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About HazBeen

  • Birthday 14/08/1974

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    The Hague, NL

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  1. I just bought a Warwick LWA1000, special deal on Thomann. £275 for a 2 channel 1000w class A preamp powerhouse. Bargain!


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    2. Deepbass


      This is what GAK say (and they had/have them at £564) so does anyone have any experience with the WA and BC series of Warwick amps...?

      "Warwick's first venture into the light weight bass amp world is this convenient package. 2 input channels with a full EQ section and compressor on each, plus a fully up to date class d power amp stage. The LWA1000 is a true chameleon bass amp that you can use for almost every application.

      Giving a full 1000W of power at 4 Ohms and 500 at 8 Ohms, the LWA has the power you need for your gig, regardless of the size of your audience. You can evenlug in two basses and dial in unique settings for both, then you're ready to go.

      The preamp in the LWA is based on signature Warwick class A/Low Z circuitry that was made famous by the WA and BC series' of amps. The sound is warm, distortion free and without any disturbing noise and with a tighter bass response than any amp that's gone before in this class."

    3. Deepbass
    4. RichardH


      Re the single speaker out issue - surely pretty much all speakers have twin connectors to allow you to daisychain, so just do that rather than connect each to the amp.

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