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Posts posted by stewblack

  1. Some screenshots :

    First the original factory presets stored in PC dragged and dropped from Zoom Online folder



    Now my copy of that folder with just A0 altered and renamed.  25033260_ESb32.thumb.JPG.c35827af296ecda907b4aaf901d59ce9.JPG

    So either A0 file can be  dropped into the User Area onto any patch number and thus will be on my B3 when I disconnect from the PC. It's also a wicked audio interface by the way. And has pre / post DI which is useful.

  2. For instance I  just opened the factory presets folder, played with the A0 patch. Got it how I liked  it and saved it  into my User area  overwriting patch J8 (which I never use) and renaming it. The original remains untouched and I have  my version of it saved in my user area, nothing lost, all retrievable.

  3. Nope.  Save it on your pc then  fiddle away merrily changing everything on the pedal. Then, if you want the original sound back  just  import it from where you stored it in  your  user area on the left of the screen either overwriting or in a new place


    EDIT - sorry I meant library not user area. 

  4. I  have nothing to compare it with all I can say is  there are  a ton of preloaded patches and it's extremely unlikely any of them will do exactly what I want so I'll rename and overwrite them in time anyway. If  change anything I want it to stay where I put it not  revert  back to where it was so I like the auto save, far  more annoying if I spent  hours programming a  patch and forgot to save it.


  5. Hi - I too have recently added this excellent pedal to my board. Can't see how to turn off the auto save, it's definitely an option on my ZoomB1 but I must admit I keep it on there anyway as I like it. You have to overwrite the presets there are no empty slots. But  you can download the factory presets if you want to reinstall them the Edit and Share software makes all of this easier. You just sit at your PC and don't end up bending down to mess with the board, you can save and share your created patches with friends or for  future reinstall. It's just easier to use than doing it all on the pedal. Not used Looper or drums sorry. Nor do I know of this Cubase, sorry again.

    Check this out -  the dropbox folder is still active, some good stuff there.

  6. On 22/08/2018 at 23:28, roceci said:

    The humble Zoom B3 can yield a few surprisingly decent 80s synth sounds if you mess around with it I've found. This is a patch I use for Whitney's I Wanna Dance With Somebody and anything else that sounds DX7-esque...

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/n1topj3b3m42yw3/I Wanna Dance...B3 bass.mp3?dl=0

    It's not the greatest for quick-ish runs as the demo shows towards the end, but the tracking is fine for the most part if you watch your technique and keep your lines steady. That patch could probably use a little octave but I'm maxed out at three slots on the B3...time to look at an MS-60B I think!


    Don't suppose you'd care to share the patch settings you used to achieve this would you?

    • Like 1
  7. ...and give yourself some good advice

    As I trudged back and forth in the rain humping gear from last night's gig I thought of that scene in Red Dwarf where Rimmer's head from the future pops up from the middle of the table and he attempts to warn his previous self of events yet to come. So I'm me and just starting out on this musical adventure and this gnarly, bald, lived in version of my once beautiful face appears and says

    "Whatever you do, no matter how tired you are, unload the gear and put it away before you go to bed."

    What nuggets of wisdom have you gleaned from this curious calling of ours?


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  8. Curious one last night. One of our singers evidently infected us all at the rehearsal midweek. She's now fine but the rest of the band were coughing and wheezing and generally feeling sh|te. 

    We got through the evening but I've now done eight or nine gigs since joining this band and have yet to play to an audience. I've been paid each time and there's always been a plausible reason for the lack of punters but it is bloody strange.

    Actually asked the band leader whether they ever played to an audience before I joined and he was curiously non committal. Next week we're at a lively city centre pub so I'll be interested to see if we're avoided again.

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