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Posts posted by Stu-khag

  1. Where does this get all of these guitars from?
    Does he advertise specifically?
    I can imagine it goes something like this-
    Need Cash? Routed your vintage guitars with a spoon and a metal comb? Painted it 80's style with your own bare hands? Turned that lovely Jazz Bass into a cut and shut job?
    Don't worry, I won't tell!!!- all guitars picked up discreetly and sold from a secret location in Germany...

  2. Ooh!
    Im up for this, it'd be great to get some advice on setups etc.

    Im not sure if I'll have much in the way amp equipment by then (selling the SWR stuff, will only have my Laney combo)

    I can bring a Prose Bass fretless (just arrived today)
    and maybe an old mexican Jazz bass if needs be

  3. [quote]Ive got one of the old F*nder headstock Texas Standard models & it blows away any Strat I've ever played.
    An absolutely fantastic guitar, especially as I only paid £179.00 for it in my local Cash Converters![/quote]
    Bargainous! my mates just paid quite a bit more for one in cardiff as well.
    He's got three Blade guitars and swears by them, in fact I really like them too. Ive never played a blade bass but Im sure they're just as nice

  4. I bought a banjo a couple of months ago from the Chris Bryant shop on the corner. I cant say they had much in the way of bass stock but I was really happy with the service in there.
    didnt feel pressured at all, was welcomed to try whatever I fancied and had a pretty good deal on the banjo with hardcase...
    I found Wunjos to be quite welcoming but the other shops were awful. When I was younger I always fancied working in a guitar shop- thank God I didn't as I bet I'd end up like one of those cynical grumpy b*ggers. Their hearts must sink when they hear some songs for the umpteenth time!

  5. the chapter carpark reopened about 3 weeks ago- I think you are probably right about noise also- they are trying to extend licensing as well so probably would prefer to not P*ss off the neighbourhood- still, you can only ask I guess (1 bonus is they do have the best selection of german beers ever !)

    another option maybe is the musicbox rehearsal studios off penarth road??? that would I guess cost though and you might get a bit of cabin fever inside!
    nice place and they have a selection of orange amps- mmm


  6. I cant say it sounds anything like a cranked up overdriven ampeg and Im not sure what exactly a Gallien or Trace sound like. I have been told its great for Jazz though!
    I found it loud enough when I gigged with it...
    I played in a kind of space rock band with it and it did me proud. for me it was albout the clean and warm loud sound. I can't say I've ever really played with the controls and tried getting that kind of rocky sound. Someone else may be a better judge of its good for rock

    I let a friend do two gigs with it who plays in a hardcore/ metal band - he liked it but wanted an ampeg sound so went out out and bought the ampeg whole kit along with an 8x10 cab

    Here's a link to some stuff I use to play and it suited it fine.


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