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Everything posted by tommorichards

  1. Hey, you there. Did you see that guy selling a precision bass? Yeah? Screw that bass! This is the bass you want. Why did Leo make the Jazz bass? Because he didn't think the precision could do enough. Yeah its got sexy curves and that split pickup, but this baby has 2 bastards. Thats double your money already. Okay, lets begin. 1 pickup = limited 2 pickup = unlimited Who said maths was hard. I could stop right here and you'd totally buy the bass. But i'm not going to. Who wants a little push on a swing, not me. Im giving you a 20 metre run up before i push you. So, the bass. THE bass. the BASS. THE BASS. This right here is what all those people who play basses play. A genuine American Fender Jazz bass, born in 2006. He's 11 years old, but boy can he sing. Now, Fender thought they were being cool by putting the S1 switch in this, which is cool for some, but not this bass. He needed those 66 stacked knobs. He asked, and i gave them to him. That means that not only do you get a volume control per pickup, YOU GET A TONE CONTROL PER PICKUP TOO. WOW. Thats ace. Thanks guy. You know what else? Its got that sweet 60's brass shielding throughout. None of this flimsy tape stuff, but actualy brass plates. Hell, you can even see the bridge strip. Thats f'kin badass. Now you can totally pretend you're playing this bass in the 60's. Goddam, its even sporting flatwounds for that vintage sound that you love to hear. Think funk. Thats his native tongue. Think Jazz, thats also his native tongue. He learns young. Think of any music? This can do that he garuantees. And don't even get me started on the colour scheme. It screams vintage jazz bass. 3 tone sunburst. Rosewood board. A HEADSTOCK! He even comes with a bed in the shape of a hard case made by TGI because someone loved his old case so much THAT THEY STOLE IT! What else can i tell you that you don't already know. Its got 4 strings because thats all anyone needs. Machineheads that make the strings tight or floppy. They don't work well floppy, i tried. Just sounds like metal banging metal, and not in a good way. In conclusion, come and collect this new bass you've just bought. TL:DR 2006 American Standard Jazz bass w/ 60's stacked knobs, brass shielding, and hardcase. £760 ono. Jeez, look at all those f'kin frets!
  2. This is it. This is what you've been looking for. Stop looking. Seriously. Leo made this bass for everyone, for all styles and genres and looks. It literally is THE bass thats used on everything. Can do anything. Funk? gotcha. Jazz? of course. Hip hop? you betcha. Nu metal you ask? Dam straight. Dubstep? Wubba dubba dub dub. Rock? Are you kidding me? I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. Mariache? It's straight from mexico, so it grew up in a factory surrounded by the stuff. Thats in the paint, free of charge. treble on, rock the funk out, treble off, get the next soul train. Anyway, thats THE bass. THIS bass has specific details you probably wish to know, you shrewd purchaser you. Alright, so, to start off with. Its wine red. Not too common, not too rare, perfect for a human like you. Rosewood board. Standard. And thats even been oiled with oil squeezed from a dunlop lemon, don't ask how they grow them, i don't know, but it works. Got that sexy mexican kinda maid pickup that you see everywhere. You want to upgrade that to EMG, Nordstrand, vintage Wizard? You go right ahead, this baby is yours. See those chrome things? They're covers, and they come attached to the bass. They hide the messy details so all you need to do is play away and don't give a second thought to whats underneath them, if you so choose. Knobs and pots are 100% factory. Thats how they used them in the 50's, no messing around, so they're literally ready to go. Intonation? You don't need to know anything about that as its all done for you. That off white pickguard with the weird whiter outlines? Those were stickers that peeled off when the bass created notes that rumbled the dick off them. Change it if you want, as previously stated, its yours to send into space. You're worried about the bass hitting things while moving and breaking someones nose? Don't even fret, it comes with a study as balls hardcase. It found a companion in the Stagg case along its travels into my arms, and the two have been inseperable ever since. I know, i know, are there any marks on the bass. Of course there are a few, its been played. Not kept in a glass case all its life. If its not got marks, then theres a reason its not been played. So there you have it. You have found what you're looking for. A beautiful Precision bass, from mexico with love. TL:DR 2002 mexican Fender Precision bass w/ chrome covers and stagg hardcase. £400, Wirral based.
  3. This all started when i came across a picture on instagram I loved the look of the guitar, the ply, the compactness, the shape. So i decided to build one, as cheap as possible too. So i used all the weight i had to my disposal to glue the ply together. Good to see the glue coming out, so i was happy. I left it overnight and then once i had traced the design from my computer screen, i transferred it to the wood and cut it out with a newly acquired bandsaw. Then used a belt sander to get it to the line. Itll get properly sanded later. I also wanted a compact neck, and played around with a few ideas on paint, until i was happy with one. So i cut the headstock down, and sanded it ready for a decal, or not. I couldnt resist a cheeky little mockup. The bridge is a cheap ebay one that i cut to a preferable shape, and ovalised the string through holes as ill be drilling them at an angle to allow for a better string break. And the humbucker is in the middle as it's my favourite position on a strat, but i love a good humbucker, so it'll have 3 way switching.
  4. Bought a used maxwatt hiwatt b100 15" combo the other day. Good sound, interesting EQ, but theres a crackle when played, like a rustle. Seems to increase when strings are played harder. Seems like a capacitor issue as ive had something similar on a preamp. Im guessing it may be an output cap. Any way of checking with a multimeter?
  5. Just give me whatever close to £100 you have.
  6. Ive seen that blackstar, and it is tempting. The fender im not too fussed on as i dislike the onboard digital options. Im a simple vol/tone sort of guy.
  7. I suppose you could use normal tuner posts, but without the mechanism. Pop the string in, wrap it round twice, then over the nut. As long as you tighten it from the bridge end, it shouldnt come out, in the same way a normal string doesnt. Heres a poo paint rendition of the system.
  8. Funnily enough i've read and heard that hendrix didn't even like his sunn rig. He preferred the marshalls.
  9. Done, but id consider changing some of the wording. It reads extremely buzzwordy.
  10. I think something with grub screws and a bend could work. Ive been looking into this too, but most of the ideas ive wleaned towards were with holding ball ends as its way simpler.
  11. Sounds about right for it. I had one for a while, it was a bit of an interesting bass, quite fun. Didnt sound amazing though so i moved it on. maybe theyve all found their right homes now so no one wants to move them along.
  12. I ended up getting a picture of one and made it from a sheet of stainless. Works if you have the skills and tools necessary. Drilling stainless is a nightmare, but something like aluminium would be easy enough, plastic even more so. Saying that, alusonic (a bass company who make their basses entirely from aluminium) make a sabre style bass, and just so happen to use the same style control plate (the 5 way switch one, not the original multiple switch one), so could be worth sending them an email to see if you could buy one.
  13. Good side: -really fun to play -interesting tones with the pickup switching system -get some great overdrive sounds from it -makes you play in a different way than you'd imagine Bad side: -poor bridge system, not enough play to intonate 100%, and even then, the bridge pivots, so once you use the tremelo arm, it goes out of whack -stock strings are poor, need new E and A string to get any useable bass. Even then, they dont sit well on the stock bridge and could pop out of the groove with a hard hit -to make it giggable, youd need a new set of strings and the aftermarket bridge which costs around £75 Overall, its actually a really fun bass to pick up and noodle on occasionally. However, i wouldnt want to pay too much for it, ie, less than £250. But it really is a load of fun to play, ive played mine for a few hours with some neat sounds produced. But i sold it as i didnt want to invest in the new bridge for it. Seriously, it needs it, i also put bushes in the bridge to stop the pivot.
  14. Im looking at a portable guitar amp to paly with out in a field somewhere. Ive got a marshall ms2, but its not really loud enough. Im after the Pignose hog 20 without the price tag. So, from this, im thinking a few options. If anyone has any experience/advice, id love to hear it. A few points i've been looking at are: 1- Cost of building one from scratch 2- I'd ideally like 2 speakers, im guessing i could mod a stock one into a new enclosure, and then add a speaker? Id imagine it would half the battery life, which i wouldnt be too worried about 3- Could i mod an ordinary 10-20w practice amp to run from a 12v motorcycle battery by bypassing the transformer? 4- Does anyone have one for sale.
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