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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. OK quick recap of suggestions so far. Possible dates: Sat 26/Sun 27 May Sun 10 June Sat 16/Sun 17 June Places: Hammersmith Riverside South Bank More London Riverside - Tower Bridge The Montague Pike on the Charing Cross Road/St James's Park Picnic in a reasonably central green space (including the above) if weather allows I'd be perfectly happy with any of the above, but let's say that I suggest either Sat 26 or Sun 27 May at More London Riverside, as I've actually never been there - what's shown on the website looks nice. Meeting up around 12 or 1pm? I imagine the place would also be suitable for a picnic if we decided to try our luck? Let me know what you all think!
  2. Yup - as a non-admin member, you click on your name at the top right hand corner of the screen and choose My Settings. Thank you all for your help!
  3. LOL to those in Brighton or Southampton it's the north Get on your bike and come join us!
  4. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1334083108' post='1610740'] If it's going to be afternoon, how about A BC'ers picnic. A four-pack of Spesh and a bag of pork-scratchings! Primrose Hill side of Regents Park, and nice pubs near-by if there's any rain? [/quote] Would absolutely love this! But it'd have to be subject to confirmation 24 hours earlier, due to the vagaries of The British Weather If it decides to rain the whole day we may well leave the pork scratchings at home and go directly to the pub.
  5. Sounds good - In that case we could consider going to St James's Park* before or after the pub, if the weather is nice. * Edited to hide my inability to remember the correct names of places (and often people!).
  6. Good! I was hoping you'd read this thread and be able to join us, Seashell. I'll wait a little longer and then collect everybody's suggestions, and we'll take it from there.
  7. Ha, good. So let's also keep Saturday in the picture then. Keep 'em coming guys. Grateful for your opinions.
  8. I was thinking of late morning/lunchtime/afternoon rather than night, though, especially if the weather is nice. Would that make things slightly better?
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334061080' post='1610262'] Tru, dat. What about London Bridge, down by the river - easy to get to... More London Riverside is nice. HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge, green spaces, City Hall, architecture, fountains, good pubs/bars and restaurants, etc etc? [/quote] Yes, I like them all. As for the dates, I did think that Saturdays would probably be when people are gigging, so it will be a Sunday. If no clear winners emerge, I will start a poll for the dates and, if necessary, one for the place. (That's if I learn how to do it!) Please keep suggestions coming, for the moment. Thank you all! I'm looking forward to this, and if we are successful we can make it a regular occurrence.
  10. I guess we need to start deciding the date first. My suggestions, as mentioned above, are Sat 26th or Sun 27th May Sat 9th or Sun 10th June Sat 16th or Sun 17th June. At the moment I'm fine with all of them. Give us a shout if you have a preference or you can't make one, and we'll see if there's one that makes most of us happy.
  11. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1334059231' post='1610219'] Theres some nice pubs in Hammersmith by the river, if the weather is good! [/quote] They would be walking distance from where I live, and i love them, but perhaps choosing W6 would be a little unfair to those of us who live in the east?
  12. We'll make sure we meet up somewhere with easy access to it then!
  13. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1334005594' post='1609642'] I thought this was going to be a 'life, the universe and everything' kind of thread. What a gip! Still voted though. [/quote] Haha I thought the same! Then I noticed we're in General Discussion, not Off Topic, and put my philosophy books back on to the shelf and closed my Quotes On Life bookmark lists
  14. I see that us bass-and-nothing-but-bass lot still outnumber the multi-instrumentalists, at this moment in time in the poll. I would love to be able to learn another instrument, but I feel I'm crap enough on bass already, and shouldn't spread my thin talent any further, and instead concentrate on improving as much as I can on the 5 strings.
  15. I'm fine with the South Bank, or a park with a reasonably near pub in case the weather decides to play up. Or indeed any other suggestion. If we choose a crowded place I'll try to make sure we can reserve a few tables or an area, and obviously find ways to make it as easy as possible for us to recognise each other. As for dates - end of May (Sat 26th/Sun 27th)? Or, skipping the Jubilee celebrations, Sat 9th/Sun 10th June? Or mid-June (16th/17th) too. - Edited due to dates mixup.
  16. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1333996395' post='1609412'] Good idea. I'm in. Maybe not even a musical-do. I think at the LBGS there were too many other things to side-track us. A pub somewhere that sells ale would be a good start [/quote] Fine by me (as I'll be having a glass of water or orange juice!) Everybody, do feel free to come up with suggestions for places you'd like - and if we can organise this in the next 5-6 weeks we may avoid the Jubilee/Olympics chaos.
  17. Off the top of my head I can only think of the Ealing Jazz Festival, which isn't free but very cheap and has food and clothes stalls etc. But, of course, the music may not be everybody's cuppa. I'll see if I can think of or find other events we could adopt as an excuse
  18. As opposed to all of us being in the same crowded place but missing each other by seconds, or being unable to recognise each other, as happened too often at the London Bass Guitar Show. Since quite a few of us live in or around London, I was thinking about meeting in a relatively central pub or open space (if/when the weather improves), without bass guitars - just for a drink and a chat and to put faces to screen names. That kind of meetup would probably also be OK to those who otherwise wouldn't be seen dead at a music fair like the Bass Show (I know of at least three of you who feel that way!). Visiting non-Londoners would be very welcome as well, of course. What do you guys (and gals) think?
  19. [quote name='janmaat' timestamp='1333971254' post='1608844'] Could be interesting to find / create a multi-lingual glossary, for those interested in Vienna... B is called H in German, and Bflat is called B. Semibreve - "ganze Note" minim - "halbe Note" crotchet - "viertelnote" quaver - "achtelnote" 16th - "sechzehntelnote" chorus - Refrain verse - Strophe bar - Takt though Takt means a couple of things: [url="http://www.dict.cc/?s=takt"]http://www.dict.cc/?s=takt[/url] quieter - leiser louder - lauter [/quote] There is something of the kind already. Extremely fascinating for those of us who have studied music in more than one language. [url="http://www.dolmetsch.com/defsb.htm"]http://www.dolmetsch.com/defsb.htm[/url]
  20. ¡Hola Efrain, y bienvenido! There are a few other Spaniards on here, as well as musicians from the rest of Europe and the States, in addition to the vast majority of Brits and NI members. It's a lovely community.
  21. Ah, well, since Ronnie Dio's family was originally Italian (wasn't his real surname Padovano or something similar?), I think he just copied the horns sign which Italians use in the same way as the British touch wood to ward off bad luck. Also, horns usually = devil in most cultures*. Edit: should have read Christian cultures
  22. Will try and dig out the old set of rounds I got off my 4 a few months ago and email her.
  23. Hello BassCrusader, and welcome. Quite apart from your impressive gear and long-term love affair with bass, I see you also have photography in your interests: take a look at Off Topic, there is a monthly photo competition for BC members. You're very welcome to join us - It's great fun!
  24. Brum is the birthplace of heavy metal. Nothing can take that away. RESPECT. Nuff said.
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