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Posts posted by stewblack

  1. It's difficult to quantify for me. When I was young the sheer energy and single minded determination I brought to bear were mind boggling to my elderly self. 

    I would write and learn my bass lines for hours and, honestly, I listen to some of them now and I'm not sure I could even play them.

    Nowadays I play with a calmness, and an understanding I lacked then. Nowadays I can read music and gig songs I don't know from a chord chart. Nowadays I can gig in multiple bands across multiple genres. 

    Nowadays I'm grateful to still be playing but envious of the crazy young thing that played his insane bass lines while leaping across the stage like a gazelle. A slim, young gazelle. With hair. 

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  2. T40 with a dark board and in sunburst is one of the greatest looking basses ever made.

    Unfortunately they're reputed to be built in the same factory as the Russian tank of similar name.

    I like Retrovibe basses and the guy who runs the company is a lovely bloke too.


    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Quatschmacher said:

    I used the Okto Nøjs for years, it’s great. Two things worth knowing:


    1. dry knob applies to both sides of the pedal equally.


    2. top three black knobs control the at-pitch octave fuzz; bottom two black knobs control the octave-down fuzz.


    Some great synthy sounds with the gain set super low. 

    That's really useful thank you.

    • Like 1
  4. On 02/05/2023 at 19:55, stubbsonic said:

    I've been getting acquainted with the new B2 Four. Even though I have a couple higher-end multi-fx with modeling, I sometimes need a simpler and inexpensive device for some gigs. Also, there is something intriguing to me about these relatively inexpensive units that punch well above their weight.


    Because there is so little review info available for the B2 Four, I wanted to provide some impressions, info, and clarifications. Strap in, though, it's a long one. I hope new & future owners find this helpful.


    The design and build-quality strike a good balance of durability, simplicity, and functionality. The 1/4" jacks are metal, mounted on the plastic chassis. The 3.5mm headphone & aux in jacks are not metal and not chassis-mounted. A dc power supply is included. The recessed 9V power jack is clever, but might not fit some other power cords.  

    The Buttons feel very solid. However, those cursor buttons are not intuitive and are difficult to use with the foot. When pressing right-most buttons, the foot blocks the display. A diamond configuration (top, bottom, left, and right) would have been much more intuitive. Also, if the buttons had carefully-designed raised shapes it would help with foot control. The functions of the 3 foot-switches depend on the current mode. In "Memory" mode, we can select from 3 consecutively numbered patches. In "Effect" mode we can enable/bypass any of three modules that are currently on-screen. There is no customization of button functions.


    The expression pedal input is only for the pedal modules (i.e., no realtime control of other parameters). Though Zoom doesn't publish this, the expression jack is designed to "see" the pot's center lug (wiper) on the ring of the TRS plug-- as opposed to the tip. My Moog expression pedal has a switch (from "Standard" to "Other"). If your pedal doesn't respond right, you can either re-solder it internally, or make a special TRS-to-TRS cable where you cross the tip on one end to the ring on the other end & vice versa.

    The display is bright enough, and easy to read for calling up patches (Memory mode) and Menu functions. For editing, we need to bring it up off the floor, and/or use the GL for B2 Four app.

    Turning off with the power button, the display shows "Please wait... Saving Settings." So is powering off by unplugging or power strip switch a bad idea?


    With only 5-slots, a serial-only path, and no send-return loop; routing options are limited. Fortunately, we can place any FX in any order (within CPU constraints). The DI/XLR out and 1/4" outs are both fixed as post-FX. So both can be wet, or both can be dry, but we can't have dry DI and wet 1/4" outs, which would have been useful.

    The mono input can be run through stereo reverbs and mod FX. However, if we place any mono module after a stereo module, the signal becomes mono (unless the mono modules are bypassed) This also applies to the DI model. Even if those mono modules have wet/dry mix, the dry output is always mono. So if we want to hear stereo FX, they must be placed AFTER any mono FX modules, and the DI model must be OFF.


    The global EQ with 3 fixed bands (low/mid/high) and a master volume are helpful. However, the lack of a patch-volume setting is disappointing. This requires us to control levels using whatever level/volume controls are present in preamps, amps and fx in ways that won't affect tone. This just means more steps. As long as we do an occasional A/B comparison of dry bass level (bypass all) with the level of the patch, we can probably stay within a reasonable range.


    Because of the multi-layer convolution, the amp/cab combos are hardwired (the IR for each amp is fixed and no user IR's).

    With all the available EQ options, we have extensive tone & character shaping capabilities. The EQ modules include: a low shelf/HPF, a single-band sweepable peak/notch, and a high shelf/LPF, graphic EQs, a splitter (dual shelf), and an exciter. The parametric EQ's are one-band-per-module, so we use up three slots to get a 3-band parametric. Some of the preamps and amps have EQs, with either fixed frequencies or just a few selections.


    Dynamic range refers to how well a unit reproduces every level of playing from very soft to very loud-- without compressing or limiting the very loudest notes. I think the B2 Four does well with dynamics, a few preamps & amps have some sag/squish/limiting.

    Most of the amps and factory patches "celebrate" cabinet resonances from around 40 Hz to maybe 160Hz. It's a hump in the low or low-mid range. Fortunately, we can reduce this hump either with preamp EQ, amp EQ, or an EQ module.

    I didn't notice any latency; except with some pitch fx.

    Depending on what is in the chain, there can be varying amounts of noise. The Zoom Noise Reduction does a good job of gating it.

    I was playing with a env filter, and noticed the output was clipping; so I put a compressor after the filter, and it cleaned up. This implies that there is plenty of headroom within the module path, but you have to make sure to get it down to a reasonable level by the time it reaches the output stage.

    THE FX


    The compressors sound good. Most are snappy enough for slap. Good range of adjustments and nice variety of options. They have much better quality and response than those on the B1 Four. 

    The only gate is Zoom's Noise Reduction, but it is a very good one. To be clear, it's a noise gate, not actual noise reduction. ZNR can be placed anywhere in the path, and set it to either detect signal from the EFXIN (whatever signal is preset at that point in the chain) or GTRIN (which is like side-chaining the dry input signal). I usually choose GTRIN. Some super high gain FX show that the input generates some noise even with no bass connected.

    The Slow Attack module is disappointing. I was hoping to use this for an "arco" (bowed) effect; but because all notes have to start from zero and ramp up, it sounds unnatural. If there was a dry level then a dry attack and decay could be enhanced by a natural swell.


    Many of the envelope followers are too sensitive, even with the sensitivity all the way down. I often don't want the filter open all the way even when I play loud. Auto Filter is a welcome exception.

    The Envelope Generator filter has several modes. It snaps from Freq1 to Freq2 when the foot switch is pressed, then immediately begins gliding back to 1st frequency at the set "speed" (regardless of holding the switch).


    The selections of EQ modules is good, and they are quite flexible.

    There's a good selection of drive modules for different types of drive. All the drives have either a dry-level, or balance to blend in clean-- except for the TS+Boost Drive.


    Zoom provides a smart selection of high-end preamps with useful EQ and drive options.


    I love all the modulation modules; EXCEPT for Tremolo which is very limited. The triangle waveform is ok. Both the TUBE and SQUARE are clicky, and none of them sound like a proper tremolo. I've heard much better tremolos, even from Zoom.

    Most of the pitch-shifters are barely useable. The bass polyphonic is ok for octaves. Harmony, Bass Mono Pitch Shift, and Pitch Shift are cartoonishly unusable. The other octavers seem ok, but fall apart on lower notes. The Super Low Preamp has a lower octave, but sounds like a sine wave, where the other octavers are more square.


    The Bass Talk Synth is too bright/edgy, and the tone knob doesn't begin to tame it, so it needs some filter/EG after. The Z Synth and Bass Synth are both great. 


    The selection of delays is good. However, the only delay that has an LPF (high-damping) is the Hold Delay.


    The reverbs are pretty good. Ironically, Bright Hall and Bright Room are the only reverbs with a TONE control (LPF). So the two "bright" reverbs are the only ones with darkening capability.

    The Air module is actually quite a nice stereo-izer when the values are cranked. When summed to mono, it sounds like a small room (but still good).


    The fretless simulator is a subtle filter effect. I wish it had a wet/dry balance. Combined a short, dark room reverb and a kind of thumpy amp, we might get fairly close to an upright pizz character.


    I wish the Bomber had three modes: fart, plop, and explosion. I'd use the first two more. This was the first module I removed with the app.



    The pedal effects are the ONLY way to make use of the expression input.


    The Output Volume Pedal module has no settings. Toe-down, it's whatever level is set by your master level. Heel down it's silent. Any patches with this pedal in the chain will be immediately affected by whatever level the pedal is at. For example, if the pedal is heel down, all patches with this pedal module in the chain will be silent as they load.


    NOTE: All the other Pedal FX have a P before the first knob (see the FX List doc). This P knob value is the initial "pedal" value that is set when the patch is loaded. This is useful if we might not always have a pedal connected. Moving the pedal will immediately override the stored (knob) setting. Likewise, in "effect" (edit) mode, turning this first knob will temporarily override the current pedal position until the pedal is moved again.


    The Pedal Volume module has min/mix and curve A/B options-- funny how similar the letter A & B look in that display font. "A" curve increases more at the toe end (exponential), and "B" increases more at the heel end (convex).


    The Bass Pedal Pitch is officially polyphonic, but it sounds pretty terrible. The Bass Pedal Mono Pitch is ok for changing the pitch of a sustaining note, especially with "Down" which just drops the pitch down to zero.


    The selection and quality of the amp/cab combos is excellent. When they are called up, their default settings tend to be quite woofy and humpy in the lows. I did find that even with just the amp EQ knobs, they can all be brought into a more sane spectrum. Additional fine-tuning can be done with an EQ module or two.


    The patches don't show off versatility, rather focusing on usable tones. There are varying degrees of drive, lots of clean tones with hyped lows or low mids. The env filters are all too wide open. Makes me wonder if they were made with/for low output basses?

    Fortunately any and all factory patches can be tweaked and over-written in their same ID number. If we ever want the original factory patch back, they are easily restored.


    FUN FACT: when we are in the FX Library (choosing a module with arrows), we are auditioning each module by itself, in isolation from what is in the rest our chain; and we can adjust knobs while in the library, so we can adjust before choosing.

    In the editor, when we turn a knob the values appear, then vanish after 3 seconds. I understand why it is this way, but it is very frustrating in use. Often, I go to press the right arrow to switch pages between knobs, but I'm too slow and I end up selecting the next column of modules.

    It would be a little better if Zoom added a preference setting for 

    Knob Display Dwell Time:
    3 seconds
    5 seconds
    10 seconds
    BUTTON EXIT (pressing the center button exits the knob-value display)

    But better yet, Zoom should just use the screen real-estate differently Put the patch #/name and slot dots on top of the screen, same size, and rework the module graphics. This way knobs could just be always visible for the currently selected module.


    I installed the app before I bought the unit, to see if I could learn stuff just from the app, but it has no "off-line" mode, so no dice. Once my unit arrived, connecting the unit was easy enough. BTW, I have no qualms about buying the app for $1.

    There are three sections:

    The Effect Pool shows a full list of available FX modules (FX, amps). I don't know if Zoom will put new FX there as they become available, but for now it is a list of all of the built-in modules with descriptions. From here we can remove some FX from our unit, or put them back. This could reduce unwanted clutter in the FX Library on the unit. 

    The Patch Pool is empty until we load some patches into it. As far as I can tell, we cannot remove patches from the Patch Pool. We have to uninstall and reinstall the app to clear them.

    In the News Feed, there is an option to download the factory patches which puts them in our Patch Pool.

    The Editor is nice because it doesn't do the disappearing knobs trick. To change/add an FX module, choose "Change". Then tap a slot or module. It helps to think of "blank" as a pass-thru module. Enable/bypass via the square above each module. Re-order by tapping/holding on a module then drag.


    I have no regrets about this purchase. I knew I'd be getting good basic FX and a versatile signal path. Gives lots of opportunities to change character, texture, tone, and response of the bass. It will definitely serve the purpose I intended.

    Pros: Versatile, flexible, uncomplicated. Many good and useable FX modules. 300 patch-memory locations.

    Cons: No patch level setting. Knob display awkward. Some modules lack editing depth (i.e., some important parameters are missing). The Slow Attack module lacks a dry level control. The env filters have poor sensitivity range. The Tremolo is very weak, needs to be reworked. Most pitch shifters weak. Cursor buttons awkward for foot. Routing limitations. DI models prevent stereo operation, no custom button or expression assignments.

    Superb review. Thank you.

  5. I was pondering this in relation to one of my bands. 

    It started with high ideals of interesting interpretations of whatever covers we chose. But over the years the inevitable conclusion is that as we play pubs and the odd private party,  our set is evolving into playing what the audiences want to hear.

    Which is leading us into becoming very similar to a lot of other bands.

    Now I don't mind that at all. My job is to entertain people, I'm the modern day equivalent of the wandering minstrel. I'm not there to pose as an artist, or pretend I don't care if people like us - my job is to give people what they want. I need to get rebooked. 

    I spent my youth playing original material to mostly empty bars, and now I get off on giving the maximum number of people the best evening I can.

    Luckily we have an extraordinary singer who can and does, sing songs other singers would either butcher or avoid. So the set has some real special moments despite the descent into the somewhat obvious set list.

    • Like 1
  6. Outdoor Bandeoke in a tiny village near Devizes.

    Well attended, well mannered punters, played a couple of tunes new to me which is always fun/hair raising (delete as applicable). 

    Only real drawback was the mud shod members of the great unwashed tramping over my cables.

    Absolutely beshitted by the end of the night.

    • Like 9
  7. Lizard Queen needs no introduction from me, any musician with internet access knows Josh Scott and his work.

    Great that EHX made one for the price of a cup of coffee - the JHS big box version was out of my range and sold out pretty darn quick.

    It's a great variable fuzz with a nice non warbly octave,  which is actually quite subtle. Oh, and it's loud! It has a lovely glitchy old school sound when you dig in, is nicely responsive to both instrument volume and playing dynamics. I like it a lot.

    The Octo Nojs will take me longer to learn, but first impression suggests lots of sounds on tap.

    A fat, consistent low octave with a clean blend on one side of the pedal and a synthy modern fuzz on the other. Lots of tone shaping available and lots of fun ahead for me.




    • Like 2
  8. Bought from @Shepster8316 this week. I've been learning compression for a while now. It's been an uphill trudge but I'm getting somewhere at last.

    I quite like the Compressore from Markbass, also I have a few which seem to do very little to change any part of my sound, and some which are so extreme they hoover up a bunch of unwanted noise at anything beyond minimal settings.

    Having only played with the Clearcomp for a short time since the postie knocked this morning I can already tell a few positives.

    It's silent. It has a hugely flexible but very clearly labelled set of controls. It's beautifully made. It has a dry blend. I managed to dial in a pretty usable sound reasonably quickly, which augers well for the future.


    Oh and it has a multi coloured flashy light too!


    • Like 3
  9. Luckily guitar players are 10 a penny so you ought to find hundreds.

    It's finding the ones who want to work like you want to work.

    The best guitarist I've played with is like me, he'd rather chew through his own leg than waste time and money in band rehearsals. Imagine being expected to go to work , in your time, and paying to be there, because your coworkers needed you there so they can practice working. 🤦

    • Haha 3
  10. 1 hour ago, pantherairsoft said:

    It’s a PLL.


    A good description from Broughton Audio, who make a pretty accessible PLL: 


    “PLL stands for Phase Locked Loop. In short, it is an analog synthesizer with three channels: Square Wave, Multiplier, and Divider.


    The pedal operates by taking your input signal and applying a massive amount of gain to make it essentially a square wave signal.”


    You basically have three voices you can blend together (or just use one or two of them), with two of them being a multiplication or division of the core frequency. Any of all of the voices can be modulated with an LFO, and various other processing can be applied as well, such looping the last thing played anytime you stop to crest a drone that always changes, or just activate a drone tone and play the pedal, rather than the input signal.

    Overall you get utter sonic chaos. It’s abrasive and nasty, but also has some elements of old school synth tones.


    I’m very impressed with what it can do and feel like it’s going to give me a lifetime of knob tweaking.


    Here is an example:



    Great thanks. Sounds wonderful 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Bassmidget209 said:

    How do you find the blurst? It looks really cool but I don't see a lot of people using it?

    It's an interesting pedal. It kind of sounds like its name. It doesn't fit with much of what I play live but it's fun to add it here and there. I guess I use it something like a bubbly rhythmic auto wah. Ish.

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