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Everything posted by Shonks

  1. [quote name='Paul S' post='1036238' date='Nov 25 2010, 12:44 PM']I'm kind of hoping that isn't me you're having a dig at, matey.[/quote] not at all - in fact you were one of the most upfronters!!
  2. here's a bump! this is cheap, I have one on here for sale too - I want £300 for mine. grab this soon, cos i wont budge on the price.....well I might....if you ask me nicely
  3. [quote name='geoff90guitar' post='1027398' date='Nov 17 2010, 10:30 PM']The original 11 band eq preamp 250 watts (under-rated) 500watts peak, the sound is simply legendary, something you can only ever achieve with an original much desired AH250 model. It’s big, it’s meaty and will handle any venue. You can power two 4x10 cabs or a 4x10 plus one 1x15 cab real easy. FRONT • GP-11 preamp section, featuring: • Line In/ Preamp link • Signal out Low Level • Line out High Level • Effects( Send/Return) • Transformer Balanced D.I. (Pre/Post EQ) • Noise Reduction • Input1, Input 2 • Input gain control with signal peak LED ( to set gain just right) • Pre-Shape - Classic TRACE SOUND in a button • 11-band graphic EQ 40 Hz to 15KHz OUTPUT SECTION (BACK) • Speaker Out Jack • Speaker Out D.I. • 2 speed cooling fan HI/LOW • UV On/Off The amp is in nice overall condition with the exception of two tiny PB caps missing from the eq section (as picture shows, now white) but everything fully functional as it should be. These amps were built so you can get spare parts from almost anywhere in the world. This amp is NOT one of the later push button fizzy series 6. The UV light when it is dark on stage enables you to see all the controls, even in total darkness. From all the possible settings the 11 Band EQ offers you to tailor the tone exactly the way you like it. The pre-shape gives you another option. In my experience of over 40years, as amps continue to develop, the extra circuitry just reverses what the makers originally set out to do (if you can understand that). Look at an old AC30 – 3 knobs! These early Trace models were and are the true Trace bass sound. – It’s what they hear out there – not what you hear down by your legs and these amps just have that middle warmth to throw the bass sound. This is the best bit. This is the last of my heads – it is the best. I have just bought a Mark Bass combo for £895 and I have to stick with it. I’m 62 next year and I need something lighter. The Mark Bass is very good – but….I do grit my teeth as to where THAT lovely rich bass sound has gone. Price only £250 for quick sale. Cheers. Geoff[/quote]
  4. [quote name='geofio' post='1028375' date='Nov 18 2010, 08:26 PM']THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SITE FOR BASS ENTHUSIASTS, EXPENSIVE BASSES, CHEAP BASSES, WHATEVER , ALL I CAN SEE IS GUYS LOOKING AT PICS AND MAKING COMMENTS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, ITS A WASTE OF TIM ADVERTISING ON HERE AS FAR AS I CAN SEE. IS THERE REALLY ANY POINT IN HAVING A FOR SALE SECTION?????? CHEERS GEORGE[/quote] Q: how do you turn a bass player into a millionaire? A: start him off with a billion!! none of 'em have got any cash.......
  5. selling my [b]Trace Elliot AH250 GP11 Mk V[/b] this is the amp that glows from the switchable UV tube on the front :-) [b]this is a Pre amp and a Power amp in the one unit!![/b] its all working beautifully and has nothing missing except for one of the four rubber feet on the side soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold soldsoldsoldsold soldsold sold
  6. £900 Musicman Stingray 5 string vintage Sunburst !! deal done !!
  7. jazz bass standard made in Mexico about 1995- tortoise shell scratchplate 'n black screws are the only mod good condition overal Nice aged yellowing to the neck mostly interested in an unlined fretless as a trade - but everything considered £295 Sold...Sold..........Sold..........Sold
  8. ps - any qustions for Marcus may be passed on, although I can't promise anything.
  9. more than 3000 hits though must have been slightly entertaining!!
  10. [quote name='skej21' post='929379' date='Aug 19 2010, 09:10 AM']Sorry dude, i didn't mean it like that! PERSONALLY, i don't see what the problem is because you were only having a laugh but my point is that if admin want to over-react so badly, and feel that you committed such an HORRID crime, then why not punish you in a manner that fits the over-reaction? Maybe because they feel guilty for over-reacting and spoiling the fun? P.s. (The deep underlying sarcasm in my previous post was clearly lost in translation :S sorry!)[/quote] no problem - but Marcus has gone now. I lost the vibe!! RIP
  11. [quote name='skej21' post='929361' date='Aug 19 2010, 08:48 AM']I fail to see how the admin can justify this decision. If that is the case and we have a liar amongst our ranks, why let Shonks continue with ANY form of account on here? Surely both accounts should be suspended/removed because if this person thinks they can lie and fool admin, they aren't going to think twice about lying to us (and possibly ripping people off via sales etc.) Should you not be removing the individual rather than the additional account, to protect honest users in this forum? and as this is not the case, why has Basschat failed to enforce a fair and equal punishment to both account users?[/quote] blimey - hung drawn and flippin quartered. ok, ok ok, twas me - I was having a larf - soooo anal ---- lighten up - its only 4 strings and a plank of wood.... ,....oh...now I'm gonna rip everyone off...... bann me and Marcus then............UP YOURS ...wiv knobs on.... do you know??? its only rock an roll..!!!! zlappiddy! zlapp! zlapp! boing! ah fank yoos wun unt all - ahll neffer darken yur durstep agen. yoos all be zo sorry ah neffa shard ma knowlej wid you all - now yoos all stay in de rutt cos deers no mmoor luv heer god bless ya all - ah still allwayz loov yas all rearguardless ! i fank yoo!
  12. [quote name='flyfisher' post='929241' date='Aug 18 2010, 11:43 PM']Just out of interest, how can anyone be sure that someone has two accounts? I know IP addresses are often used but they are not particularly reliable as few people get fixed IP adresses from their ISP and a dynamic IP address can be easily changed - and, indeed, re-issued to someone else. Also, IP tracking is not much use if people have access to more than one PC (on a different router, obviously), e.g. work and home. Just curious.[/quote] exactly!! 's what I tried to tell 'em
  13. [quote name='Johngh' post='929200' date='Aug 18 2010, 10:49 PM']Nobody is saying it wasn't "good banter" But it was good banter by a member who already had an account. If we let one member have two accounts then everybody is at it and using them to snipe at members who have flamed them in threads, then it gets out of hand etc. It's as simple as that.[/quote] blow out the other guy - keep Marcus!!
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='928866' date='Aug 18 2010, 06:01 PM']It's not is it? The Marcus thing was just a good bit of banter wasn't it?[/quote] dont have to make it a precedent, but Marcus is an obvious a star, albeit controversial one. Please reinstate him!! some people, a minority I'm sure, found it unfunny, but most of us were on the floor crying for a nurse! besides, I don't think you should ban what is probably the best 'bussist' you've ever had here, and so willing to share his knowledge too...its a crime! zzlapp!
  15. [quote name='Shonks' post='928718' date='Aug 18 2010, 03:15 PM']shame! - but your not forced to read the threads[/quote]
  16. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='928631' date='Aug 18 2010, 01:43 PM']I am sure there are more than just me who did not find it funny at all! Brendan[/quote] shame!
  17. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='928035' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:14 PM']Rich, you know how to get round us. I give up. [/quote] eat the puppies - !!
  18. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='927921' date='Aug 17 2010, 07:41 PM']You have to admit it was funny. Don't you? [/quote] t'was...want more! personally I'm a better player for it - lots more practising and my zlappink is becoming fearsome!
  19. [quote name='Rich' post='927655' date='Aug 17 2010, 03:34 PM']I'm not admin, sweetie, I'm just a mod.[/quote] no need for rhyming slang! sweetie? I'm not gay dear! ...but my boyfriend is! how very dare you!!
  20. [quote name='Rich' post='927469' date='Aug 17 2010, 12:35 PM'][/quote] mmm....admin...see what I mean! -_-
  21. i know Marcus has been suspended because admin thought Marcus was me ( if only ) they said I could only have one registration here. Because i live in a community situation, Marcus must have used my PC, and they firmly believe its me. No one here will admit to being Marcus. I said to admin if they really believe that, then I prefer to sacrifice my account as Marcus is so popular and with me too. But they blew him out and kept me. I would like to ask you all to keep this thread going if you want the best zlappist to return so admin can see the error of there ways. He spiritually uplifted us all,whether he was serious or just a joke, it was all very positive! long live the best zlappist on the site - teacher and guru of the bass!!
  22. unfortunately the guys on the site deemed it nesaccary to susspend Marcus from the site!! shame we wont be hearing from the master again....fun while it lasted. We bow to the dictatorship!!
  23. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='927097' date='Aug 17 2010, 12:19 AM']No for sale then?[/quote] this is going to the man to have this either relic'd to custom shop spec or refurbed back to original on his advice - then we'll see cheers
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