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Posts posted by Stu-khag

  1. Apologies for putting this in bass effects but I guess those in the know may have some knowledge of guitar pedal resources.

    does anyone know of a good online effects forum that can help value a pedal for me?
    its an Ibanez OD II overdrive pedal. Very early seventies (old ibanez logo) and I think pre tubescreamer.
    Sounds great through a valve amp with guitars but not particularly of use with my bass setup hence no use for it at this point in time.

  2. Im tempted by the Santogold album.
    Ive bought a few as it was my birthday
    I bought:

    Danny and the Champions of the World (self titled)- beautiful and really uplifting
    The Best of Gong- (I liked the cover and I keep being told I should check them out)
    Michah P Hinson- (not sure on title, awesome album)
    Cafe Penguin Orchestra- Signs of Life. good so far.
    Arcade Fire- Neon Bible.
    LCD Sound system album (dunno what its called

  3. I was filming in Kew Gardens a month or two back in their wood specimens depository...
    big lumps of all these rare woods they had collected over the centuries just sitting there. (all under controlled temperatures of course!)
    I was drawing basses in my head on all the various bits. If I had access to a saw that day goodness knows what I would have tried pinching!

  4. Cardiff's buzz magazine are pretty good at reviewing stuff. They've got quite a big circulation in the wales and west as well. Mind you, their reviews can be pretty brutal if they don't like it!
    also check out Adam Walton on BBC radio Wales who plays a huge range of stuff. If its new and from Wales (I see you are based here) theres a good chance he'll play it.

    this music round table is closed for now but no doubt he will do more if it works.
    here's an email I recieved from him earlier this month

    On Sunday 26th October 2008 we start a new section of the Sunday night new music show on BBC Radio Wales [10pm - 1am].

    A panel drawn from experts within different facets of the Welsh music industry will be coming in to offer their objective and constructive advice on your recordings.

    This *IS NOT* a battle of the bands. No one will be a winner, or a loser. This won't be empty, facetious punditry. The aim is to get you, the musicians, some clear advice as to how you can progress.

    The experts are:

    HUW WILLIAMS -- former singer with the legendary Pooh Sticks; ex-manager of 60ft Dolls, Big Leaves, Novocaine etc. Head honcho of Townhill Records. Helped found the Welsh Music Foundation. Worked as A&R for a number of labels, & Sony / ATV publishing.

    JO BARTLETT -- member of It's Jo and Danny [and, before that, Blue Train]. Co-founder of Wales' very highly respected Green Man Festival.

    GREG HAVER -- acclaimed record producer who has worked with Manic Street Preachers, Super Furry Animals, Bullet For My Valentine, Mel C, Hot Puppies and many many more.

    I will play 5 of the most interesting unsigned recordings that have arrived recently to the panel to see what advice they can offer the bands concerned.

    ** YOU HAVE UNTIL 10PM ON TUESDAY 14th OCTOBER to get your recordings to me if you would like to participate. **

    Regardless of whether you want your music played to the panel, if you have a question for one of our experts, please get in touch.

    Want some advice on how to best present yourself to a record label? Huw will have some good advice.

    What are the most important things to consider when recording your demo? Greg will have some excellent tips.

    How should you go about trying to get on at one the summer's musical festivals? How difficult is it to set up your own? Jo, clearly, has bucket loads of experience in this respect.

    HIGH QUALITY .mp3's & YOUR QUESTIONS to: [email protected] please

    or, CD's to:

    Adam Walton, BBC Radio Wales, Library & Arts Centre, Rhosddu Rd., WREXHAM LL11 1NF

  5. Seen loads of names of bass players I love in the lists but I'll go for three who when I heard I just had to pick me bass up.
    I think I only saw one mention of Macca.

    Paul Mccartney is my fave as I never tire of listening to Abbey Road bass lines and I regularly try to play along with it.

    Mani- some amazing playing on the stone roses (I think I wanna be adored was the first bass line I tried playing when I picked up bass). probably my fave bass line of his is on Primal Scream's Kill all hippies. filthy and full head nodding groove!

    Kim Deal- really underrated- Most of my fave pixies songs have really memorable bass lines

  6. I remember almost buying one of these in the same colour back in 2000.
    Didn't like the colour so I bought an MIM Jazz in Midnight wine instead (still my number one bass)
    I quite liked the one piece plate as it reminded me of a Fender Jazzmaster

  7. nice to see someone trying a new venue in cardiff.
    albany road is a bit of a trek if you live on the west side of cardiff but if the music is good I will welcome it!
    I heard a bit about the 800 capacity venue with tantrum- sicknote will no doubt be playing...

    this November also sees the welcome return of Swn Fest.
    based on the camden crawl thing, one ticket means entry to all the gigs around the city for the weekend.


    on other cardiff news- my old flat mate has taken over managing Tafod (below Nos da formerly riverside Hotel, opposite millenium stadium)
    I think he'll be looking to hire the venue out a bit if anyone is interested and also promote the occasional gig.
    he's putting on a band called Dogshow this saturday from Liverpool if anyone fancies it (they are meant to be awesome)

  8. [quote]Jacksons Lane in Carmarthen absolutely awesome when I lived there I spent most of my free time in there.[/quote]
    took a visit to Carmarthen last saturday and was gutted to find they had gone-
    but no fear, walked around the corner and they are now on Notts Square.
    Cant say I saw much bass stuff but I remember a rack of Yamaha basses

  9. Zidane a 21st century portrait- all by mogwai

    BladeRunner- Vangelis

    The Sounds of the Sounds of Science by Yo la Tengo- all instrumental score for this film about under the sea. really does sound great and so soothing- My Fave soundtrack!

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