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Posts posted by johnDeereJack

  1. [quote name='Matte_black' timestamp='1335896520' post='1637736']
    Weight? :)

    Mine or the amp? :D

    OK the head is listed as 10kg in the original MKV catalogue.
    Dimensions are: 14cm H x 54cm W x 25cm D


  2. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1335874430' post='1637281']
    Always use Stringsdirect or Stringbusters - the only places to buy IMHO.

    A huge +1 for this. I've used both companies and have never had anything but exemplary service. :)

  3. I like mine with the Dry somewhere around 12 o'clock with the Growl between 12-3 and Girth 9 or less with the mid switch set at 400Hz.
    Played with a fretless through either my ODB-3 or El Grande (depending on how dirty I want it!) and into my M82 Filter for a really nice synth-bass effect! :D

  4. I tried a POG yesterday in Guitar Guitar before I finally settled on reinvesting in the MXR BOD.
    I kinda liked the octave up feature of the POG - a bit of a novelty tho cos I'm not sure I'd ever use it and the POG just doesn't have the same warmth that the MXR does.
    I love the fact you can get pretty close to the old Boss OC2 with the BOD.
    Needless to say I walked out of the shop with a brand spanking new BOD! (Almost took the Carbon Copy too!) :D

  5. Cheers Karl but this is your feedback thread, you should probably add that to mine! :D

    You can do that here if you like: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/130557-feedback-for-johndeerejack/page__p__1316155__hl__johndeerejack__fromsearch__1#entry1316155"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/130557-feedback-for-johndeerejack/page__p__1316155__hl__johndeerejack__fromsearch__1#entry1316155[/url]

    Cheers again mate

  6. I modified my fretless VM with various bits & pieces including the neck pickup cover from my '75RI so I'm guessing they both should if you have the stock bridge in place. (I swapped the stock bridge for a Gotoh 203B which is a bit beefier)


  7. Bass - Sterling by MusicMan Ray34CA in Mint Green! *drooooool*
    Pedals - All MXR stuff: another Bass Octave Deluxe (I stupidly sold my original!), a Carbon Copy and the Bass Compressor.
    I'd also like a Diago Powerstation too if you're buying! :D

    Ooooh! I want a pedalboard too!

  8. [quote name='ted_manzie' timestamp='1335347277' post='1629506']
    the El Grande looks great - just watched the demo.
    do you gate the fuzz or put a noise suppressor in between the fuzz and the filter?

    the BODs got a great sound! - are you not having the noise issue i was getting [i]at all[/i]? (its pretty subtle)...

    No noise suppressor or gate - I just run the El Grande into the M82.
    You do have to keep an eye on the settings but it works really well for me at least and apart from slight tracking issues with the BOD I never experienced any other unwanted effects such as the noise issue you were experiencing.
    Can't wait to get my new one tomoro. Wish I'd never sold my original now!

    [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1335348782' post='1629538']
    I also listened to the El Grande and the new Bass Fuzz Deluxe and was surprised to find I'd much rather have the El Grande, is it just me or that deluxe fuzz really sounds like poo? I just can't find a review with an acceptable sound, let alone a great sound!

    I couldn't agree more. What with looking for a fuzz pedal I was really excited about the new Bass Fuzz Deluxe (I really like MXR gear!) and was toying with the idea of giving the El Grande a miss in favour of this but soooooo glad I didn't. Like you say; it's not good so I'm glad I went with the El Grande. Another great MXR pedal IMHO! :)

  9. Just sold my Trace Elliot 1518 cab to Karl and thought I'd start a feedback thread for him.

    Top bloke to deal with, excellent comms and incredibly understanding even when I fumbled the ball at the last minute! :facepalm:

    Thanks once again Karl and enjoy the cab.


  10. I was using a Boss ODB-3 into an MXR Bass Octave Deluxe for nice synth sounds with a very short-lived Electronica outfit. (bringing an envelope filter to the party created something quite special I can tell you!) I ended up selling the BOD a few weeks ago as I wasn't using it but I've decided to reinvest in one as they're excellent pedals.

    Initially I had some issues with tracking but after posting on this forum it was suggested I have my set-up looked at. After that there were no problems at all with tracking. Brilliant pedal.

    I've since purchased an El Grande and am using that with a filter for some heavy duty synth bass! I can't wait to hook that lot up to the BOD too! :)

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