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Everything posted by Pedro1020

  1. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='122753' date='Jan 18 2008, 11:38 AM']Hi mate. I personally like action set pretty low, and to be honest, I think the slap is more about your right hand technique. The higher the action, the harder you're going to have to slap the strings. The lower it is, you don't have to slap from a foot away! In the end, you'll have a more relaxed right hand/arm so it should flow better.[/quote] Good Ole' Pete, Thanks Mate..Oh yeah Ive been meaning to ask, you know the strings that were already on the Streamer..were they new? Cheers mate
  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='122692' date='Jan 18 2008, 10:03 AM']Do a quick search on completed items on eBay, it'll give you a fair idea of value. If it's in decent nick I'd guesstimate £500. As much as anything I'd say that figure is based on the general price of all Warwicks at the minute... there are at least 2 NT Streamers going for around £600 so a BO should theoretically be valued lower and the fact that you can get a new one for £900![/quote] Thanks Warwickhunt! I'll check into it...but Ive just phoned him, apparently its second hand to him, so it be thirdhand..its a 2000 one..I must have mistaken age as to when he got it..oops! he said he paid £710.
  3. How high or low do the strings have to be to get a good slap? Thanks
  4. Strings should be person preferance..players take time to try nearly all brands avaliable to find their *signature or fav* ones...I like D'addarios and Elites tbh. the ones you mentioned sounds like Factory Fenders, the standard gauge they release all models (i.e for this case bass)
  5. [quote name='Machines' post='122666' date='Jan 18 2008, 09:35 AM']Depends on loads of things really... how old is it ? what condition is it in ? what colour ? is it as standard ?[/quote] It's in good condition actually, its two years old by sellers description, 4 string, red finish. lol its not on ebay its local..he's including original hardcase...and he has no idea on the second hand values.. how much do you think these are worth? and are they better than LX warwick models?
  6. Whats the second hand value of these? Thanks
  7. Bump. make an offer.. bare in mind, this cost £429 new for me couple years back
  8. I don't think direct newbies should be allowed to sell anything straight after joining...other forums (sorry to mention guitar) have a "50 posts prompt" before you can even go into the classifieds..which feels more like an aniciation. Sorry to hear what happened man, I do trust everyone on here..and they are very helpful. Altho I dont think I'll trust the guy who sold it to you now.
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='120840' date='Jan 15 2008, 02:59 PM']Gah! I hadn't realised that I'd actually said £600. The guy was from the States and I may have had it in my mind to give a ball-park figure of £600 for the conversion to $... Well the bloke from the States could have had an even greater bargain if he'd called my bluff at £600 [/quote] Indeed he would have! if only he took advantage ahh well... lol scrolling down, seeing pics of this tempts me...WHY!?!?
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='120828' date='Jan 15 2008, 02:41 PM']You had me panicking for a moment there! No it was put up for £700 and subsequently reduced to £640... no point in having different prices I'd better log on and reduce it accordingly![/quote] LMAO! it kinda made me think..it was in the basses for sale section and a member (Andrew O) asking for a Warwick Streamer stg 1 exact quote. Andrew O: if u guys wouldnt mind, let me know when a 1990-95?(so its just like zenders) 4 string streamer comes. I don't know if I'll be able to buy it, but I really want one now! Thanks andrew Warwickhunt: Zender had a lot of Warwicks and his first one was older than '90 I assume that you mean a natural finish... shame as I have a blue '91 Stage I available @ £600 (GBP) or depending upon where you are in the world approximately 900 euro, $1200. I realise that it is probably the natural finish you require but it's here if you are interested ------------------------------------ correct it man!
  11. lol damn...If only I wasn't fetching for a Warwick Thumb (4,5,6 undecided string) I would have bought this to meet my recently bought 97 Streamer Stage 1 didnt you offer this for £600 on Warwick.de?
  12. [quote name='rohan' post='120802' date='Jan 15 2008, 02:02 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-in-need-of-a-lot-of-TLC-restoration-project_W0QQitemZ220192280893QQihZ012QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-in-need-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Can't work out what all the switches might be for? [/quote] That control section of the pickguard reminds me of a Marcus miller bass.. Beats me what they are for, nice lil project to do up
  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='120808' date='Jan 15 2008, 02:09 PM']I've had an offer on the Streamer but the guy can't pay till the end of the month... if anyone wants this you effectively have 2 weeks to make your mind up![/quote] The Race is on I guess...who will win this?
  14. Hey, I love this song..but play it improvisingly...it sounds remotely like the original but would much like to know or find a tab with the exact zender lines, does anyone know where? or any? Its damn peaceful for me not to play!...its hard to find a band who like JMQ and want to play it. I'll have to knock on jaykays door sometime..hes not too far from me. Cheers peeps
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  16. Wow..this bass is gorgeous, and I agree..that neck looks immense..(All Parts do some good replacements) *eagerly checks wallect* Dammit! all I have are butterflies..wish I had extra to get one of these.
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='120577' date='Jan 15 2008, 08:00 AM']Reduced further to £610... this must be near to somebody getting their wallet out![/quote] lol look what you have reduced Warwickhunt to.. awesome deal tht is.
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  20. [quote name='Sean' post='120362' date='Jan 14 2008, 07:43 PM']Just look at that headstock, it doesn't look right to me... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-JAP-62-RE-ISSUE_W0QQitemZ250205642242QQihZ015QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-JAP...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] Woa..the custom body decal is way to close to the name, could this be a factory error? or someone's foolish attempt at applying a decal? *shrugs* Would have fooled me, I never buy Fender's off ebay..I can't trust them, so probs...but others make up from squiers.
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  24. Wow..she's not bad.. impressive.. good ole' youtube..
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