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Everything posted by Bilbo

  1. Another quick Dave Holland part, the bass line that underpins the head of the tune 'Four Winds' which appears on both the 1973 Holland album, 'Conference of the Birds' and the later trio record 'Triplicate'. Tricky little sucker that takes liberties with the bar lines throughout! https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/four-winds-bass-for-head-dave-holland/
  2. Dave Holland's arco bass part for the Steve Nelson tune 'Candlelight Vigil' from the 1999 Dave Holland Quintet album, 'Prime DIrective'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/candlelight-vigil-dave-holland-quintet/
  3. I always believed that that visceral sense of frustration when you are practicing was an indicator that you are working on something you need to work on. If you don't feel it, you are probably coasting and not making much progress. As for it being hard, trying anything you can't already do is challenging but it's not shovelling coal into a blast furnace 🤣
  4. Love gigging. Without that, to my mind, there is not much point. I know lots of musicians who don't gig and I can't fathom it at all. To me, it is a vibrant social life that actually brings in money instead of costing it. I meet lovely people, share a love for the music and have a laugh. Sometimes it is exceptional for some reason but mostly it is just plain old brilliant.
  5. I blow hot and cold with Jeff Berlin stuff, Dad. I think his Low and High Standards albums are icky and there are certain tracks on his recordings that do nothing for me but every now and then he does something that I can get excited by. Whatever else you can say about it, you can always hear the bass parts!
  6. A head chart for the tune 'Chasin' Jason', from the 1997 Jeff Berlin album, 'Taking Notes'. It stops three or four bars into the solos but the bass part gets too knotty from that point and would take to long to put together what would, ultimately, be an unreadable chart. It's a really challenging chart but great fun to play once you get a handle on the detail. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/chasin-jason-jeff-berlin/
  7. Just reviewed to stats and the website has had 16000 hits since it passed the 100,000 mark. That's an average of 2,000 hits a week. How cool is that? People want to read!
  8. Complete set of pdfs for 'Signals'. Enjoy. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/signals-full-album-rush/
  9. Last one. Geddy's bass part for 'New World Man'. Complete album set to follow. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/new-world-man-rush/
  10. Have finished New World Man. Will post tomorrow. That's the whole album done.
  11. Nearly there. Geddy Lee's bass part for the tune 'Digital Man' from the 1982 'Signals' album. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/digital-man-rush/
  12. You absolutely won that argument, tauzero 😊
  13. Of course it does. The caveat is that humour in any form tends to only work once, unlike beauty which works every time. Probably an over simplification, but a beautifully crafted lyric bears endless repetition whereas a funny lyric tends to wear thin quite quickly. All IMO, of course.
  14. Complete accident, Dave. Just try not to use the same image too often.
  15. 'Countdown' from the same album. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/countdown-rush/
  16. Bish Bash Bosh - Geddy Lee's bass part for 'Chemistry' from 'Signals'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/chemistry-rush/
  17. I worked out that, if I didn't have anything else to do, I could probably knock out several a day of the easier ones but definitely one a day of the long, complex pieces. That's hundreds a year. I have done 46 so far this year, a lot of them fairly easy. I do actually use them for reading practice so if anyone else gets any use out of them, that's just a bonus.
  18. Might as well do the whole album now. Only three left
  19. Still on a Signals-fest, this is the Geddy Lee bass part for the tune 'The Weapon'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/the-weapon-rush/
  20. While we are on the Signals album, here is my version of the bass part for 'Losing It'. The part of actually a hybrid of Lee's bass parts and the bass synth parts. There is no bass for the 11:8 violin solo section (it is all root bass pedals, if I am not mistaken) so I have left it as 11:8 rather than alternating 6:8 and 5:8 which is what it sounds like to my ears). https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/losing-it-rush/
  21. Another Rush track, this is a complete transcription of Geddy Lee's bass part to the tune 'Subdivisions' from the 1982 'Signals' album. I was there in the front row for this tour! https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/subdivisions-rush/
  22. Another beautiful Steve Morse tune, this is Dave LaRue's through composed bass part for the tune 'Delicate Balance' from the 1996 Morse Band album, 'Stressfest'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/delicate-balance-steve-morse-band/
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