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Posts posted by taunton-hobbit

  1. About the same time Noah was building the Ark, the band that I was 'vocalist' for (mainly because I knew the lyrics to 'Baby Please Don't go) had their bassist jack it in, but left the guitar behind, so I got appointed bassist....it was a disaster (even worse than my vocal sh*t) - which is why I took up Sound System work & made a few bob - moral - find what you can do & earn off it?


  2. Jeff has the serial number records, which is what I was trying to get to - he's the current owner of Matamp and has an amazing grip of the Brand history - not all the numbers are to hand, before anyone gets carried away - without the number, its just another amp - the EBay pics gave a printed serial number of 250, from which I'm assuming that the 100 heads were different numbers to the 200s (of which I had two, both of which had painted numbers, one of which I'm fairly sure, was 325 - long time ago now)- I currently have a couple of 300 Matamp original slaves, of which there were only about 20 made (I know, roughly, the whereabouts of another two or three, one of which is in the USA)....the early stuff is nice, but getting well overpriced for what it is.
    Before you start ringing Jeff, he's a busy bloke...just sayin'......


  3. WOW! All this from a simple(?) question........
    I'd like to see what Bill Maurice or Alex Claber think..
    ...imo if you stick another speaker in circuit that cuts out one of the existing pair, and space it as good distance away from the amp, you will spread your sound, which can give the illusion of 'more'.


  4. If it says minimum, it means it won't like 2 ohms a lot (burning smell) - I'd talk to Ashdown, but I think, like many, you are trying to get out of a situation at the minimum cost - nothing wrong with that, but 'yer gets wot yer pays for' at the end of the day...............


  5. Can I offer a real-life example?
    Back in the Stone Age I did a short residency at the Marquee with David Bowie - he used, as I recall, a 50watt WEM amp and a set (pair) of column speakers - after the first gig, he came back with a duplicate set of kit and two mics, taped together, so he had a 100watt pa, using two amps, four speakers and two mics - it's easier these days...........


    .....................I realise that op was posting about bass, but the same principle applies............

  6. London is a big place - I'd suggest that you do a net search for entertainment agencies and send some email/make a few calls - most of it will be a total waste of time, but I gigged the Marquee, 100 Club & a handful of others from Agency contacts. You just have to be sure that your agent knows what you do - a good demo is vital........


    Edit: I'd offer some promoter suggestions, but most of the ones that I knew are dead - several deservedly so.........

  7. The Orange Matamp on UK Ebay 'sold' last night, unless it's the one in Australia, or the one in the USA (not that I watch this stuff) there is a 'black handle' one also in America, but I wasn't interested...............


    Edit - The UK one was posted by 'Brambled Bass' ..it was also listed as an Orange Graphic, which it wasn't...just an observation.........

  8. If it says 'Orange Matamp' on the front, it's an amp made for Orange by Matamp (Radiocraft, Huddersfield). A serial number would be handy, is it painted on or printed (makes a difference)? I've got a few, so I know the breed- if you want to pm, feel free, there's a lot of 'history' there (much myth as well)


  9. I used to have advertising accounts with Melody Maker, so got it free, posted weekly - there is an internet site that publishes large amounts of the old band/gig ads (can't remember the name) - I used to love the band ads - Nos moking -Tony Knights Chessmen - Alexis Korner - Jon Hisemans Colosseum come to mind - The 'old' Marquee always ran a display ad, as did many more. I also used to get 'Blues and Soul' at the time, some good stuff in there...it's a good place to visit, but not so hot that you'd really want to live there (the past, that is)..........


  10. >>>>>> Try phoning the pub & asking?


    EDIT : It was a serious suggestion, the pub can give you an idea of capacity, room size, your available set-up space, after all, it's their venue & in their interests to help when reasonable questions are asked.........

    v v v

  11. See, this is where I'm at a disadvantage - I'm only a Sound System - but were I to gig again, I'd (usually) take my Crown 2000 (cos it's lighter) - if the gig 'mattered' I'd get someone to heave my three Matamps in........I can hear the difference, but I don't suppose anyone else would.....but the brownie point count is off the bloody scale!


  12. I'm quite at home on a big one (stage, that is) - have fond memories of doing the Kings Hall at Herne Bay (Kent), before they sub-divided it, the stage was huge and about eight feet up - we had a fight break out 'down there' and watched it travel like a seawave up and down the hall......The lighting guy used a Lime Flood on me for one show (the place had a 'proper' lighting gallery & control room - shame about the House sound, really) - amazing experience - Taggs Island was another biggie - the auditorium had a dome roof which we lit with the world's first prototype sound to light system....I love big stages!


  13. I had a couple of agencies that would feed me work, back in the day. One I hardly heard from, but it was usually good money and a good gig - the other one - well let's just say I groaned when I knew who was on the phone............if you are seriously considering this route, you need to be prepared for last minute gigs & strange places, so flexibility is a must.


  14. Musky - three shredded wheat..........
    Talking of 15" speakers, which we were, back in the thread, I just got my Matamp 300 slave back from the tech, and teamed it up with its (long lost) brother, playing a 'variety' of blues cd - frighteningly, I knew Clapton from about twenty feet (never played this album before)- I worked with God several times in the sixties/seventies - something must have stuck (!).
    I can recommend a couple of Dubsters & some Mackies as ideal for the average living room - I'd hate me as a neighbour................

  15. I agree (reluctantly) with Blue -'they' just don't get it - I blame I pods & the current social climate,
    face it, we're all getting older (some, like me, more than some) & the women I meet think grandkids and Eastenders
    are the poodles parts - as I detest both, it's all a bit of a lost cause.
    Just bought a new, second hand 'Rocking the Blues' album - yes it is relevant to the above,
    just think about it.............


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