were handy for different basses. I'd say I felt the 550 to be a little tougher as a unit, I've seen a lot of 750s with damaged knobs and plastic. If you want to save a little cash, I'd honestly say I had as good a time with the cheaper of the two! 

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